A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1639: When attacking a city, he is always the unlucky one

The reinforcements on the left and right belonged to none other than Duan Changling, the commander of the Zhongzhou capital, and General Dai, the nephew of the Minister of War.

One of these two people has his own little idea, and the other is afraid of death. Neither of them wants to come to the northwest to fight too early. They just want to dawdle and gain credit.

They once stopped at Yongcheng Mansion but were frightened by the fake Juntianwei killings. They hurriedly ran out of Yongcheng Mansion. After learning that Xing'an Mansion was besieged, they were frightened and stopped again.

But the two of them led nearly tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. How could Luo Ying let them go? Instead, he sent someone to deliver a message to them, asking them to immediately send troops to Xing'an Prefecture for rescue.

Duan Changling didn't even take General Xu seriously, so how could he be afraid of a letter from Luo Ying?

After receiving the letter, Duan Changling ignored it and ordered the army to retreat thirty miles.

After Luo Ying learned that Xing'an Prefecture was besieged and Qin Sanlang went to clear out the lurking soldiers, he was extremely anxious. When he learned that Duan Changling not only did not rush to Xing'an Prefecture, but dared to retreat thirty miles, he became furious. , before it got dark, they immediately led their men to the military camp, slaughtered more than a hundred soldiers, and captured General Dai alive.

General Dai was so frightened that he peed on the spot and secretly said that his life was miserable. When he was in Yongcheng Mansion, he was also poisoned and fainted by Jun Tianwei. Now that we are approaching Xing'an Mansion, he is captured again.

Why is he always the unlucky one?

Can someone else catch it?

Duan Changling's official position is not low. After all, he is a commander in chief, so we can't arrest him once!

Luo Ying said, no, whoever wants you to be crippled is easy to catch.

When Duan Changling learned that the gangsters broke into the camp and captured General Dai, he was so angry that he wanted to chop General Dai into pieces... Damn it, Dai is really a waste, always holding him back.

But who gave General Dai a good uncle who was the Minister of the Ministry of War? Duan Changling had to rely on Dai Shangshu and could only save people in person.

"You are a bold traitor. As a prisoner of the imperial court, you dare to kidnap an official of the imperial court. You..."


With a look from Luo Ying, Pang Hai stabbed General Dai in the neck. Blood immediately gushed out, scaring General Dai so much that he screamed, rolled his eyes, and almost fainted.

Pang Hai was speechless: "You are rolling your eyes. The cut was near your collarbone. It wasn't your trachea. You still can't die."

Do all the military commanders in the imperial court today have this kind of virtue? With such courage, how could he fight against the soldiers?

When General Dai heard this, he came over again, looked at Duan Changling, and cried: "Brother Duan, please save me as a brother!"

When Duan Changling saw this, he was very disgusted, but he said on his face: "Brother Dai, don't worry, we are comrades traveling to the west, I will definitely save you."

After speaking, he looked at Luo Ying and said: "General Luo, General Dai is Dai Shangshu's nephew and one of the generals appointed by the emperor to resist the army. If he has any bad intentions, Dai Shangshu and the emperor will not let him go anymore. General Luo continues to roam freely in the northwest, so I ask General Luo to think again."

Duan Changling had never met Luo Ying, but he was not stupid. Before coming to the northwest, he made detailed inquiries about all the forces in the northwest, so he knew about the Eagle Food Gang and that the leader of the Eagle Food Gang was Luo Ying.

And this Luo Ying is the fugitive from the Wei Guogong series of cases.

It's just that this fugitive is very arrogant and doesn't want to hide. Instead, he leads the bandits to fight against the court everywhere.

Luo Ying sneered: "You talk as if the imperial court is very powerful. That's bullshit! I can live freely in the northwest only because the dog emperor himself has ruined the imperial court. He has too much time to take care of himself and has no extra troops to go up the mountain to destroy me."

This is very rebellious to say.

But do you dare to accuse a ruthless bandit leader who is always against the court and even the emperor does not look down on him?

If you dare to say more, Luo Ying will cut General Dai one more time.

"Nephew of the Luo family, Uncle Dai knows that you have been wronged. Don't worry...ah!" General Dai originally wanted to get close to Luo Ying, but he didn't. Before he could finish his words, he was stabbed by Pang Hai again.

This time, the cut was two inches above the clavicle. If it were deeper, the artery would be cut.

General Dai was frightened to death and looked at Luo Ying tremblingly, as if looking at an evil ghost!

Luo Ying took a sip of the wine from General Dai's tent, drank it, smashed the bottle at General Dai, and sneered: "Who do you think you are, how dare you call me uncle in front of me. Don't say it's you, it's just you. When Old Man Dai saw me before, he had to address me as Young Master."

Master Gui looked at General Dai and was speechless... Is the man named Dai sick? Doesn't he know from whose hands his uncle took the position of Minister of War?

When Wei Guogong's line was undefeated, the Minister of War was Luo Ying's grandfather.

After the fall of Wei Guogong's line, the position of Minister of War was vacant for more than a year. Emperor Jingyuan was afraid that his military power would not be guaranteed, so he found Dai Shangshu, a man who was easy to control but had no ability, to serve as Minister of War.

Because of their relationship as ministers of the Ministry of War, the Dai family and the Luo family were enemies. When General Dai saw Luo Ying and didn't want to shut up, he got close to him. Isn't this looking for death?

Duan Changling said: "General Luo, just say what you want. If you can do it, Duan will definitely do it. I just ask you not to act recklessly."

Added another sentence: "It doesn't matter if you kill some soldiers, but if General Dai dies, it will be difficult to end."

"Is it difficult to end it?" Luo Ying smiled, looked at Duan Changling and said, "You still haven't learned not to bargain with me. Pang Hai!"

"Yes." Pang Hai responded, chopped off one of General Dai's thumbs with a knife, and threw it in front of Duan Changling.

"Ah!" General Dai turned pale in pain and almost fainted, but he did not dare to faint, for fear that after he fainted, Luo Ying would have his head chopped off.

"General Luo, calm down, it was Duan's fault!" Duan Changling secretly resented that this damn Luo Ying was waiting for him. After repelling the Rong people, he would definitely ask the emperor for an order to lead an army to wipe out the Eagle Food Gang.

"General Luo, if you want Duan to do anything, just ask." Duan Changling followed suit and did not dare to say any more unnecessary words. He directly let Luo Ying make the request.

After hearing this, Luo Ying smiled with satisfaction: "That's right."

Then he looked at General Dai and said, "If he had agreed earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer like this. Remember, it was him who harmed you. If you are unhappy, seek revenge from him."

Duan Changling's face dropped as dark as water after saying this.

But the person named Dai is easy to fool. Even if he is angry now, if he says a few nice words afterwards, the person named Dai will be fooled.

And since he saved Dai, Shangshu Dai would definitely remember his kindness.

"Please tell me," Duan Changling said.

Luo Ying: "Immediately lead troops to Xing'an Prefecture to rush for reinforcements. If Xing'an Prefecture is attacked by the Rong, Dai will be quartered by five horses!"

Duan Changling frowned: "I can lead troops to Xing'an Mansion to help, but what do you mean by this?"

Do you want to detain General Dai?

Yes, this is what Luo Ying meant: "The surnamed Dai is a loser who relied on his uncle. He doesn't know how to fight. All his troops and horses are handed over to you. You can take them to Xing'an Prefecture for rescue. When will we drive out the soldiers in Xing'an Prefecture?" Let's go, when did I release Dai, otherwise you will wait to collect his body."

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