A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1641 Siege, acquaintance

Master Gui watched their figures disappear in the jumping firelight, his eyes heavy with a touch of pain... I wish Master Ying could move faster, I wish it would only be enough to kill three groups of them.

Luzi escorted General Dai, looked at the disappearing figures of Ma Da and others, and wanted to beg Master Gui to call them back.

But Mr. Gui said that in a city defense battle where the enemy and we are very different, it is actually about taking human lives to fill the hole, and Martha and the others are the human lives being used to fill the hole.

In the distance, Le Muqin stood on the king's chariot, looking at the battle ahead, and said angrily: "Jindu is a loser, how long has it been since you defeated Xing'an Prefecture!"

When they captured Longshan Mansion, they only fought for a day and a night, and broke through the city gate of Longshan Mansion at dawn the next day.

The next two prefectures were even easier to capture. They were defeated in just over an hour. Why was it so difficult to reach Xing'an Prefecture?

Lemuqin cursed, and when he saw Tu Zhang coming back on horseback, he ordered: "Tu Zhang, if you spread the poison again, I don't believe that the poison can't kill the untouchables of Da Chu who are guarding the city!"

Tu Zhang frowned and rode forward. After approaching Lemuqin, he whispered: "General, the only medicinal materials we brought are those for treating sword wounds. There are no medicinal materials that can be used as poison."

All that's left are the rotworms.

But the rot insects have already been released, and they have not been able to disturb Xing'an Prefecture.

Moreover, it takes at least one day for the rotworm to break out. Even if the untouchables of Dachu who were guarding the city were penetrated into their bodies by rotworms, it would take a day for them to get sick.

One day later, they would have already defeated Xing'an Prefecture, and there was no need to waste any more rot insects.

After hearing this, Lemuqin was ready to kill Tuzhang.

He is also said to be one of the most powerful witch doctors under the great wizard. He really does not live up to his name and is a loser!

But they did use up a lot of the medicinal materials they brought, and there were no more medicinal materials to make poison.

Lemuqin suppressed the anger in his heart and asked again: "Is there any news from Haopeng?"

This time, he attacked the four city gates together. Jin Du led the main force to attack the main gate, while Haopeng led his troops to attack the west gate, which was least valued.

The lieutenant replied: "There is no news of the city gate being breached yet."


Le Muqin punched Wang Jia's armrest and cursed: "Usless things, they usually look like brave people, how come they are all useless in Xing'an Mansion?!"

Because there is poison in Xing'an Mansion.

After hearing this, Tu Zhang looked very unhappy. Le Muqin's words were obviously meant for him: "General, don't be impatient. This Xing'an Prefecture is already our rabbit in a cage. Sooner or later, we will be able to eat rabbit meat. Now we are beating him." A cage is also good for scaring rabbits.”

Lemuqin: "Aren't you impatient? Are you blind and didn't see the reinforcements from Dachu on the left and right?"

Tu Zhang didn't panic: "They are just two groups of trash. They can only use catapults to clear the way. There is nothing to fear."

In fact, Lemuqin was not very worried about the reinforcements on the left and right. After all, the tiger army that Da Chu could fight had been destroyed by the Da Chu emperor six years ago. The remaining ones, no matter how powerful they were, were no match for the soldiers.

Lemuqin was just angry that his camp was poisoned by the untouchables of Dachu with a wolf, so he wanted to quickly break through Xing'an Mansion and enter the city to massacre all the untouchables of Dachu so that he could vent his hatred.

Thinking of the incident where the camp was poisoned by a wolf, he became dissatisfied again and said: "Great witch doctor, don't blame me for not reminding you. You have lost enough face in Xing'an Mansion. If you can't destroy Xing'an Mansion, you will If you become the laughing stock of Da Rong, the great wizard will not reuse you."

Tu Zhang's face darkened and he stopped talking.

"Report!" A soldier scout came on horseback and reported: "General, a group of strange people have been killed at the main gate of the city, slaughtering our heavily armored warriors who pushed the siege of the city."


Lemuqin was furious and ordered: "Tu Zhang, you must still have poison in your hand, use it to poison those people!"

Tu Zhang frowned. Logically speaking, as a great witch doctor, he did not need to take risks to attack the city, but as Le Muqin said, he had already lost enough face in Xing'an Prefecture. He will be ridiculed by other great witch doctors.

Tu Zhang said: "There is not much poison, it must be hit with one strike. I want a hundred dead men to open the way."

Le Muqin frowned. With one hundred dead soldiers, you really dare to speak: "I will give you one hundred elite soldiers and thirty dead soldiers. Go quickly and kill those people who interfere with the attack on the city."

What kind of dream would he have if he wanted a hundred dead men?

After hearing this, Tu Zhang agreed: "Okay."

Lemuqin was very happy to see that he did not bargain. He immediately ordered all the people and gave them to Tuzhang.

"Let's go!" Tu Zhang led these troops and ten witch doctors towards the main city gate.

Luo Ying saw the opportunity right, and as soon as Tu Zhang left, he ordered Pang Hai: "Kill."

"Brothers, follow me and fight." Pang Hai called to the three hundred eagle food gang thugs he led. They rode heavily armored horses and attacked Lemuqin's king from behind.

The horses are as fast as lightning and plunge into the soldiers in the blink of an eye.

Whoosh whoosh!

Arrows rained down, and the powerful stone bow shot sharp arrows, piercing the soldiers' armor and killing a group of soldiers.

Whoosh whoosh!

Pang Hai and the others did not dare to stop at all, and fired another shower of arrows, killing another group of soldiers who had not yet reacted.

"The enemy is attacking Wang Jia, guard, guard!" the deputy general shouted upon seeing this, and a large number of soldiers immediately returned to guard Wang Jia.

But Pang Hai and the others were obviously not afraid of death, and when Le Muqin saw the flags they were carrying, his expression changed drastically: "They are bandits from the Eagle Food Gang!"

The Eagle Food Gang is not so much a gangster as it is the Luocao Northwest Pioneer Army. Their boss, Lord Ying, is none other than Luo Ying, one of the Northwest Pioneer Generals.

Although Luo Ying was young at that time, he killed the soldiers and escaped. Lemuqin also fought with Luo Ying and was stabbed by Luo Ying.

Thinking back on what happened back then, Lemuqin still felt frightened.

"Arrange the shield soldiers!" Lemuqin shouted, and a large group of shield soldiers holding heavy iron shields came around, surrounding Lemuqin's king.

Then he shouted: "Mount the crossbow and shoot the leader to death!"

If the leader is Luo Ying, as long as Luo Ying is killed, the danger of the enemy attacking Wang Jia will be eliminated.

"Fire the crossbow!" the deputy general immediately ordered the soldiers.

A group of soldiers pushed several ballistae carts over and aimed at Pang Hai and the others.

Whoosh whoosh!

After the powerful crossbow was fired, there was a banging sound of falling to the ground. Several Yingshi Gang gangsters were shot away by the powerful crossbow and nailed to the ground.

Lemuqin was overjoyed when he saw this, but said dissatisfiedly: "Aim at the leader and shoot!"

What's the point of shooting those minions?

"Yes." The deputy general responded and asked the soldiers to continue aiming.

But before the powerful crossbow could be fired, there was a burst of wind from the side.

Whoosh whoosh!

Gale came with a powerful crossbow and shot to death a group of shield soldiers guarding Lemuqin.

There was a banging sound, and the shield soldiers fell to the ground with their shields attached.

When Lemuqin heard the sound, he looked to the right and was shocked when he saw the soldiers falling. When he looked up again, he saw an acquaintance riding a fast horse and leading hundreds of fierce bandits to kill him.

"It's Luo Ying!" Le Muqin was horrified and couldn't help but touch his leg. There was a scar on his leg, which was injured by a bastard like Luo Ying.

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