"Yes!" The deputy general immediately gathered his troops and followed Duan Changling with thousands of soldiers and horses towards the main house of the Lei family's caravan.

Magistrate Hao was horrified when he saw it, and hurriedly said to the master: "Hurry up to the city tower and inform Vice General Ma, General Liang, General Cheng, and General Zhou that something happened at the main house of the Lei family. Luo Ying should have escaped early. Duan Tongzhi took the numbers with him. Thousands of soldiers and horses went to block the road to the main house. They were afraid that there would be blood, so we asked them to lead the troops over quickly."

You have to control the situation, otherwise another group of people will die in the city.

"Hey." The master responded and left with a group of servants.

On the city tower side, Vice General Ma and the others looked at the thick smoke billowing from the main house of the Lei family's caravan, and immediately said to General Zhou: "Brother Zhou, I'm afraid something happened in the city. You should immediately bring a thousand soldiers and horses out of the city to surround Yingshi. Help the gangsters stay outside the city and rescue General Dai!"

Vice General Ma and General Zhou are in the same group. The matter of solving General Dai should have been left to General Cheng, but this matter is more difficult. If there is a mistake, it is very likely to fail, and the person who goes to rescue will be Dai Shangshu hated him.

General Cheng is capable and is the person that General Xu wants to win over. Therefore, Vice General Ma and General Zhou will take over this hot potato on their own. If the rescue fails, General Xu will take care of it.

"Okay." General Zhou responded and immediately ordered his troops to leave the city.

After they left the city, Lieutenant General Ma ordered: "Close the city gates, no one is allowed to leave the city!"

Then he called General Cheng: "Brother Cheng, follow me to the main residence of the Lei family's caravan. We can't let the city be in chaos again."

General Cheng was very satisfied with Lieutenant General Ma's arrangement and nodded: "Let's go!"

A group of more than a thousand people rushed towards the main house of the Lei family caravan.

Qin Sanlang and the others also followed.

By the time they arrived at the main street of the Lei family's caravan, the entire street was surrounded by Duan Changling's soldiers and horses.

The nearby streets and alleys were also crowded with people who came out to put out the fire and watch the excitement.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't block the streets, let the soldiers in!" Some soldiers knocked on the gongs and shouted, but the streets were blocked and they couldn't move at all.

Lieutenant General Ma became angry when he saw this scene and ordered the soldiers: "After using the knife to clear the way, everyone retreats to both sides!"

After the soldiers opened a narrow road, Lieutenant General Ma immediately rode in and shouted towards Duan Changling's soldiers and horses from a distance: "Where is Duan Changling? Ask him to move the soldiers and horses quickly, we have to go in to put out the fire. !”

What are you doing stuck here? Do you want to block the lives of everyone in the main house of the Lei family caravan?

But Duan Changling's deputy general said: "Vice General Ma, the traitor Luo Ying is trying to escape. Our commander, Mr. Tongzhi, is leading his elite troops to intercept and kill Luo Ying. Don't come and cause trouble."

With a snap, Lieutenant Ma whipped the lieutenant on the body and yelled: "Get out of here!"

After saying that, he knocked the deputy general off his horse with a knife and ran towards the Lei family's main house.

The soldiers behind him saw this and immediately rushed over.

For a time, Main Street was even more blocked.

Duan Changling heard the noise and looked back, his face darkened. The man surnamed Ma came to cause trouble for him again!

Wait, one day he will kill Lieutenant Ma.

"Duan Tongzhi, what is this? There is a fire in the main house of the Lei family caravan. Why do you only surround the main house and not let the soldiers put out the fire?" Vice General Ma pointed at the groups of archers surrounding the main house gate and outside the wall and asked angrily: " What does this mean? Did Duan Tongzhi think that everyone in the Lei family caravan had no way out? They were heroes in the war!"

When there is a fire in the house, it's okay if you don't let the fire be put out, but if you surround the house with bows and arrows and don't let anyone come out, you are just a beast.

Duan Changling said: "Why are you excited? Luo Ying, a prisoner of the imperial court, lives in this main house. Now that Luo Ying wants to escape, I will naturally surround the house and cannot let the prisoner of the imperial court escape."

Vice General Ma became even angrier when he heard this, and brought out Emperor Jingwu's decree: "The late Emperor Jingwu has an order..."

"Vice General Ma, His Majesty Emperor Jingyuan is in power now!" Duan Changling interrupted Vice General Ma and said: "This traitor Luo Ying is not only a tough bandit, but also a prisoner of the imperial court that the emperor wants to kill. What if we knew that he was going to escape? If the emperor finds out, our heads may not be saved."

Vice General Ma did not dare to refute these words. After all, Luo Ying's identity was indeed sensitive and she was the person the emperor wanted to kill.

Lieutenant General Ma: "But we have to save the people of the Lei family's caravan. They fought against the Rong people with great merit, and Mrs. Gao is still inside. She is the benefactor of the Yuan Kingdom's palace!"

Duan Changling was tired of hearing this and did not answer. He only asked the soldiers to surround the main house of the Lei family's caravan.

"If there's any movement, shoot your arrows!"

Whoosh whoosh!

A hail of arrows shot towards the main house. Thanks to the iron shields they brought with them, Lei Guo and the others were able to save their lives by blocking the falling arrows with their iron shields.

"Mom, do you want to murder the meritorious people who fought against the army?!" After Lei Mao cursed, he hurriedly said: "Don't shoot the arrows, it's me, Lei Mao of the Lei family's caravan. The house is on fire, We need to leave!"

However, he was answered by another batch of arrows.

"Damn it, what do you want to do outside? You already said that we are from the Lei family's caravan, and you still shoot an arrow?!" Lei Maoda roared angrily.

Deputy Ma narrowed his eyes and warned Duan Changling: "Didn't Duan Tongzhi hear what Lei Mao said?"

Duan Changling looked back at Vice General Ma and asked with a sneer: "Lei Mao? Have you seen Lei Mao? How do you know this voice belongs to him? This general sounds like a gangster from the Eagle Food Gang."

This is to kill Lei Mao and the others as gangsters.

Lieutenant General Ma became angry and called to his troops: "Come forward and break down the door to save people!"

Duan Changling's face turned dark. He was a fellow commander after all, so he could be afraid of Xu You, but if anyone named Ma dared to touch his soldiers, he would be seeking death: "If anyone dares to come forward in formation, we will be killed as a bandit accomplice! "

Vice General Ma was shocked: "Duan Changling, what are you talking about? I just want to save Mrs. Gao, when did I become an accomplice of the gangster?!"

Duan Changling did not answer, and only repeated the sentence: "If you dare to go to the former, you will be treated as an accomplice of the gangsters and killed."

These words are simply driving people to death.

When Lei Mao and the others heard this, they wanted to kill Duan Changling.

"General manager, what should we do now?" asked the brothers of the Lei family caravan.

Lei Mao: "Go back first."

"Yes." The group of people walked towards the living room with their iron shields on their backs.

Gao Lei was in the living room, squatting under the corner to avoid the sharp arrows. After hearing Lei Mao's report, he sneered and said: "Duan Changling is seeking death. He has offended Lieutenant Ma and them this time. "

When he gets to the battlefield, he will definitely be killed by General Xu's plan.

"Okay, there should be enough time. Send me to the door." Gao Lei ordered.

Didn't Duan Changling not recognize Lei Mao's voice? Then she went to shout the message in person. Many people recognized her voice. Let’s see what Duan said!

Lei Mao nodded and ordered his brothers: "Protect the old lady with an iron shield and walk towards the door."

"Yes." The group of people surrounded Gao Lei with iron shields, protected their heads, and headed towards the gate.

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