A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1856 Becoming a Great Demon

But Fu Mingcong was still worried and left the two nursing homes to watch the Leng family before leaving with the matchmaker.

After Fu Mingcong left, Mrs. Gu was so frightened that she fell to the ground... Oh my god, Fu Mingcong was gone. She was really afraid that Fu Mingcong wouldn't be able to hold it in anymore and would kill the Leng family with a knife on the spot.

After Fu Mingcong left the Leng family, he returned to the yard where he lived. His eldest brother said that this was a gathering place for his relatives. He lost his official position and had to find a house and move out as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he bought a house in Mu County, so he could move to the county seat after packing up and hold weddings there.

Then he asked his servants to bring out a basket of malt candies to the Tang matchmaker, and told her: "Send wedding candies to the relatives of hundreds of wives and above, and let everyone in the gathering place know that Leng Meifang is engaged to me on the 19th of this month." They will get married."

He also made a special statement: "Send two portions of candy to the Fang family, one to Mrs. Bai, and one to Fangsi!"

He wanted Fang Si to know that it was him, Fu Mingcong, who could finally marry Leng Meifang!

"Yes." Tang's matchmaker felt that Fu Mingcong was going crazy and scared to death. He did not dare to stay any longer and hurriedly carried a basket to distribute wedding candies to the female relatives of Baihu Madam and above.

Although we only distributed wedding candies to relatives of more than 100 wives, we had to travel all over the gathering place to finish the distribution. Therefore, in less than two hours, everyone in the gathering place knew that Leng Fu and his family were officially engaged. They will also rush to get married within a hundred days.

Mrs. Bai has already received the wedding candies. Because Leng Meifang had flirted with her younger brother, she met the Tang matchmaker in person.

The matchmaker of the Tang Dynasty was very excited. Mrs. Bai's natal family was a side branch of the Fang family, and her direct branch also had a minister. Meeting such a person would be good for her son's promotion.

In order to curry favor with Mrs. Bai, the matchmaker in Tang Dynasty secretly told Mrs. Bai when she asked how the marriage between the two families was decided and why the wedding was so rushed: "Miss Leng didn't want to be there because Leng Qianhu had just passed away. It was time to get engaged at this juncture, but Fourth Master Fu had a deep love for Miss Leng, and he was almost 30 years old. He couldn't wait any longer, so he asked the Leng family to agree to the engagement, and he wanted to marry someone back home within a hundred days and live together. Lest something unexpected happens as time goes by.”

This is a wonderful thing to say, and there is a lot to read in it. It seems that Fu Mingcong made a big fuss in the Leng family, and the Leng family daughter was afraid and had to agree to the marriage.

Madam Bai smiled and glanced at the maid beside her.

The maid immediately brought a red envelope and handed it to Tang Matchmaker: "Tang Matchmaker, thank you for your hard work. This is your reward. I will send you out."

"Hey, eh, eh, thank you madam for the reward." The Tang matchmaker was very obedient. After accepting the red seal, he followed the maid away honestly.

Mrs. Bai said: "Is fourth brother here? Ask him to come over and get the wedding candies."

"Yes." The maid went to find Fang Si.

Fang Si had just finished lunch and was about to take a nap. He heard that the Leng family and the Fu family were engaged, so he sent wedding candies to his sister. He hurriedly came over and asked: "Sister, are you sure? Isn't the person named Leng making trouble? She wants to get married." The person is me."

After hearing this, Mrs. Bai directly picked up the two packs of wedding candies on the table and threw them at him.

Fangsi hurriedly caught it, but a pack fell. After picking it up, he came over and licked his face and asked: "Sister, are the Leng family and the Fu family in trouble? What's going on? Tell your brother quickly, I'm so curious. .”

Madam Bai frowned and said, "Be honest and don't just play around. If you get into trouble because of this, go back to the capital."

"Sister, you are so unkind. My brother has worked hard to escort you all the way to the northwest. It's really sad that you want to drive him away when you get there." Fang Si came here this time because he was the direct descendant of the Fang family. The mission required him to hand over capable generals, and he hadn't found a way to get close to the Qin family yet, so where could he go back?

Mrs. Bai snorted coldly: "Since you don't want to be driven away, then stay away from the Leng family's daughter. It is impossible for our family to marry a girl of this level as our official wife. Why do you bother to seduce her?"

The Fourth Young Master Fang said: "Sister, I have told you so many times that she is the one who comes to pester me. I have been very clean since I came to the northwest!"

Fang Si died unjustly. How did he know that he just helped Leng Meifang casually and she followed him?

Now that I think about it, the whole thing from meeting him to helping Leng Meifang seemed to have been planned.

"Sister, don't worry, the Leng family's daughter is quite capable. I've always been on guard against her and won't let myself get involved," Fang Si promised.

After hearing this, Mrs. Bai gave him a good look. Knowing that he was curious about the betrothal of Leng Fu and his family, she told him what Tang's matchmaker said.

Mrs. Bai added: "The maids left earlier were useless and failed to keep an eye on Leng Meifang. Fu Mingcong left two nurses to guard Leng Meifang this time. It seemed that he had seen through her tricks and knew that she was not a human being. Peace... The Leng family's daughter is doing this on her own. If she marries into the Fu family, she probably won't have a good life."

"That's not necessarily true." Fang Si said: "Sister, you have never seen the Leng family's daughter's methods. She is really good at dealing with men. Even if a man knows that she has made a mistake and played a trick on him, she can still take him down. Comfort her well and make the man think that she is innocent and forced. If she marries into the Fu family, it won't take a few months for Master Fu to change his view of her, unless she does something terrible in the future."

However, Fang Si felt that Leng Meifang would not dare to act like a monster again now that things had reached this point.

However, he underestimated Leng Meifang.

After Leng Meifang got engaged to Fu Mingcong, the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became. When Jifeng came back, she immediately cried loudly at home, and her cries carried far away and Jifeng heard them.

Ji Feng hurriedly ran to the yard where she lived to look for someone, and saw two nursing homes from the Fu family. After asking, he learned that the two were sent by Fu Mingcong to protect Leng Meifang.

But the two of them didn't seem to be here to protect Mei Fang, but rather to monitor her.

Leng Meifang cried again: "Ji Feng, is it you Jifeng? Help me quickly, I was sold by the Gu family, Fu Mingcong wants to rob me, please save me quickly, wuwuwu~"

When Ji Feng heard this, he couldn't stand by and said he wanted to go in to see Leng Meifang. After being stopped by the nurse, he directly knocked down the two nurses and tied them up.

Then he broke in and saw Leng Meifang.

As soon as Leng Meifang saw him, she rushed towards him and lay in his arms crying: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ji Feng, why is my life so miserable? Is it just because I am beautiful that I have to suffer from these men and women?" Is that true? If that’s the case, then I will destroy this face, shave my hair, and go to the temple to practice meditation!”

Ji Feng felt extremely distressed when he heard Leng Meifang's desperate words, and said quickly: "Meifang, don't think like that, it's not your fault that you are beautiful, it's the men who covet you and the women who are jealous of you who are wrong! "

Leng Meifang: "Wow, what's the use of talking about this now? I'm going to marry Fu Mingcong... You don't know, he pointed a knife at me today and said he would kill me if I didn't agree to marry him. I... it's too scary, Jifeng is too scary, what should I do? Will he beat me to death after I marry him? "

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