A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1853 Here we go again

Fang Si laughed, it was funny that among the crooked family, there was one who was not so crooked, and he didn't admire him because of his status.

Looking at Jifeng again, he was stunned by the scolding. The expression on his face was obviously very angry. He opened his mouth and looked like he wanted to curse, but in the end he turned around and left without cursing.

Fang Si knew that he was going to find Leng Meifang, so he hurriedly followed him and complained to him: "This Miss Ruan has a really bad temper. She was the one who ruined Miss Leng's reputation first, so why do you still dare to scold us?"

Jifeng said nothing.

Fang Si: "..."

If you don't talk back, could it be that Ruan Shuniang woke up after being scolded and finally realized that Leng Meifang is not a good person?

Jifeng was worried about Leng Meifang, so he went all the way to the mourning hall.

Not long after, they arrived at the mourning hall, and at first glance, they were very frightened... Mei Fang's face was full of tears, and she knelt beside Leng Qianhu's coffin, holding a dagger in her hand, about to wipe it off her neck.

"Meifang, stop, don't do anything stupid!" Ji Feng turned pale with fright, rushed over, pinched Leng Meifang's wrist, and snatched the dagger.

Leng Meifang pushed him and said: "Give me back the dagger... My eldest brother is gone, and the family has become the laughing stock of everyone. Just let me die, wuwuwu~"

Leng Meifang was sobbing in a low voice, her cry was very thin, and to human ears, it was really miserable and pitiful.

Fang Si wanted to roll his eyes and tried this trick again.

If you really want to die, you should have done it earlier. Only when you heard their footsteps did you take out a dagger and wipe your neck. Do you think they are fools?

But Jifeng Xin, she really believed it. Previously, she was angry at her for accepting the illegal ginseng given by Fu Mingcong. Now she lost her anger because of Leng Meifang's trouble. He half-hugged her and said, "Don't worry, Mei Fang. Life will get better, Mr. Fu will be fine, and you will definitely be able to marry into the Fu family with flying colors!"

Leng Meifang was filled with hatred. She wished that Fu Mingcong would be beheaded so that she could marry the fourth son of the house.

And she was not causing trouble because of Jifeng, but because of the Fourth Young Master Fang. Jifeng could only be regarded as an extra.

But the Fourth Young Master Fang did not come to save her. Leng Meifang could only glance at the Fourth Young Master Fang inadvertently. Although she quickly looked away, this glance showed that she was as wronged as she wanted to be, and there was also such a sense of aggrievedness. A little bit sultry.

Fang Si is a person who has lived among thousands of flowers. How could he not understand what Leng Meifang meant? He hurried over, looked at Leng Meifang and said: "Miss Leng, you are in your flowering period, don't do stupid things, I will help you." "

In fact, he should hold Leng Meifang's hand and say this, but he really...has no interest in picking up girls in the mourning hall.

When he thought that there was a coffin parked next to him, no matter how beautiful Leng Meifang was, he couldn't do anything.

Leng Meifang was overjoyed when she heard this, and shook her head reservedly: "Thank you so much, Mr. Fang, for your kindness, but this is the Leng family's business, so I won't trouble you."

After hearing this, Ji Feng thought to himself: The people in the gathering place are indeed wronging Mei Fang. Look, Mei Fang personally refused the help of the Fourth Young Master Fang!

Mei Fang is innocent. She was pestered by Fang Si just because she was too beautiful.

"Miss!" Butler Gu's voice came, interrupting their drama: "Miss, a group of women came outside the door. They are all relatives of our lord's soldiers, saying they want to come to pay homage to your lord."

He added: "Actually, they are very panicked and want to ask the eldest lady for a word of truth. They are afraid that due to the death of Lord Qianhu, the men in their family will be left without a trace."

While discussing meritorious service and giving rewards, Lord Qianhu died suddenly. The family members of the soldiers were very panicked. They were afraid that the merits that their men had worked so hard for would be lost because of Leng Qianhu's death. They were also afraid that after Leng Qianhu's death, their family members would lose their lives. Men will be scattered and assigned to who knows who's subordinates.

Leng Meifang was afraid that after letting those women in, they would catch her and laugh at her. She couldn't bear the humiliation!

"I don't understand this... My sister-in-law fainted again... Let them wait until after the Winter Solstice Festival?" She said pitifully, with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Jifeng felt distressed and said hurriedly: "I'll go out to see them."

Then he said to Leng Meifang: "Meifang, don't do stupid things anymore, I have everything."

After hearing this, Leng Meifang just said: "Thank you very much."

Jifeng reluctantly let go of Leng Meifang and went out to meet the women.

Leng Meifang looked at Young Master Fang and said with tears, "Young Master Fang is going to see a joke~"

Fangsi took out his handkerchief and wiped Leng Meifang's tears: "Miss Leng, don't cry, these are nothing. Cheer up, good days are waiting for you."

Leng Meifang smiled bitterly: "The family has become like this, Master Fu has been arrested again... Can I still have a good life in this life?"

Fang Si: "Of course. Miss Leng is so beautiful. How can a beauty not have a good life? You can rest assured and wait for my news."

Leng Meifang was overjoyed: "...What does Mr. Fang mean by this?"

When it comes to playing tricks on people, Fang Si is much better than her. After saying this thought-provoking words, he did not give Leng Meifang the right words. He only said: "Don't ask any more questions. The rules of aristocratic families are strict, and some things have to be dealt with." Only then can we explain it clearly."

Leng Meifang was excited and nodded repeatedly: "Mei Fang understands, Mr. Fang will handle it himself, Mei Fang..."

She paused, looked at Mr. Fang lovingly, and said in a gentle voice, "Mei Fang, I'm waiting for the good news from Mr. Fang."

The Fourth Young Master Fang smiled, but I never said it was good news.

He comforted Leng Meifang, stuffed his handkerchief into her, and left immediately... It was true that he had no interest in talking about love beside the coffin!

Jifeng was still very capable in official matters. By the time the Fourth Young Master Fang came out, he had already sent those women away.

After seeing the Fourth Young Master Fang, he reminded with an unkind expression: "Young Master Fang, Mei Fang is engaged to Master Fu. Please stay away from Mei Fang in the future and stop pestering her, so as not to ruin her reputation!"

The Fourth Young Master Fang pointed at his face and asked in shock: "Are you sure it's me who is pestering her?"

The conscience of heaven and earth, it was clearly Leng Meifang who took a fancy to the Fang family's family status, threw herself into her arms, and wanted to ruin his health!

Ji Feng frowned when he heard this: "What do you mean?"

Could it be that Mei Fang is pestering you? !

Fang Si smiled mischievously and said, "What do you think I mean? I'm surprised. You don't look like a fool. Why are you so confused about men and women?"

Ji Feng's face turned dark. He didn't want to say anything more to the Fourth Young Master Fang, so he walked around him and walked forward.

"Where are you going?" Young Master Fang asked, "But to go to General Fu to intercede for Master Fu?"

Ji Feng did not answer, but he did go to General Fu to plead for mercy... The entire gathering knew about the marriage between Mei Fang and Master Fu. If Master Fu was not good, it would be Mei Fang who would suffer in the end.

However, Ji Feng did not see General Fu. He was stopped outside the office yard by his own soldiers. General Fu also sent Huang Qianhu to scold Ji Feng, saying that he had no brain.

In the end, he failed to plead for mercy and was beaten with ten army sticks.

But when he limped back to the Leng family's house, not only did he not get Leng Meifang's attention, but Leng Meifang looked down on him even more.

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