Niu Dabao and the others listened to Qin Sanlang and agreed: "Don't worry, Sanlang, we will restrain the soldiers and prevent them from causing trouble with their words."

Jin Baihu also made some gossip: "Leng Qianhu is also unlucky. The day of reward based on merit is coming, but he died. But his sister is about to get engaged to Mr. Fu. From now on, the Leng family will have the Fu family." Being a backer, you won’t...Hey, Sanlang, don’t be angry, I just said a few words casually."

Niu DaBao lightly kicked him and scolded him: "Sanlang said not to talk too much, but you still say a few words. If you think so, you can be reincarnated as a woman in your next life."

Be a gossipy shrew. Every day when you get up, you go to find other women with a vegetable basket to gossip about.

Qin Sanlang said: "We are almost at Daokougou. Where are the adults from the capital? They are picky. Our words and deeds may become reasons for their appreciation or derogation, so everyone must always be careful in what they say and do."

"Hey, don't worry, Sanlang, we won't ruin our own future by talking nonsense." Jin Baihu responded quickly.

After Qin Sanlang reminded everyone, he let them disperse, and each went back to lead his own soldiers, waiting for General Situ's order.

General Situ was a man who had served in the army for twenty years and was very experienced in handling affairs. He finished Leng Qianhu's affairs at half past midnight and asked his soldiers to beat the gong to notify everyone of their departure.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"General Situ's order, set off!" General Situ's scouts rode back and forth throughout the camp three times to convey the order.

Upon hearing the order, each deputy general, Qianhu, and Baihu immediately gathered their soldiers and ran towards Daokou ditch.

This place is very close to Daokou Gou. The marching army arrived at the Daokou Gou camp in less than two hours.

The Daokougou Camp was so big that even if it was not the first time for the soldiers to see it, they were still shocked when they saw it again.

The wooden fence surrounding the camp was so long that it could not be seen from the left to the right. It would take half an hour for the scouts to circle the camp on horseback.

Standing outside the big camp, you can see the military flags of various small camps in the big camp. The countless military flags are like upright spears, and they are majestic with a murderous atmosphere.

But Xu You managed such a large camp comparable to a city very well without making any mistakes.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The gong sounded. After checking General Situ's military badge, the deputy general guarding the camp gate gave the order: "Open the gate and welcome the soldiers back to the camp!"

The machine clicked, and the iron gate that was one meter deep into the ground was pulled upwards by a dozen soldiers. General Situ took the lead and led the soldiers into the camp.

And this is just the first gate. After this gate, there is an open space with tents on both sides of the open space.

The deputy general guarding the camp gate shouted: "The military doctor comes out and uses insect attractant for everyone!"

The Daokougou Camp is an important military area and cannot allow any mistakes. The soldiers can only enter after using insect attractants here.

When using insect attractants, you need to check the military badge of each soldier, which is a kind of identity verification to prevent thieves from sneaking in.

"Yes!" A row of military doctors came out carrying medicine boxes. Behind them were hundreds of medicine boys, who began to distribute medicine and attract insects to the soldiers.

After all this trouble, it was already two hours later when the last general led his soldiers into the second gate.

Because of Qin Sanlang's great achievements, the soldiers he led could give priority to luring insects, so they returned to their previous camp long ago.

"Sir!" Hong Dao came out to greet him with the remaining soldiers. Everyone was very happy to see Qin Sanlang: "Sir, I finally have you back."

"Hey, Hong Dao, you've grown a lot stronger, your murderous intent is even stronger, and you have such a majestic look." Niu Dabao sighed after looking at Hong Dao.

Sanlang is a good teacher. He taught Hong Dao, Zhang Zhong and Zhang Tu very well, especially Hong Dao. Now he has the style of a general and will definitely have a bright future in the future.

Hong Dao smiled and gave Niu Dabao a fist salute: "Uncle Niu, don't praise me alone. Your family, Dajin and Erjin, have also improved a lot."

The three older members of the Niu family, Jin, were sent by Niu Dabao to Qin Sanlang for training. During this time, they were all transformed.

Niu DaBao laughed loudly when he heard this and asked, "What are those two bastards from my house doing? Why don't they come to greet me?"

Hong Dao said: "They are doing military exercises in the camp. This is the time when they learn the art of war. They cannot come out before the time is up."

Rules are very important in the military, but the rules of the Niu family are a bit loose, so they are focused on teaching them the rules. They cannot do anything else until things are done.

"Okay, okay, this is how you should train them!" Niu DaBao laughed loudly enough that Da Jin and Er Jin in the camp could hear it.

Then he said to Sanlang Qin: "Sanlang, I'm going back to my camp first. I haven't seen those bastards who stayed behind for two months. I have to go back and have a look before I can rest assured, lest they cause trouble to me."

Zhang Yan, Xie Cheng, Jin Baihu, Tang Zongqi, Lao Zongqi and others also remembered the soldiers left behind and said goodbye one after another.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, everyone should go back first."

After everyone had dispersed, Qin Sanlang entered his camp and told Hong Dao about Mr. Hong's situation: "Your grandfather is in good health and has no serious illnesses, but his pig died. But now he takes care of a group of people doing cooking. I raise pigs and sheep, and have fun with the guys from Hardware every day. I live a good life, but I’m just worried about you and thinking about finding you a wife.”

Hong Dao was a little happy when he heard that the pig his grandfather raised had died. After all, he didn't want to be a brother to a pig.

When he heard the words "finding a wife," he blushed and said dissatisfied: "Grandpa just likes to worry, I'm not old, and now is not the time to find a wife."

The thieves haven't been driven away yet, but now they have a wife. Why can't he worry about her every day when he goes out to fight?

Qin Sanlang said: "It's up to you, but if you like someone, don't hold it back. It's more serious to marry him home as soon as possible."

It will be even more uncomfortable if you don't marry someone you like. Not only do you have to worry about her safety all the time, but you also have to worry about whether she will be married off by another man.

"This is a letter from Mr. Hong. Take a look." Qin Sanlang handed a letter to Hong Dao.

Hong Dao opened it and looked at it. He was smiling and baring his teeth at other times... As expected, his grandfather really wanted him to get a wife. He had taken a fancy to several girls and said that as long as he nodded, he would propose marriage immediately.

After not seeing each other for several months, grandpa still contracted Aunt Han’s problem?

After Hong Dao read it, he quickly put away the letter and told Qin Sanlang what had happened in Daokougou Camp in the past two months. Some things that could not be expressed verbally were written down with pen and paper, and Qin Sanlang would read them. Just burn it.

General Cheng was injured. Who did it? Xu You? That's too frustrating.

If it's not Xu You, then it's the person who wants to provoke discord between Xu You and General Cheng.

Hong Dao took a pen and paper and wrote another sentence: "Sir, when you return to camp, do you want to visit General Cheng?"

After all, they fought together with General Cheng in the Battle of Xing'an Prefecture, so they were considered comrades who had experienced life and death. The existence of General Kecheng is a threat to Xu You. If you go to visit General Cheng, will General Xu regard him as siding with General Cheng? Your life in the northwest will be difficult in the future.

After reading it, Qin Sanlang burned the paper again: "Don't worry, I have my own opinion."

General Cheng is a man who truly has no selfish motives and only wants to guard the border, drive away the bandits and protect the people. He wanted to make friends with such a person, and he would not cut off his friendship with General Cheng just because of Xu You's suspicion.

Qin Sanlang had just returned to the camp and had no time to rest. After listening to Hong Dao's report, he went to meet the soldiers who were left behind and was busy with other things. By the time he could really rest, it was already dark.

But the Daokou ditch was the most dangerous after dark. They had to guard against sneak attacks by soldiers and thieves, so at night the whole camp was brightly lit and there were patrolling soldiers everywhere, so they did not dare to relax at all.

The next day, Qin Sanlang and the others began to practice normally. It was not until the evening break that the soldiers under Vice General Ma came to him and smiled at him: "Qin Baihu, I am very happy. General Xu has an order to pass on to you. Go to the Chinese army’s tent to talk!”

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