A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1803 Is this Brother Mu?

Aunt Yu was so polite that she knelt down at every turn. Gu Jinli could only help her up again, then brought the bean dregs cake on the coffee table and handed it to Aunt Yu: "The bean dregs cake is made of soybean dregs. It's very fragrant. Would you like some food, mama?"

Then he called Uncle Mao: "Let's eat together."

While they were feeling sad, they were suddenly asked to eat... This step was a bit big, and the two of them were confused.

Qin Sanlang thought of his mother and was a little sad. He smiled when he saw it. He held Gu Jinli's hand with one hand, took the bean dregs cake she was holding, and handed it to Mother Yu and Uncle Mao: "Try it, it's a new thing, you guys?" I haven’t eaten it.”

Xiaoyu said that when we are embarrassed, we eat together, and we will no longer be embarrassed after eating.

Well, this is called friendship born from food, so just eat it.

When Grandma Yu and Uncle Mao saw the happy smile on Qin Sanlang's face, their nervous hearts relaxed and they laughed: "Old slave, I thanked you, Master."

He took the bean dregs cake with both hands and put it on the coffee table. Then each of them took a bean dregs cake and ate it in small bites... Well, it tastes good, with a strong bean aroma, and it seems that flour and eggs are added to make the taste richer. , and can fill the stomach.

Aunt Yu praised: "Madam, this pancake is really delicious. I didn't expect that bean dregs can be made into pancakes."

Soybeans are usually eaten stewed, not to mention the cost of firewood, and they often cause farting after eating too much. In the past, farmers in the northwest tried to grind soybeans into powder and wanted to make pancakes to eat, but they would not form a ball and would fall apart.

Sun-dried soybeans are very hard and difficult to grind. If the grinding disc is not heavy enough, a few handfuls of dried soybeans can lift the grinding disc.

Gu Jinli said: "Soybeans can not only be made into cakes, but also made into tofu and used to extract oil. There are many benefits."

Then he said: "I made tofu yesterday, and there are still a few boxes left. I will make it for you to try tonight."

"Tofu? Oil extraction? Madam is talking about soybean oil from the south?" Not only Grandma Yu, but also Uncle Mao asked.

Gu Jinli nodded and briefly told them about the tofu and soybean oil. Although he didn't explain it clearly, Uncle Mao and Aunty Yu both knew that the soybean oil from the south must be related to the Gu family.

Uncle Mao and Aunt Yu were excited. They felt that Brother Mu's daughter-in-law was really a treasure. She knew a lot of things and they were all useful. Not bad, not bad.

After finishing a bean dregs cake, Grandma Yu and Uncle Mao were no longer nervous. They talked about the manpower they brought this time and handed a brochure to Gu Jinli: "Madam, please take a look. If you are not satisfied, just tell me, People will be sent away.”

Aunt Yu added: "Including the old slave. If the old slave fails to serve the madam well, the madam can deal with it. The old slave will not complain and listen to the madam in everything."

Brother Mug is having a hard time now. They will not rely on old people to cause trouble to Brother Mug. They just want to get along well with the Gu family, stabilize Brother Mug'er's backyard, and let Brother Mugler live happily.

Gu Jinli took the roster and opened it. The names, temperaments, skills and other information of the people were written on it.

"You've done it very carefully. Thank you for your hard work, grandma." After reading it, Gu Jinli put the book away and said to grandma Yu: "Mammy, you just arrived and you can't enter the room to serve me yet. I will put you in the big room first. In the kitchen, cook for the servants, and then find a chance to eat the food you cooked, and then transfer you back to cook for us and my wife, and finally transfer you to the house to serve."

Aunt Yu didn’t have any objections: “Madam is thoughtful, I will listen to Madam.”

Gu Jinli laughed when he heard this and said to Qin Sanlang, "Mommy talks like Xiao Pingxi."

Qin Sanlang looked at her and smiled, nodding in agreement: "Well, they are indeed very similar."

They all like to say, I listen to my wife/I listen to Aunt Gu.

After saying that, he poured half a cup of hot water and mixed it with cold boiled water. He touched the cup to make sure it would not burn his mouth, and then handed the cup to Gu Jinli: "There is a brazier burning in the house, it is easy to get dry, so drink more water. "

Gu Jinli took it and drank it naturally. After she finished drinking, Qin Sanlang took the empty cup and poured himself a glass of water. After taking two gulps, he put down the cup.

Aunt Yu and Uncle Mao were stunned... Is this Brother Mu?

In the past, Mugeer would not take care of someone like this. On the contrary, as Yao'er, he was the one who was always taken care of. And because he was not as playful as other children, he only liked to practice martial arts and study.

The Marquis and his wife felt that this little son was a bit stupid, and they were afraid that he would wrong them, so they would stuff him with many good things without him having to ask.

Later, I felt that my son was too bored, so I encouraged him to go out to play. When he didn't go, I could only take the initiative to play with him and give him things that little boys like to play with.

In short, Mu Geer will always be favored. This is the first time they have seen him doting on someone, and he does it very carefully... The Marquis and Madam are worried for nothing, Mu Geer will not stay at all, as long as he likes it Yes, he will be great.

Both Aunt Yu and Uncle Mao felt happy and proud as if our young master had just grown up. It can be seen that he took care of someone so personally, and felt distressed again.

Aunt Yu wanted to say, "Brother Mu, don't do anything, let me come." But thinking of Qin Sanlang's temper, she didn't dare to say it.

Although Mugeer doesn't like to talk, he has an idea. If you go against his will, he will be unhappy.

Aunt Yu could only hold back and say nothing.

When Qin Sanlang saw this, he said: "Mommy did a good job."

He said again: "We as husband and wife have always liked to resolve matters between us. Family matters are Xiaoyu's business. You can just listen to Xiaoyu's arrangements from now on. Don't worry about anything else."

The meaning of these words was already very clear. Aunt Yu and Uncle Mao stood up in a hurry and said respectfully: "Yes, I obey my order."

Gu Jinli felt that Qin Sanlang was too serious. After all, he was an old man who was loyal to the Qin family and his attitude towards them should be softer.

So she got up, went to the back room and took out two big red fruits, and handed them to them: "Brother Qin just brought them back today. You can try them. They are sweet and crispy."

Aunt Yu/Uncle Spear: "..."

Muge'er's wife actually has this hobby of giving food to people.

"Thank you, madam." The two of them took the big red fruit and looked at the smile on Gu Jinli's face, feeling warm in their hearts. In any case, this new master treated them well.

However, Grandma Yu still asked worriedly: "Is the acne on Madam's face real or fake?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, now I am slowly changing the acne patches. Once they are sent to the health center, and they have completely settled down, they will be removed."

Emperor Jingyuan had already said that she had contributed to the country and should be treated kindly. With this sentence, she was considered safe.

Gu Jinli saw that Aunt Yu was worried about her face and went into the back room. When she came out again, the acne patch on her face was gone.

Aunt Yu and Uncle Mao's eyes lit up, and surprise filled their faces: "Madam, she looks really beautiful, like a begonia flower."

That's right, when seeing Mrs. Gu's true appearance, Grandma Yu thought of the weeping crabapple in the Hou Mansion... The moment Gu Mrs. Gu walked out briskly, it was like seeing a tree full of blooming crabapples. Flower-like, very stunning.

No wonder Brother Mu likes Gu.

When he was in the Hou Mansion, Brother Mu loved to practice martial arts and read under the silk crabapple tree.

When the Marquis saw him, he asked him why he did not go to the martial arts field to practice martial arts, but went to this flowering tree?

My son, you are a boy. A boy practicing martial arts under a flower tree. No matter how you look at it, you look like a girl.

The men of our Qin family must be domineering, not sissy!

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