A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1833 Leng Qianhu’s Death

"Well, Xiaoyu, don't worry about me. Xu You is a smart man. Even if I don't accept the people he sends, he won't do anything to me." Qin Sanlang said, about to let go of her and put her down. On the bed, let her take a nap.

But Gu Jinli shook his head: "I won't go to sleep anymore. When I wake up, I want to see you off."

From now on, they won't see each other for half a month, so they can see him off for a while longer.

Qin Sanlang smiled, happy that she cared about him: "It's cold outside, Xiaoyu, stay in bed for now, and I'll get you some clothes."

He let go of her, tucked her in, then stood up to get her clothes.

It will be November in a few days. It is very cold in the northwest now, but Gu Jinli is wearing a coat and skirt stuffed with goose down, and his whole body is warm.

After she was dressed, she touched Qin Sanlang's clothes: "Well, just wear a goose down jacket. Have you worn leather gloves? If you are going to ride a horse, not wearing leather gloves will freeze your hands, so you must wear them." Can you bring the anti-insect medicine, insect-attracting medicine, emergency medicine, and medicine for sores?"

Qin Sanlang pointed to a leather bag on his waist and said, "I have everything I need urgently with me. Don't worry, Xiaoyu."

Gu Jinli was worried, so he untied the leather bag on his waist and checked each item before he felt relieved.

When she was checking things, Qin Sanlang held her in his arms a little greedily and smelled her beautiful scent.

"Well, I've brought a lot of things. Let's go, wash your face, brush your teeth, and have breakfast." After checking, Gu Jinli took his hand and went to the bathing room, brushing his teeth and washing his face with warm water on the stove.

When they came out of the bathroom, Aunt Tao and Aunt Yu had already served the food.

Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli sat down to have breakfast. Grandma Yu looked at Qin Sanlang who kept picking up vegetables and even feeding Gu Jinli pancakes, and sighed in her heart: Brother Mu really likes Gu. In the past, he would never have been able to feed Gu Jinli. Something to eat.

Aunt Yu was very happy. The young couple had a good relationship, so the young master could come earlier.

Not long after, Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli finished breakfast, cleaned up, and went out together.

As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he ran into Xiao Pingxi who came running with a group of little ones: "Second Aunt Gu, Uncle Qin, we are here to see Uncle Qin off!"

When he got closer, he raised his head and said to Qin Sanlang: "Don't worry, Uncle Qin. I'm at home. I will take good care of Second Aunt Gu."

Gu Jinli laughed to death: "Obviously I am taking care of you."

Asked him again: "Have you had breakfast?"

Xiaoping nodded happily: "I ate with Xiao Yantai and the others. The multigrain flour pancakes we ate were fried in oil. They were fragrant and delicious."

"Everything you eat tastes delicious." Gu Jinli touched the back of Xiao Pingxi's neck. It was warm. Knowing that he was wearing a lot of clothes, he felt relieved. He held his leather-gloved hand and said, "Let's go, here." Your Uncle Qin will see you off."

A large group of people went to the front yard, gathered with Kuang and others, left Qin's house, met with relatives, and walked toward the gate of the gathering place.

When I got behind the main gate of the gathering place, I was shocked. Wu Yangyang was all here to see off his men or sons. They were noisy and kept saying goodbye until almost midnight.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"The hour is up, the soldiers are about to set off. All your relatives and relatives, please go back. Don't come close, lest you startle the horses and get hit by them!" The soldiers in the assembly area were beating gongs and shouting.

After shouting for a full quarter of an hour, the family members retreated to make way for the soldiers to set off.

"Let's go!" General Situ gave the order, and the army started to move, like a giant dragon breaking through the wind, running towards the knife edge ditch.

Qin Sanlang sat on the horse, looked back at Gu Jinli, waved to her, and waited for her to respond to him before riding away.

This scene was seen by Leng Meifang, and her silver teeth were almost broken... Didn't it mean that Qin Sanlang married her because of Gu's dowry? Why does Qin Sanlang seem to really like Gu?

"Your eldest brother has left, let's go back." Gu was afraid that Leng Meifang would do something stupid again, so she pulled Leng Meifang to leave.

But Leng Meifang was unwilling and dragged Ruan Shuniang to Gu Jinli. She bowed Yingying and said, "Meifang has met Mrs. Qin."

Gu Jinli looked at her and felt that she was really cowardly. After being taught such a lesson by Qin Sanlang, she still dared to come here to seek death.

"It's too cold. I don't want to brave the cold wind to watch you act. But since you're here, I have to say a few words." Gu Jinli said, "I'll give you two words. One is to be smart. , Marry honestly, the second sentence is Jifeng."


Like a lightning strike, Leng Meifang looked at Gu Jinli and said in shock: "You, you know..."

Gu Jinli interrupted her with a smile: "Of course I know, my husband will never hide anything from me, so if you want to lie to drive a wedge between our husband and wife, you'd better save it. It's useless."

"Who is Jifeng?" Kuang and the others came over and asked, with gossipy eyes shining in their eyes.

Leng Meifang was frightened and said hurriedly: "A hundred households under my brother's command."

Then he smiled and said, "I'm here to thank Mrs. Qin. Yesterday, Mrs. Qin's family gave me a basket of charcoal so that my nephew could use it. My sister-in-law is still waiting for me. I won't disturb you ladies. I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Even though she pretended to be calm, her steps were still a little wobbly.

Kuang saw something wrong and asked, "She doesn't want to cause trouble for you, does she?"

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Don't worry, Aunt Niu. She has enough troubles. She has no time or ability to trouble me."

After that, I said no more and went back to Qin's house.

After Leng Meifang returned to the camp, she was devastated. Qin Sanlang's trust in telling Gu Jinli everything without hiding anything was shattered.

...The rumors are false. Qin Sanlang does not dislike Gu at all, he treats her sincerely!

Leng Meifang lay on the bed and cried, but she didn't cry for long when Fu Mingcong came over and told her happily: "Meifang, the house is empty, hurry up and pack it up, you can move in today. To prevent it from being taken over by other families.”

Although the Leng family consists of thousands of families, their family background is really average. Some hundreds of families have very good family backgrounds, and the eldest brother will give them more face, so you have to move in this house quickly, or you may not be able to save it if it is too late.

"We have a house." Leng Meifang was very happy and shyly said to Fu Mingcong, "Brother Fu, thank you very much."

This shout of Brother Fu made Fu Mingcong so excited that he almost did something disrespectful to Leng Meifang, but he was a scholar after all, and he was sincere to Leng Meifang. He didn't want to offend his sweetheart, so he restrained himself and helped The Leng family moved.

The news that the Leng family moved from the camp to the house soon spread in the gathering place, and everyone said that the Leng family was blessed.

"Being good-looking means taking advantage. Look at the Leng family. There is a beautiful girl. She will have a house to live in immediately. She no longer has to live in a tent to blow the cold wind. I heard that the house was previously occupied by a deputy general. The Leng family is amazing."

"Who knows how many benefits the Leng family will get from relying on this girl?"

Many people in the gathering place were upset, but General Fu sneered when he heard about it... The Leng family still wants to rely on his Fu family to make a successful career, so stop dreaming.

Is the Leng family blessed?

It is true that there will be great disaster!

And the Leng family's disaster soon came.

Daokougou Camp was only a day and night's journey from the Mu County gathering place, but even with this distance, something happened to Leng Qianhu.

He didn't know how the poisonous insect entered his body or his brain. He suddenly twitched all over while sleeping. When the soldiers found out and pulled the military doctor over, Leng Qianhu was foaming at the mouth and had no breath.

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