"Meifang~" Gu looked at the rag-like Leng Meifang, her feet felt weak, she quickly turned around to stop Ji Feng who was about to rush in, and said: "Don't come in, you have nothing to do here!"

He yelled at Aunt Gu again: "Go in quickly and take care of Mei Fang."

"Hey." Aunt Gu hurriedly got into the house and closed the door with a bang.

Jifeng felt something was wrong and asked worriedly: "Sister-in-law, what's going on inside? But Mei Fang..."

"Stop asking, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? How can you not know for such a big person?!" Gu was furious and wanted to kill Ji Feng. She pointed at him and cursed: "Do you have any brains?" ? He actually took her out of the house in the middle of the night, and now you have harmed her, you are satisfied!"

Fu Mingcong was only wrapped in a long robe and stood by the door, like a prostitute. He gloated and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, what you said is wrong. What do you mean by harming her? Without Ji Baihu's help, I would have It’s impossible for Mei Fang to get married early, this is such a happy event.”

"Shut up, you bad and innocent beast!" Ji Feng looked sad and angrily rushed towards Fu Mingcong, punching him twice: "How could you do this to Mei Fang? How can she survive in the future? ?!”

Fu Mingcong was beaten so badly that he was in so much pain that he didn't even have a chance to call for help.

Fortunately, the Fu family's nursing home rushed over in time and had a fight with Jifeng, and then Fu Mingcong was rescued.

There were about twenty people from the Fu Family Nursing Home. Ji Feng was fighting alone and was no match for them. After fighting for a quarter of an hour, he was completely knocked to the ground by the Fu Family Nursing Home and tied up.

Fu Mingcong stood in front of the door and laughed loudly, walked over unsteadily, stepped on his face, took a sip, and cursed: "Idiot, you are still fighting for that bitch after all, what is your brain?" There are more problems than me. Leng Meifang has been using you, do you know? Do you know how she came to my house? "

"It's because that bitch went to the Bai family to find the fourth young master Fang and planned to throw herself into his arms. The fourth young master Fang was so frightened that he sent someone to inform me, so I rushed to the Fang's house to bring her back. When I saw her She really lacked love from a man, so I helped her, proposed marriage, and had a bridal chamber with her. This is the whole story. If you idiot, you don’t believe me, I can call the Fang family members and let’s confront her!"

There was no need to confront him at all. The piece of paper Mei Fang left had already written clearly: I am at Fang's house.

Although there are only four words, Mei Fang and Mrs. Bai are not that familiar. It is impossible to go to Fang's house to find Mrs. Bai in the middle of the night, right?

Obviously, Fu Mingcong was right.

The Fang family was afraid that they would be involved in this bad thing. When they found the Fang family, the fourth son of the Fang family came out in person and said: "Miss Leng was picked up by her fiancé. Miss Leng and I are innocent and have never transgressed." In this place, my Fang family will not do anything to steal someone's fiancée. I hope Miss Leng can marry peacefully and not do such scary things again in the future."

At that time, Mrs. Gu was extremely embarrassed and had no face to respond to Mr. Fang's words, so she hurriedly led people to Fu Mingcong's house.

Therefore, Jifeng knew very well that he was being used by Mei Fang...but he had liked her for several years, and after seeing what she was going through tonight, he really couldn't hate her anymore.

With a click of his tongue, Fu Mingcong said: "Looking at your face full of grief and intolerance, it seems that you still haven't woken up. In this case, I will give you a chance to ask Leng Meifang in person to see if she is willing to marry you. , or are you willing to marry me?!"


Jifeng was shocked: "What did you say?"

Fu Mingcong: "I said, if that bitch is willing to marry you, I will break off the engagement with her and make the two of you two miserable lovers happy. You won't have to worry about her for the rest of your life."

The most popular thing is to ask for something but not get it, so he will give Ji Feng a chance to free himself.

And Fu Mingcong is not worried that Leng Meifang will choose Jifeng, because he has already seen through that bitch. Leng Meifang hates poverty and loves wealth. Jifeng is just a hundred-year-old, and his family is poor. Leng Meifang It is impossible for Fang to fall in love with him.

"How about it? Do you want to follow me in and ask Leng Meifang? Is it because she has a bad body that you despise her and are not willing to marry her?" Fu Mingcong sneered and said, "What if you were slept with by me because of her?" If she just dislikes her, then you are not sincere towards her."

Jifeng shouted: "Shut up, you are not allowed to humiliate Mei Fang with words!"

Why can’t I sleep? Is this what a scholar can say?

Fu Mingcong sneered when he heard that. Now that he has lost his official position and lost his face, why should he care? He chuckled and said: "Leng Meifang is my fiancée, but she goes to hook up with other men in the middle of the night. Not only can I You can humiliate her verbally, you can also humiliate her body, and you can even sink her into the pond as your fiancé! If you are distressed, marry her home and see if she will marry you? "

After that, he ordered the nurse: "Take him into the house and let him ask that bitch in person, who is she going to marry?"

After hearing this, the nursing staff immediately picked up Jifeng and escorted him into the house.

Aunt Gu had already dressed Leng Meifang. At this moment, Leng Meifang was sitting on the kang in despair... She was put to sleep by Fu Mingcong. The innocent body she had protected for almost eighteen years was just gone, ah!

Leng Meifang was in agony. Without her innocence, which young man from a wealthy family would be willing to marry her?

However, Jifeng is willing to marry.

Ji Feng looked at Leng Meifang, who was hugged by Aunt Gu, trembling all over and crying. He was so distressed that he shed tears with Leng Meifang, and choked with sobs: "Meifang, don't be sad... ...If you are not willing to marry Fu Mingcong, you can go home and I will marry you as my wife...Don't worry, I won't dislike you and will treat you well."

After hearing this, Leng Meifang was stunned. After a moment, she turned to look at Ji Feng, suddenly furious, grabbed the wine bottle on the table and threw it at Ji Feng: "Bah, who are you? Who cares about your real wife?" position! You still won’t dislike me? I am a young lady from a Qianhu family, a beauty that is hard to find in the entire northwest. I should marry into a wealthy family and live a good life. Is it your turn to dislike me? Even if I have lost my innocence now. Body, but it’s not your turn to take advantage!”

Not to mention Jifeng, everyone present was shocked.

Hahaha, Fu Mingcong burst out laughing so hard that he almost died. He pointed at Jifeng and asked, "You heard me? This bitch has never set her sights on you from beginning to end. You can't even take advantage of her in her eyes." It’s not her turn, she’s just using you, wake up!”

Ji Feng's mind was buzzing, and he looked at Leng Meifang, unable to speak for a long time.

But Leng Meifang no longer looked at him and asked Fu Mingcong: "Are you still willing to marry me as your legal wife?"

Something like this happened tonight, and Fu Mingcong got her body again. She was very worried that Fu Mingcong would abandon her after sleeping and no longer give her the position of his wife.

But Fu Mingcong said: "Don't worry, my Fu family is a proud person, and I have never regretted getting married after setting a date."

The eldest brother said that this was the punishment for him and Leng Meifang's broken plan. They would be tied together and resent each other for the rest of their lives!

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