After General Cheng received the imperial edict, the atmosphere at the scene became a little strange.

Xu You was the first to come over and congratulate you: "Brother Cheng, congratulations on your promotion. You are a rare all-rounder in the army, and you have made great contributions in the battles of Xing'an Prefecture and Long'an Prefecture. You deserve to be named a second-grade general!"

He added: "From now on, we will manage the camp together, fight against the bandits, and recover the lost territory."

General Cheng said hurriedly: "The last general is only a second-grade general of Zhenxi. You are a hereditary and irreplaceable prince of the first-grade. The management of the camp should still be in charge of the prince."

General Cheng speaks the truth.

If there are two people who have the final say in a camp, there will be chaos. If Dachu wants to regain its lost territory, repel the bandits, and allow the people to live and work in peace and contentment, they must stabilize the Daokougou camp and not allow chaos in the camp.

But Xu You didn't believe him and thought he was being fake.

However, he was quite satisfied that Cheng Chong could say these words in front of the adults from the capital... I wonder if Emperor Jingyuan would be so angry that he would vomit blood when he heard what Cheng Chong said?

After Xu You spoke, the military attaché present congratulated General Cheng.

"Congratulations to General Cheng on your promotion."

"General Cheng, your promotion is a great joy, so I have to treat you all to a drink!"

General Cheng said: "The Marquis has to be granted a title, so he should treat us to a drink."

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed loudly and turned to Xu You to ask for a drink: "Master Marquis, General Cheng is right. You have to be granted the title of Marquis, or the world will not change. This way, you can honor your ancestors and benefit future generations." It’s a big happy event, so you have to treat everyone to a drink!”

Xu You smiled and said: "Food is precious, so don't think about wine. I can treat you to a meal of meat."

Generals: "Ha, you can eat meat!"

For a time, there were cheers and laughter in front of the gate of Daokougou Camp, and the adults from the capital breathed a sigh of relief. They were no longer afraid that Xu You would be angry, so he killed them and directly raised his troops to rebel against Emperor Jingyuan. .

After the fuss, Xu You said loudly: "Welcome all of you to the camp!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of drums sounded again, and Xu You accompanied Mr. Xin and led other lords and nobles to enter first, and then Jiang Wanzang led the generals into the camp.

The canonization team in the capital was very large. In addition to these nobles and nobles, there were also their servants, the imperial soldiers who escorted them, the beauties awarded to the generals by Emperor Jingyuan, and countless vehicles with various decorations. A convoy of rewards and necessary supplies.

So luring these people to insects is a big job.

However, Master Xin and the others do not have to wait, nor do they need to wait for the rewards of materials and beauties. They can first lure insects into the camp.

Qi Yi followed Master Xin and they used insect attractants at the same time, which showed that his status was unusual, and Xu You's people noticed it.

Qin Sanlang also noticed it, just because he heard Qi Yi's name.

Qi Yi?

This middle-aged man who is so thin that he has only a skeleton left and full of staleness is the Qi Yi who Xiaoyu and An Geer once said, who helped her family on their way to escape the famine, and who was so glorious and graceful?

Qin Sanlang couldn't believe it. Was Qi Yi injured or seriously ill? Why is it different from what Xiaoyu and the others said?

Qi Yi was being supported by Manager Qi and was using insect attractants when he noticed someone was looking at him. He followed his gaze and saw a young man in his early twenties, tall and tall, handsome and handsome, with the aura of a military commander all over his body. .

But he didn't recognize Qin Sanlang's appearance. He didn't know who was looking at him at this moment?

But the one who can stand here must be a general who has made great achievements.

Qi Yi smiled kindly at him, looked away, and continued to lure insects.

But not long after, he heard the sound of Saburo!

The person who called Saburo had a loud voice, and the noise in the scene could not drown out his voice.

Qi Yi looked back at the place where the sound came from, and saw that the young man who was looking at him was talking to a loud voice.

Qi Yi pondered, and after thinking for a while, his eyes lit up. Could this young man be Gu Xiaobenefactor's husband, Qin Sanlang, who had accomplished the great feat of beheading?

As expected, he is an excellent young student. He looks energetic and full of life.

Qin Sanlang also noticed Qi Yi's gaze, looked at him, and nodded at him.

Qi Yi was stunned, thinking that this young man knew about him, but he did not nod in response, but looked away... The situation in Daokougou camp was more complicated than he thought, and he was from Emperor Jingyuan, Xu You If he gets close to Qin Sanlang, will Xu You hate Qin Sanlang and make things difficult for him?

Xu You has the final say in the Daokougou Camp. If Qin Sanlang is given a hard time by Xu You, life will be extremely difficult.

Qi Yi didn't want to harm anyone, so he turned around and ignored Qin Sanlang.

As for meeting Qin Sanlang alone, he temporarily denied it.

Let's talk about it later. Nowadays, various forces are mixed in Daokou Gou, which is too chaotic.

"Master Qi, okay, there are no poisonous insects in your body, but you need to use insect attractant again before going to bed tonight, and then use it once a day to ensure safety," the doctor said.

"Thank you." Qi Yi cleaned the end of his nose with a handkerchief, and after drinking the detoxification potion, he was supported by Steward Qi and went to meet Mr. Xin.

Not long after, Master Xin and others finished the medicine, Xu You led them into the inner camp first, and the high-ranking generals followed. Qin Sanlang and the others were of lower rank, so they were caught in the middle.

Jin Baihu was a little excited and whispered: "The adults from the capital are finally here. I wonder when our appointment letter will be read out?"

Can he be promoted?

Then he asked Qin Sanlang: "Sanlang, you have accomplished the great feat of beheading. I wonder if there will be any imperial edict to reward you?"

Qin Sanlang glanced at him and said, "The adults are still here."

The implication is to shut up.

Jin Baihu heard it and shut up quickly, but his joy did not diminish at all. He thought that Qin Sanlang was going to be promoted, so he would be right to follow him!

Today, Xu You was granted the title of Marquis, and the camp was extremely lively. Xu You held a reception banquet to receive Lord Xin and others.

But Jiang Wankang did not eat. He left Daokougou Camp in the afternoon and took his generals to defend in front of Duchonggou to prevent the thieves from sneaking up on them on the big day.

After all, Tuogude was not a good person. Since the confrontation, he had sneak attacked them more than ten times, killing as many of their soldiers as he could.

Especially on the Rongren Witch God Festival, Tuogude and the others couldn't go back to celebrate the festival. They went crazy and almost attacked the poisonous insect ditch.

Thanks to Xu You's personal visit, Tuo Gude and the others were driven back.

Jiang Wangang's guess was correct. In the evening, when the Daokougou camp was having a banquet, Tuogude personally led his troops to call and said in a beautiful way: "Send some congratulatory gifts to your general and wish him a promotion!"

Then he said some heart-wrenching words: "It's just that he has hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands, and has become a major problem for your emperor. Let him enjoy himself while he can, and sleep with a few more beauties, lest the emperor orders his death. He hasn’t enjoyed it enough!”

If this word reaches the ears of the adults in the capital, it will definitely cause a commotion.

And what Tuogude wants is civil strife in Dachu!

Only in this way can Da Rong have the possibility of conquering Da Chu.

Jiang Wankang was furious and led his soldiers to fight back.

Separated by a poisonous insect ditch, they would not fight in close combat, but would attack each other with slings.

Ke Tuogu, a chicken thief, had people pour pine oil into the ditch of poisonous insects and burn the poisonous insects in it.

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