The bodies of Jia Baihu and Qian Baihu were also moved to the carriage and taken to the county seat instead of being dumped in Gujia Village.

Qian Liugu and the group of captured scoundrels were also taken to the county seat and imprisoned until Bian's family came and they needed to testify.

As for Wen Rong's group of rescued children...

Deputy General Ma explained: "They need to go to the county seat. In case the Bian family refuses to plead guilty, it would be better to take them to testify."

The little inkstone had met the manager of the Bian family, and Wen Rong was the younger brother of Wen Qiong, the worst victim. Xiao Pingxi had a good mind and spoke fluently. He could explain many things more clearly.

Then he said: "There's no need to be in a hurry. You can just rush to the county seat tomorrow morning. Everyone in the Bian family hasn't arrived yet."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang responded and sent Deputy Ma and his party out of Gujiacun.

After coming back, I asked You An to tell the children that they would have to get up at half past midnight tomorrow morning and rush to the county seat.

The children were very scared when they heard the news, especially the pretty little girls, who burst into tears.

"Why are you crying? I'm just taking you to the county seat to be a witness, and then I'll find your family. It's a good thing. Don't be afraid." You An coaxed them, but they cried even harder, and several of them were still avoiding You An.

You An did not provoke them any more, but went to ask Xiao Pingxi for questioning.

Xiao Pingxi was very familiar with this group of children. He took the bean dregs cake made by Gu Jinli and had a meal with them. He finally figured it out and ran to tell You An: "Brother An, Xiao Xinghua and the others like Gujia Village." , I don’t want to go to the county seat, and I am afraid that I will not be able to come back after going to the county seat.”

"They don't want to go to the county to find their families?" You An asked.

Xiao Pingxi nodded heavily: "Well, Xiao Xinghua said that she is the second most beautiful girl. It would be terrible if she couldn't find her family in the county town and was randomly assigned to other bad places by the people of the county government."

He added: "Xiao Xinghua said that she doesn't want to live a life of eating soybeans. Soybeans are so unpalatable. Her family used to eat meat all the time... Aunt Gu Er's family didn't eat meat every time. Xiao Xinghua's family must Very rich. Brother An, when you are looking for a family member for Xiao Xinghua, go and ask at a rich person's house, you might be able to find one."

You An smiled and praised him: "You are so smart."

Xiao Pingxi smiled sheepishly: "It's just a little smart, you still have to learn a lot."

Second Aunt Gu said that after her mother was buried, she found someone to teach her how to read and learn boxing and kung fu.

By the way, we have to teach him how to settle accounts!

Aunt Gu Er said that he has a bright mind and must be good material for settling accounts.

But Gu Eryi said again that settling accounts was not the right way here, and that he should still read the Four Books and Five Classics. If he could be admitted to the imperial examination in the future, his mother would be very happy because she was well-informed.

However, it still depends on what he wants to do when he grows up, but no matter what he does, he must live a good life, so that his mother will not be in vain for all the hard work of sending him back to her hometown.

In short, he has a lot to learn, but he doesn't feel tired. Compared with when he was a child, his life now is better than in his dreams.

He rambled on and told You An these words.

You An said, you can really speak, but: "You are just a child now."

Little one, you are not yet six years old.

Xiao Pingxi smiled again: "But it's bigger than before."

You An smiled, touched the hat on his head, and asked him again: "Why do you always laugh?"

Your mother hasn't been buried yet, why don't you laugh all the time?

Xiao Pingxi: "Everyone will like it only if you laugh."

You An thought about his experience. He was a lot angry with the master's servants. He probably was a lot more angry, so he laughed a lot. After all, smiling makes people happy and his life can be better.

You An said, "Let's go see your Uncle Qin."

You An took Xiao Pingxi to see Qin Sanlang and told the children's worries.

Qin Sanlang said: "Tell them that if they don't want to stay in the county with other abducted children, they can come back with us. But if they find their relatives, they must go home with them no matter what their family background is. If you really can't find your family, Yes, you must also be obedient and go to the place we have arranged.”

This group of children is more difficult to handle. There are many girls, and they should all be of good origin. It is impossible for him to train this group of children like he trained Daqing and the others.

Since he couldn't train them into useful servants, he didn't want to take the trouble to take care of them. Being able to help them once was already fulfilling his benevolence.

"Make it clear to them, they can't follow us forever." After Qin Sanlang finished his instructions, he looked at Xiao Pingxi: "We will have dinner half an hour early today, so come here early."

I have to get up early to rush to the county town tomorrow, and I will rest early tonight.

"Well, I understand, thank you, Uncle Qin." Xiao Pingxi waved to Qin Sanlang and left with You An.

You An went to tell Xiao Xinghua and the others.

After hearing this, Xiao Xinghua and the others stopped crying for the time being, but after realizing that they could not follow Qin Baihu all the time, they burst into tears again... Wuwuwu, why is Qin Baihu not their uncle? If it were their uncle, they wouldn't have to worry about living the hard life they had before!

Xiaoping was happy to see them crying miserably and comforted them: "Don't cry, don't cry. Second Aunt Gu said that even if you can't find your relatives, you will be sent to Xing'an Mansion and entrusted to Mr. Gao from the Lei Family Caravan." People take care of them. Do you know the Lei family caravan? They are very powerful, very rich, and can eat meat every meal."

"Really?" Xiao Xinghua was very greedy for meat, but Qin Bai's family was also very poor and had no meat to eat. The best meal they had ever had was egg porridge.

Speaking of food, Xiao Xinghua asked again: "I heard that your aunt makes tofu. Today's dinner is fried tofu and tofu stewed with eggs. Is it true?"

After saying this, the child sipped her saliva. This action did not match her pretty appearance at all.

Xiao Ping said with a smile: "Yes, Uncle Qin just said that the tofu is almost ready. I will get you the tofu right now, but you are not allowed to cry anymore, okay?"

"It's going to happen!" Xiao Xinghua and the others hurriedly responded. They were all little devils under the age of ten. They were so hungry that they immediately forgot to cry when they heard there was delicious food.

Xiaoping smiled: "I'll get it."

Then he looked at the small inkstone: "Take care of the big guy."

Xiao Yantai should be a child of a scholar. As his name suggests, he is very gentle. He put his small hands in his sleeves, nodded, and said delicately: "Well, I will definitely take good care of you, the young man, and the young ladies." Lady’s~”

It was very serious, but he still couldn't help but swallow his saliva... He didn't know what tofu was, but the eggs were delicious, and he was hungry just thinking about it.

After hearing this, Xiaoping turned around and ran to the Gu family's house. Before entering the hospital, he knocked on the door and shouted: "Second Aunt Gu, I'm here to see the tofu."

Gu Jinli was looking at the pressed tofu in the yard. When he heard this, he looked up at the yard and waved to him: "Come here, let me show you the white jade tofu. This one is not a loss and is more delicious than jade sprouts."

A few days ago, she sprouted bean sprouts to eat. Xiao Pingxi heard that a handful of soybeans could only sprout a handful of sprouts. His heart ached so much. After two days of struggling, he quietly came to her and said: "Second Aunt Gu, the old man said that a wife must be I know how to live a good life, otherwise I will be rejected by my husband's family. I don't want Second Aunt Gu to be rejected... Second Aunt Gu doesn't even have a baby yet.

A daughter-in-law who has not given birth to a baby is more likely to be divorced.

Gu Jinli was shocked, this kid, you are not even six years old, how come you know so much? !

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