These people were all here to curry favor with the Gu family. Seeing that the way was blocked, they said anxiously: "Move the vehicle quickly, don't block the way for us to wait!"

Damn, you guys have a good relationship with the Gu family, so you can come in and curry favor with them, but you prevent us from currying favor with the Gu family. Do you still have any sense of loyalty?

Mr. Qi said: "Brother Shi, you are late. My two sons have already escorted Shopkeeper Gu and his wife back to their hometown."

"What? He ran away!" Mr. Shi wanted to hit the wall after hearing this. The two people who were easiest to fawn over ran away, and it would be difficult for them to fawn over the Gu family again.

That Gu Jinan was too smart, and he had some powerful people behind his back. He was soft and hard, and they couldn't get along with him at all.

"We have just left. Please move the vehicle quickly so that we can still catch up." Mr. Shi San said.

Mr. Qi thought for a while and agreed: "Sure."

But after everyone waited for half a quarter of an hour, none of the cars belonging to Qi, Hu, An, and Xu moved away.

Mr. Shi San was angry and asked: "Mr. Qi, this is too much. If you do this, will everyone still be in Fucheng in the future?!"

Mr. Qi sneered: "Shi San, what are you yelling at me? I'm here to save you. Ask your conscience, are you really here to congratulate me? Are you trying to take advantage of me?"

Then he said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, some money must be given up, otherwise none of you will be able to bear the emperor's wrath!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and asked all at once: "What does Mr. Qi mean by this? Could it be that Mr. Qi has sent you some news?"

Mr. Qi's brother is an official in the capital and has always been relatively well-informed.

Mr. Qi said: "Don't care who reminded me. In short, if you don't want to die, just be honest and don't mess around."

Then he pointed at them and said: "Get out of the way quickly, don't block the road, we want to go back."

It was the other way around, and Mr. Qi questioned them about blocking the road.

Everyone felt unhappy, but they could only get out of the way... What could they do if they didn't get out of the way? Gu Dagui and his wife had disappeared without a trace.

After everyone got out of the way, Mr. Qi and his vehicle were finally able to drive out of the alley. After saying goodbye, they ran towards their respective mansions.

But Mr. Qi found that the mule cart at the Fujia Inn seemed to be following him, and frowned: "Sixiong, stop, let's see what that boy from the Fu family wants to do?"

"Yes." Sixiong stopped the carriage.

Master Fu was shocked when he saw this. He originally wanted to follow Mr. Qi to Qi Mansion and ask Mr. Qi, but he didn't expect Mr. Qi to stop the car on the street.

"Master Fu, my husband has invited someone." Sixiong came over to invite someone.

Master Fu could only bite the bullet and go to see Mr. Qi.

Mr. Qi asked straight to the point: "Boy from the Fu family, what do you want to do? Don't you want to give up? Believe it or not, I will report you to the officials to arrest you. I am a man of great honor!"

"Mr. Qi, forgive me. I didn't mean any harm." Master Fu quickly begged for mercy and said, "Junior just wants to ask Mr. Qi, can I go to Dafeng Village to visit the two Qi brothers?"


Mr. Qi looked at Young Master Fu and gritted his teeth and said, "Are you a coward? You still want to use our Qi family to get close to the Gu family? I can't tell you! Live your life honestly and don't deal with useless things. Taxes are what the emperor wants. No, it's useless to flatter the Gu family. Besides, you're not very knowledgeable, so how can you make friends with Gu Jin'an?"

I'm Jianghuai's little San Yuan Lang, and I won't hang out with losers like you who just go to the building to drink wine every now and then!


Why do you feel like you are scolding yourself?

He also likes to go to the building to drink flower wine and look at beautiful flower girls.

Master Fu said: "Mr. Qi, it is precisely because I am not knowledgeable that I want to ask Gu Xiucai for advice."

"Come on." Mr. Qi didn't believe it at all, and waved his hand and said: "The Gu family is not an ordinary family, and Gu Jinan is not an ordinary person. It is not so easy to make friends with someone. And if you go uninvited at this time, Gu Jinan will If you are classified as a person who is in favor of others, I will reject you and I will never be friends with you in this life."

In order to save the Gu family this trouble, Mr. Qi said: "If you really want to make friends with Gu Jinan, wait until he comes to Fucheng again after the tax storm is over. When my family invites him to come to our house as a host, we will send someone to invite you to accompany him."

"Really?!" Master Fu was very happy.

"Of course it's true. Remember not to do stupid things." After Mr. Qi finished speaking, he let Si Xiong drive away.

But he secretly thought: I have to write a letter to the Gu family after I go back to remind them that there may be people who are determined to chase them to the village to curry favor with them.

Thanks to the help of Mr. Qi and others, the Chen and his wife were able to leave the city smoothly. In addition to the news that Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli had made great contributions and were praised and rewarded by the emperor, the adults from the three departments and one temple in the capital also brought news about He'an. It was reported that Dingge, a hundred households in Qianyang County, conspired with bandits to murder a general who was resisting the army, but was defeated and killed. The emperor also ordered the raids on their homes and the execution of the entire Ding family.

As soon as the news came out, those shops that wanted to keep accounts and pay less taxes stopped trying to be evil... The emperor loved killing so much, so they should just pay the money honestly.

The news of the emperor's handling of the banditry and conquest of soldiers also spread to the Ji family in Linhe Prefecture.

Mr. Ji said: "The three and six relatives of the Ding family are lucky. If it hadn't been for the poisonous insect disease and the need for manpower to trap and kill the poisonous insects, the three members of the Ding family would have died."

Originally, the three members of the Ding family were indeed going to die, but some adults advised them that now Da Chu was short of people and had a poisonous insect disease. The poisonous insects were evil things that ordinary people should not touch, so it would be better to leave the three members of the Ding family alone. Let them trap and kill the poisonous insects.

The emperor agreed.

Those who received this grace were Lu Chong and the Shi Baihu clan.

Lu Chong and Shi Baihu both helped Ding Ge commit crimes. After the incident was defeated, the whole family was killed. Fortunately, the tribesmen received grace and only had to trap and kill poisonous insects to atone for their crimes.

"It's better for our family to become a brother. Not only has he achieved military exploits, but he has also made good friends with Qin Yingxiong and the grandson-in-law of Guangcheng uncle's house. This will give our Ji family face. Now that my son goes out to socialize, the gentlemen of each family are polite to him. Very good." Ji Zhenniang's father said with a smile on his face, and he couldn't hide his pride.

Mr. Ji was not happy about this. Just now, the boss started to wander. It should be noted that getting carried away can easily lead to trouble!

"Brother, Xie Cheng has made meritorious service, but others only know his surname Qin. The emperor only gave rewards to the Gu family, but our family didn't benefit at all. Why are you so happy?" The second uncle of the Ji family said dissatisfied.

Ji Zhenniang's father was angry when he heard this: "Second brother, what are you talking about? The war has not ended yet. Even if the emperor wants to promote Brother Cheng, he will not issue an order until the war is over. Why are you anxious?"

The second uncle of the Ji family smiled: "Yes, the war is not over yet. Who knows whether we can survive? Let's survive first and then talk about promotion or not."

After saying this, Mr. Ji darkened his face, slapped the table, pointed at the second uncle of the Ji family and said: "Come here, drag the second uncle to the ancestral hall, ask for help from the family, and give him ten blows with the stick!"

The second uncle of the Ji family turned pale and said hurriedly: "Father, please forgive me, my son will never dare to do it again."

"Huh, don't you dare anymore? Then I have to beat you for being stupid this time!" Mr. Ji was very angry and cursed: "The Ji family has been rich for several generations, but they have always made business based on people's faces. Why? What? It’s not because our family is a cheap businessman and we don’t have any children to serve as officials! Now it’s hard to get an official, but you can’t see him. You are trying to kill my Ji family so that our Ji family will never be able to succeed. Then Don’t blame me for beating you to death first!”

Xie Cheng is such a good kid. He is capable, can make friends with noble people, and treats Zhenniang well. Otherwise, with Zhenniang's unruly temperament, if she had married to another family, she would have been divorced long ago.

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