Qin Sanlang came out and saluted Vice General Ma: "I have seen Vice General Ma. When I tell Vice General Ma, the last general is Qin Sanlang from Tianfu County, He'an Prefecture, who killed Le Muqin. But this was the killing of the enemy general. The decapitation of the head was not the work of just one person, the execution was only possible because of the joint efforts of the brothers."

"You talk a lot." Vice General Ma said a little dissatisfied, and then said: "But it's a good thing that you still remember the contributions of your colleagues."

While deworming outside the city, General Zhou had already sent his own soldiers to inform Lieutenant General Ma about Qin Sanlang.

General Zhou also specifically said that Qin Sanlang killed Le Muqin, which was a great achievement. As long as such a person is brought under the command of General Xu, when the adults in the capital mention Qin Sanlang's achievements, they will compare his achievements with those of Qin Sanlang. It is good for General Xu to be connected together.

Another one is Qin Sanlang's daughter-in-law who made the insect attractant and cleverly presented the insect attractant to the emperor in the name of the anti-Japanese soldiers. This was another achievement, and it was also a great achievement in winning over the soldiers and currying favor with the emperor. So they must win over Qin Sanlang and cannot push him to other generals!

Lieutenant General Ma is not stupid, so he will naturally not push such a talent out.

But he is a deputy general after all, and his rank is much higher than Qin Sanlang's. When seeing such a young man who has made great achievements for the first time, he naturally has to put on airs and kill Qin Sanlang's arrogance.

However, Qin Sanlang's performance made him very satisfied.

This guy is calm and respectful to his superiors, so he deserves their promotion.

But an untimely voice sounded: "Not bad? Use a drug to stun Lemuqin and then kill him. Can this villain's behavior be called good?"

Duan Changling came in with his two lieutenants and a group of personal soldiers. He stared at Lieutenant General Ma and said with a smile: "You didn't come when the bandits besieged the city. You didn't come until the bandits ran away. This is really a great achievement." Easy enough.”

Then he pointed at Lieutenant General Ma and asked, "Why are you injured? Could it be that you encountered a bandit who was beaten away by us and were injured by a bandit?"

These words were full of sarcasm, as if they were directly saying that Vice General Ma and the others were so incompetent that they couldn't even defeat a group of deserters.

Duan Changling was a fellow commander of the capital, and his rank was higher than that of Lieutenant General Ma, but Lieutenant General Ma was not afraid of him. General Xu once said that Duan Changling was sent to fight in the northwest because he was a fool, too greedy, self-righteous and unpopular.

However, General Xu still had strong objections to Duan Changling coming to fight against the Rong. After all, the Rong were fierce and he needed people who could fight, not waste.

Lieutenant General Ma said: "Duan Tongzhi is right, we just met the retreating bandits. Those bandits are indeed powerful, and there are more than ten thousand in number. Thanks to General Xu who personally supervises our training, we can He escaped and ascended to heaven under the siege of a large number of soldiers."

What he said was that Shengsheng turned a defeated battle into a victory, and also put Xu Dajun in front of him to suppress Duan Changling.

As for Qin Sanlang's use of poison to stun Le Muqin and then behead him, Lieutenant General Ma did not say much.

Qin Sanlang is just a member of a hundred households. To compete on the top, dragging him in would be harming him. Since they have taken a liking to this helper, they will protect him.

Duan Changling wanted to chop Xu You into pieces. He and Xu You were obviously from the same camp. Back then, his rank was higher than Xu You's, but now he had to be controlled by Xu You. It was really annoying.

Duan Changling wanted to scold him back, but thinking that Xu You was already a first-rank official, he could only swallow his dissatisfaction and said to Vice General Ma: "Have you heard about the Yingshi Gang Luo Ying?"

Of course, Vice General Ma knew, but he pretended to be confused: "I don't know, please tell me, Duan Tong."

Duan Changling sneered and said: "Luo Ying, the bandit, took General Dai into custody because of his merits in defending the city. He has not been released yet. Vice General Ma is Xu You's right-hand man. I leave the matter of rescuing General Dai to you." ”

He added: "Xu Younai and I were from the same camp. I know that he is very capable in leading troops. Since you are his confidant, you must be very capable. I will give you three hours to rescue General Dai safely. If General Dai If something goes wrong, Shangshu Dai will not let you go."

Humph, you thought you were the only ones who would move Xu You out to suppress me? I will also bring out Shangshu Dai to crush you to death!

"Rescue people as soon as possible." After Duan Changling shook off this hot potato, he stood up and left.

General Zhou was very angry. This Duan Changling was useless, but he was very good at making things difficult for others.

Vice General Ma said: "Brother Zhou, there is no need to be angry, Luo Ying will not kill General Dai."

They just want to take General Dai as a hostage. After Luo Ying leaves Xing'an Mansion safely, he will naturally release General Dai back.

After hearing this, General Zhou asked: "What does Brother Ma mean?"

Vice General Ma said: "General Dai is Shangshu Dai's nephew. He was robbed by bandits. Naturally, we have to send people to rescue him. But the bandits are fierce and murderous. For the sake of General Dai's safety, we have to send people first. Go negotiate, and if you can’t negotiate, try to find a way to save people.”

Magistrate Hao almost laughed when he heard this. By the time you finish talking, it will be time for Luo Ying to leave Xing'an Mansion, so why not save him?

However, Duan Changling left the matter of rescuing General Dai to Lieutenant General Ma and the others. The fate of General Dai had nothing to do with him, so he felt relaxed.

"Vice General Ma, when will you set off to help Long'an Prefecture? If you don't leave today or tomorrow, how about letting the soldiers help Xing'an Prefecture repair the city walls, gates, and trap poisonous insects?" Magistrate Hao said with a mournful face: "Aren't you? We know that poisonous insects are capable of giving birth to dozens of small insects. One poisonous insect can give birth to dozens of small insects. Nowadays, Xing'an Mansion is full of poisonous insects inside and outside, and they must be trapped and killed, otherwise humans and animals inside and outside the city will die."

Vice General Ma had seen the power of poisonous insects and was very afraid of these ghosts. He nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will order the soldiers to help kill the insects."

Then he looked at Qin Sanlang: "We have brought some medicinal materials. What medicinal materials are needed to make insect attractants? You go pick them out and take them to the Lei Family Courtyard."

There are so many poisonous insects that a large amount of insect attractant is needed, and the medicine must be prepared as soon as possible.

As for the prescription for insect attractants?

Those things belong to the emperor. General Xu explained that the emperor's temper is different from ordinary people. If you want to attack the emperor's tribute, you are seeking death!

Moreover, they are already wooing Qin Sanlang. As long as they have wooed him, are they still worried about lack of insect attractants?

It has to be said that the people General Xu brought out were very smart. Whether it was Vice General Ma or General Zhou, they did not embarrass Qin Sanlang, but instead won over him. They were much smarter than Duan Changling.

"Yes, General Mo will go pick out the medicinal materials right now." Qin Sanlang didn't want to stay here and act, so he immediately agreed and followed Zhang Yan and a hundred households under Vice General Ma to pick out the medicinal materials.

After selecting, he took the medicinal materials and went straight to the Lei Family Courtyard.

Zhang Yan was eager to return home and walked at the forefront. As soon as he turned into the street where the Lei Family Courtyard was located, he saw a little boy sitting on the steps from a distance, looking towards the intersection: "Brother Yi!"

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