A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1676: Just asking for one’s life is enough

After hearing this, Gu Jinli felt relieved. He turned around and stared at his face, looking at it and laughing to himself.

Qin Sanlang saw it funny, but he was also afraid that she would fall if she didn't look at the road, so he grabbed her waist and led her forward.

When passing by the courtyard gate, he reminded her: "Be careful of the threshold."

"I'm familiar with this yard, I won't fall down." Gu Jinli stepped into the door and said, "When I was at home, I only saw you immersed in your work, but I didn't see how you deal with interpersonal relationships, but it's strange. Everyone seems to like you very much. I just took a look at your face, and I think it’s probably your appearance that’s why everyone likes you.”

Having said this, Erqing and Xiaoji, who were holding torches to light the way, paused for a moment... Xiaodong, why do you think my uncle is so lovable?

My uncle is obviously so vicious that even Feng Jin is afraid of him. How can he be lovable? It's almost enough to ask for one's life.

Qin Sanlang smiled: "These things have been taught at home before. Xiaoyu doesn't have to worry about me being at a disadvantage in handling the relationships between all parties."

Children of their background have a lot to learn from an early age. Things like reading people's hearts and how to get along with others were specially taught by their husbands.

He has long been taught to be able to detect changes in people's hearts and to cope with different people and things with ease.

But Xiaoyu was different... Xiaoyu wasn't his before. He was worried that he would miss her, so he figured out her feelings and deliberately pestered her. But now that they are husband and wife, he just wants Akagi to treat her unchanged throughout his life.

"Well, then I can rest assured. Our little brother Qin never makes people worry too much." Gu Jinli nodded with a smile, quickened his pace, and pulled him into the main room.

Aunt Tao was setting the meal in the house. When she saw them coming in, she smiled and saluted: "Your Excellency is back."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, Grandma Tao."

"Your Majesty, your words are serious." Aunt Tao felt a little ashamed. She had not been able to help much during this period, and Mrs. Gao had been protecting her.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Mother Tao, take someone to carry all the things we have prepared. Brother Qin won't be able to stay long and will leave soon."

"Hey." Grandma Tao responded and asked Erqing and Xiaoji to leave.

"Eat quickly. I have prepared white rice, glutinous rice cakes, and stewed ham for you. They are all filling. Eat quickly." Gu Jinli pointed to the stewed ham and said, "Many livestock have died in the city. , it’s hard to find fresh meat, so I stewed the remaining two hams, leaving one pot for you, and the rest was divided among Aunt Niu, Sister Zhang, and the others."

They are all going to war, so they need to eat well.

Qin Sanlang felt sad when he heard this: "Why is it all stewed? Just cut it into some and fry it. If it's all stewed, you won't have any meat to eat."

Gu Jinli waved his hand and said with a smile: "How can I still be short of meat? The people who went to transport supplies will be back in a few days. By then, I can eat as much meat and vegetables as I want."

She gave him a big piece of money and said, "Eat it quickly."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang responded, but he did not eat immediately. Instead, he scooped a bowl of stewed ham for her, then picked up the sea bowl to eat. He looked at the big bowl full of white rice and said, "It's too much. The white rice here is precious and hard to buy. Xiaoyu just makes me some pancakes and you can keep the white rice for yourself."

Xiaoyu prefers to eat rice and rice porridge, followed by pasta, but here in the northwest, most of the food is sorghum, and she can't get used to it.

Gu Jinli frowned when he heard this, and said unhappily: "You are so verbose. I am such a big man, how can I lose my own belly? The supplies will arrive in a few days. I have rice and meat to eat, so don't worry. "

As soon as he said this, Qin Sanlang looked at her belly, put down the sea bowl, walked over, hugged her, let her sit on his lap, gently pressed her belly with one hand, and said, "What's the matter?" Let the servants do the work, don't do it yourself, be careful and don't get tired."

There was a soldier's daughter-in-law under Liu Baihu. They got married not long ago. However, a new bride didn't know that she was pregnant. Her mother-in-law was not easy to talk to, so she made the new daughter-in-law work day by day. As a result, she was pregnant The children are exhausted.

After hearing this, he thought of Xiaoyu and felt very worried.

Then he said: "If you do, don't be afraid. Women will get pregnant after they get married. Just wait until I come back. I will stay with you."

Gu Jinli laughed out loud when he heard this: "I am good at medicine. Are you still worried that I will be scared when I get pregnant?"

Some young ladies may be frightened when they are pregnant for the first time, but she is so fierce, not at all.

Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard this and boasted: "Well, my little fish knows medical skills and is very courageous, so he will definitely not be scared."

But he would still worry about her.

In his heart, she is just a little girl who is almost four years younger than him and should be well cared for.

"Hurry up and eat, you will be late if you keep grinding." Gu Jinli wanted to break open his arm that was wrapped around her and stood up, but found that he couldn't break it open. He was stunned, and suddenly exerted force. Qin Sanlang's hand hurt, and his arm left her waist. After a certain distance, he quickly pulled it back, looked down at her side face, smiled, and said: "It's quite powerful, but it's useless."


Gu Jinli turned to look at him, curled his lips and smiled. The smile was so sweet that he liked it. He was stunned. He lowered his head and wanted to kiss her, but his ribs on the left side suddenly hurt. It was from her. A hard blow to the elbow.

Gu Jinli's palm quickly hit his arm around him, he turned around, left his arms, took a few steps back, folded his hands on his chest, looked at him proudly, and asked: "What, what should you do this time?" Don’t worry, I have the ability to protect myself.”

As he said that, he took out the sword in his sleeve and shook it towards him.

Qin Sanlang nodded, feeling a little relieved, but: "Xiaoyu, you hurt me."

"...Don't pretend to be wronged by me, hurry up and eat!" Gu Jinli brought the sea bowl to him and stuffed it into his hand: "Eat!"

Qin Sanlang laughed when he saw it: "You're so fierce, it's a good thing you married me, otherwise no one would dare to marry me."

Gu Jinli hummed: "I'm so good-looking and rich, so many people want to marry me. So you have to come back safely, or I will remarry and make you angry!"

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang looked at her beautiful face and promised: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I will come back safely."

I added in my heart, don’t even think about remarrying, I will kill anyone who dares to marry you!

"Well, I believe you." Gu Jinli sat next to him and brought him food: "No more playing, you have a good meal."

Qin Sanlang nodded and ate the food she brought in. In just a moment, he cleared most of the food on the table: "I'm full, I'll leave these for you."

"Take this plate of glutinous rice cakes with you." Gu Jinli wrapped the plate of glutinous rice cakes in oil paper, put it into a bag, and tied it around his waist: "You are traveling all night, and you will definitely be hungry by dawn. I’ll tie the food around your waist, take it out to eat when you’re hungry, and I won’t delay you on your way.”

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