When Qin Sanlang took Xu Liu away from the Chinese army's tent, it was almost dark, and Wu Sitian was waiting for him unremittingly.

Seeing him coming out, he hurriedly greeted him and asked, "Qin Baihu came out. What did you say to General Xu? Is General Xu particularly wise and powerful?"

As she asked, she noticed that the short Qin Sanlang was half the height of Xu Liuhou. She glanced at him and knew that this was no ordinary young man. She quickly said with a smile: "This young master is really energetic. The family is Which one?"

Quite flattering and a bit of a loser.

Xu Liuting liked others to flatter him. He raised his head and chest, and said with pride in his eyes: "My father is Xu You."

"It turns out to be Mr. Xu!" Wu Sitian was shocked, and was ecstatic in his heart. He quickly suppressed his joy and saluted Xu Liu: "A certain person is a soldier under Vice General Ma. Wu Sitian of Zhongzhou has met Mr. Xu."

There are rumors in the army that General Xu's favorite young master has recently been sent to the camp for training. It seems that this is him.

He really did the right thing when he led Qin Sanlang. Look, he got to know the most favored young master of the Xu family!

Xu Liu: "It turns out he is someone under Uncle Ma's command."

Lieutenant General Ma is Xu You's confidant. Xu Liu has met Lieutenant General Ma and has a good impression of him. He is a very kind elder... But he is not very capable, and his status in his father's heart is not as good as Commander Liang, Uncle Jiang, and Qian Qian. Mr. Shan.

"It's getting dark, where are you going, young master?" Wu Sitian asked, wondering if he was going to see Qin Baihu off. How could such a noble young master see off guests in person?

Xu Liudao: "Follow Brother Qin to see Uncle Cheng."

"General Cheng?" Wu Sitian was stunned and looked at Qin Sanlang: "Qin Baihu wants to see General Cheng?"

When he came to lead Qin Baihu, Lieutenant General Ma reminded him not to tell Qin Baihu about General Cheng's injury. Why couldn't he tell him? Lieutenant General Ma didn't say much.

Wu Sitian smiled and gave a subtle reminder: "Qin Baihu, it's almost dark, why not go see General Cheng tomorrow."

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "No, let's go today. I have already asked the general for instructions."

General Xu agreed?

That's okay, let's go.

"I'll guide you!" Wu Sitian fell in love with the job of leading. By leading the way, he not only got to know Mr. Xu, but also met General Cheng.

I heard that General Cheng is also going to be promoted. This relationship is a must!

Xu Liu put on the posture of the general's beloved son, waved his hands and said, "Well, you can lead the way."

"Hey!" Wu Sitian responded, asked for a torch from the soldiers guarding the outside of the tent, and happily led them the way.

General Cheng's camp is not far from the Chinese army's tent, and it only takes three-quarters of an hour to walk.

However, Qin Sanlang discovered that there were people following them secretly along the way, and they should be the people secretly protecting Xu Liu.

It seems that Xu You really loves this son. It's no wonder that Xu Liu's biological mother is extremely beautiful and a down-and-out official lady. After being rescued by Xu You, she became Xu You's concubine.

Love Wu and Wu, Xu You naturally loves Xu Liu the most.

It hurts!

If he and Xu You break up in the future and Xu You wants to catch Xiaoyu to threaten him, he will catch Xu Liu first.

"Master Xu and Qin Baihu are here." Wu Sitian took them to General Cheng's camp.

The soldiers guarding the camp gate had fought in the battle of Xing'an Prefecture and knew Qin Sanlang. When they saw it by the torch light and saw that it was Qin Sanlang, they immediately let him go: "Qin Baihu, please!"

Qin Baihu still has a conscience. It has been a day or two since the news of the general's injury spread, but many deputy generals, Qianhu, and Baihu are worried about General Xu, and very few dare to visit General Cheng.

They, the soldiers under General Cheng, were very angry and cursed those thousands of households who had no conscience and just looked at what they were doing.

But they were punished by General Cheng, who said they maliciously speculated on the general. They would be beaten with thirty military sticks and if the next time happened, they would be beheaded directly.

General Cheng would punish them because General Xu had not explicitly stated that the big guys were not allowed to visit General Cheng. However, not long after Ban Shilang and the others arrived, word spread that General Cheng's reputation had reached the heavens and he was about to be promoted. .

As soon as the news came out, it was clear to everyone that the emperor wanted to raise generals to control generals, to raise generals to check and balance General Xu. Therefore, in order to protect themselves, even if General Xu did not say anything, everyone did not dare to see General Cheng.

"General, Qin Baihu who killed Le Muqin has come to see you!" the leading soldier said excitedly as soon as he arrived outside the camp.

General Cheng was stunned when he heard this, and felt happy in his heart. He also felt that Qin Sanlang should not come. He was in trouble now and did not want to drag down such a good general in the army, so he shouted: "I want to eat, let Qin Bai Go back home!"

It sounded like he was still breathing, and it seemed that the injury was not too serious. Qin Sanlang was relieved and replied: "General Cheng, the end of the world is here, there is no reason to go back. Besides, Young Master Xu Liu has also come to see you. We can’t let Mr. Xu Liu’s trip go in vain.”

Xu Liu is here too?

General Cheng smiled, Qin Sanlang was indeed a young man who was very good at getting things done, and he must have crossed paths with Xu You when he came to see him: "Xiao Liu is here too, so come in and let's eat together. "

"Hey, Uncle Cheng, we meet again. How is your injury? You'll be fine soon." Xu Liu came in first and sat on General Cheng's kang. He asked in a very friendly manner, but General Cheng felt a feeling of pain in his heart. resist.

General Cheng smiled and said: "I was just bitten a few times by wild wolves. It's nothing serious. I'll be fine soon."

It's just that those wild wolves are so well-trained that it's hard for him not to doubt them.

"That's good." Xu Liu seemed to be very familiar with General Cheng. After talking to him for a short while, he took Qin Sanlang's arm and said, "Uncle Cheng, Brother Qin will be my martial arts master from now on. He He promised to teach me sword skills, and dad agreed!"

So don’t try to win over Qin Sanlang. The talents in the army all belong to my Xu family, and the Xu family will belong to me from now on!

This is why General Cheng doesn't like Xu Liu.

Xu Liu looks familiar, he loves to laugh, and he still has the innocence of an eleven-year-old boy, but he has become a general in his decades, so he naturally has the ability to see fire. He can feel whether you are sincere or fake.

General Cheng looked at Qin Sanlang: "You have good swordsmanship. Since you agreed, teach Xiao Liu well. When he grows up, he can also fight against Rong people."

"Yes, I will teach Mr. Xu Liu well in the future." Qin Sanlang responded.

But he deserves some respect, and Xu Liu is unhappy. Qin Sanlang's respect should only be for the Xu family, and he is not worthy of starting a family!

He interrupted what General Cheng and Qin Sanlang were talking about and started talking about something else.

Being so disturbed by him, Qin Sanlang and General Cheng couldn't say anything and just had a meal together.

While eating, Xu Liu had a bitter look on his face: "Uncle Cheng, is this all you eat? It's too poor."

Although he came to the army to gain experience, his father loved him, and his food and clothing expenses were similar to those at home. Where had he ever eaten such tooth-hard sorghum pancakes?

General Cheng said: "Don't be miserable. Now Chu is short of food. It's enough if you can eat enough."

Xu Liu was a child who had never experienced hardship and did not know the preciousness of food. General Cheng took the opportunity to teach him something, which annoyed Xu Liu. After finishing the meal, he took Qin Sanlang and left in a hurry.

He also complained to Qin Sanlang: "Brother Qin, Uncle Cheng really loves to preach. I have met him six times, and he has taught me great truths five times. Is Da Chu really short of food? The nobles in the capital and the rich households in the south, Which family's warehouses are not full of gold and silver, and the army is short of food, so we can just ask them to buy the money, do we still need to worry about food?"

Good guy, you are more ruthless than Emperor Jing Yuan. Emperor Jing Yuan had to think of a decent name for the money, but you just asked for it without even thinking about it.

I also think it is natural for others to give me money.

Qin Sanlang smiled, and after a few words with Xu Liu, he sent Xu Liu back to the outskirts of the Chinese army's tent, and went back to the camp to rest.

In the next two days, in addition to patrolling, guarding and training soldiers, Qin Sanlang taught Xu Liu twice.

On the third day, the whole camp was shocked because the long-awaited canonization team from the capital finally arrived, and there was an acquaintance in the canonization team who wanted to see Qin Sanlang.

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