Yao Qianhu was sore, Qin Sanlang was really prosperous this time, and the supplies were so abundant that people were jealous. If the beauty could get so many supplies without sleeping, he would definitely not sleep!

Yang Baihu and the others were also envious, thinking to themselves, how great it would be if Qin Sanlang was their Qianhu? Then they will have a lot of supplies and endless medicinal materials.

"Let's go back and take a look." Yao Qianhu led everyone back to his camp. After waiting for two quarters of an hour, he saw the soldiers coming to deliver supplies.


"Why are there fourteen carts less than Qin Sanlang's?!" Yao Qianhu was angry, forgetting that the rewards were gone, but why were the supplies in the camp less than Qin Sanlang's?

He had counted it more than two quarters of an hour ago, and the supplies sent to Qin Sanlang were fourteen cartloads more than his.

Xiaoqi Chang, who came to deliver supplies, said: "Yao Qianhu, this is the number of quotas you have been allocated this time. Eighty percent of Qianhu households have this quota."

Only less than 20% of the Qianhu households were able to get a few more cars because they were generals who were close to Lord Xu.

So don't worry about it like a woman. If you continue to ask questions, you will lose your face.

Yang Baihu and the others did not want to be embarrassed, so they changed their words and said: "Sir, Mr. Xu is still over there. Let's quickly pick out some of these supplies and make them into generous gifts to Qin Sanlang and the others, so that we can sell them in front of Mr. Xu. Okay. As long as we can talk to Minister Xu, we will get benefits."

If they want to be promoted after making military exploits, in addition to the approval of their immediate general, they also need the approval of the Ministry of War before they can get a letter of appointment.

When Xu Shilang came to the Daokougou camp this time, he wanted to seize the opportunity to promote the soldiers who had made meritorious service to the rank of general banner and hundred households.

After all, many people have been promoted to Qianhu this time, and many Qianhu, Baihu, and General Banners have died in the battle, and the vacated positions have to be filled.

But there are too many people who want to make military exploits, and there are too few official positions. If they wait for approval, the chance of promotion is very small, so they have to grab it, so they have to curry favor with Xu Shilang.

Yao Qianhu was just jealous, but he was not really stupid. He knew that Shilang Xu could not be offended, so he quickly ordered: "Move the things, give generous gifts, and go to Qin Sanlang's camp!"

"Yes." Yang Baihu and the others responded, leading the soldiers to unload the supplies and select some relatively expensive items, such as meat, rice noodles, sharp arrows, etc. to make a generous gift.

Weapons and armor are something I can't bear to give, but giving a hundred or so of them is considered very respectable.

But when they arrived at Qin Sanlang's camp, Xu Shilang had already left.

Yao Qianhu was confused, looking at the soldiers behind him who were carrying generous gifts, thinking if he took off half of the arrows and meat now, would he be laughed at?

When Niu Dabao saw Yao Qianhu, he came out and said with a smile: "Yao Qianhu, come here to give gifts. Oh, there are meat and arrows, these are good things. Sansong, what are you doing standing still? I'll take you with me quickly. The soldiers under my command are going to pick it up, but they are still waiting for Yao Qianhu to put it in your hands!"

Han Sansong greeted his soldiers: "Brothers, come up and receive the congratulatory gift!"

"Yes, Lord Baihu!" The soldiers shouted and rushed over, grabbing the congratulatory gifts carried by Yao Qianhu's soldiers.

Yao Qianhu was shocked, not because he had been robbed of gifts, but because he pointed at Han Sansong and asked, "What are you talking about? This brat who picks manure and works in the fields has been promoted to a hundred households?"

That's right, Han Sansong was promoted!

Not long after the conferment team in the capital entered the camp, Vice General Ma told Qin Sanlang and the others to write him a list of candidates for promotion to the general and minor banners under his command.

After reading it, Vice General Ma thought it was OK, stamped it, and personally presented the list to Mr. Xu early this morning.

Xu Shilang came over to meet the people on the list. After he felt it was feasible, he formally approved and upgraded the ranks of the officers on the list.

Han Sansong became a hundred households.

Zhang Zhong and Hong Dao were also promoted to hundreds of households, and Zhang Tu and Bu Fang were raised to the general flag. However, they were just military attaches and each of them did not lead many troops.

There was no way, too many soldiers died in the battle, and they had to be recruited later to replace them.

But this is enough to make them excited, after all, they are promoted!

General Yao's flag has also been raised to 100 households. He used to be a soldier under Ding Ge, but he turned over the enemy in time and helped Qin Sanlang on the night of the bandit killing. He is also good at fighting and loyal enough. Qin Sanlang is quite satisfied with him. He was taken under his command, and he would officially follow Qin Sanlang from now on.

As for Jin Baihu, he desperately wanted to be with Qin Sanlang. He begged Qin Sanlang several times and even wrote a letter of guarantee, saying that he would obey orders in the future and would not make the same mistakes as a woman again.

Qin Sanlang had led Jin Baihu to fight, and knew that he was really capable, and that Jin Baihu was a thorn in the side. The only people in this group admired him, and even Niu Dabao didn't take him seriously. If he was given to Xie Cheng was afraid that Xie Cheng couldn't control him, so he took him under his wing.

In addition, the banners of Mr. Tang and Mr. Lao were also raised by hundreds of households, and they were still led by soldiers brought by Yongtai Mansion.

The two of them followed Xie Cheng and made a hundred households for Xie Cheng.

Hu Baihu followed Niu Dabao.

Liu Baihu was more afraid of death and wanted to return to his hometown alive. When he learned that Qin Sanlang and the others were going to guard the first line of defense, he was frightened... That first line of defense was right next to the poisonous insect ditch!

He asked Qin Sanlang if he could be sent to Zhang Yan?

Zhang Yan was assigned to guard the second line of defense, which was close to the gathering place in Mu County and relatively safe.

Qin Sanlang agreed and told Zhang Yan and Xu Shilang.

Xu Shilang was very helpful to him and agreed, saying that the official documents would be issued tomorrow.

As for Cao Baihu... because of Ding Ge's banditry, Qin Sanlang and the others could no longer trust him.

Cao Baihu didn't want to follow Qin Sanlang and others. When Qin Sanlang and others went to pick up their relatives, he took the opportunity to catch up with General Dai. General Dai asked him to go over. From then on, he followed General Dai to guard the third line of defense. It was a good life. It’s a comfortable life.

Han Sansong put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: "Yes, I have been promoted, and now I am a hundred households!"

He added: "Yao Qianhu is from a young master in the military department. His family is rich and he knows etiquette. Seeing that the general has been promoted, he will definitely send a congratulatory gift to the general. The general is waiting for your congratulatory gift."

He was greeting his soldiers and thanking Yao Qianhu.

The soldiers immediately clasped their fists: "Thank you Yao Qianhu for the gift. Should we go back with you to get the gift now, or should you send someone to deliver it!"

Damn it, you think so well, you think I am being taken advantage of.

That's right, who asked you to come here so stupidly to seek death?

Niu Dabao said to the soldiers under Han Sansong with a tigerish face: "You brats, you still want to wait for Yao Qianhu to send you Baihu a gift? Follow Yao Qianhu back to get it yourself!"

"Yes!" The soldiers became more energetic and immediately rushed towards Yao Qianhu, dragging him away with little help but not wanting to be beaten. "Young men know that Yao Qianhu's family is rich, but Baihu is not greedy. You don’t need to give too many gifts, just give me some random gifts.”

Give it to your mother!

Yao Qianhu was so angry that he almost shouted for help, but he didn't want to be laughed at, so he held back.

In the end, I really didn't want to lose face and give away precious supplies, so I simply gave them three banknotes: "Let Han Sansong and the others buy whatever they want."

Get out of here and leave me alone!

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