Niu Dabao said: "What are you crazy about, mother-in-law? This is the army assigned by the Lord. Whoever is assigned will have to take it. How can I choose? Besides, that Jifeng is pretty good and can fight well. This time he made a meritorious service, and the soldiers and horses under his command suffered very few casualties. Now he leads more than 70 people and 21 horses, which is much better than other hundreds of households who only lead 20 to 30 people."

Niu DaBao waved his hand and said: "It's just him, change it to whatever you want!"

"Don't change? If you don't change, just wait and deal with his bad affairs!" Kuang was also fierce and told the story between Jifeng, Leng Meifang, Fu Mingcong and Fang Si in public.


After hearing this, Niu DaBao and his soldiers all took a deep breath.

"Why, is there still such a thing?" Even though he is as informal as a bull and a leopard, he still feels that this matter is very embarrassing: "Why did it end up like this?"

Kuang snorted coldly: "It's not because Ji Feng was stupid and was taken advantage of by the Leng family's daughter. As a result, the Leng family's daughter failed in her attempt to seduce the Fourth Young Master Fang. Instead, she became a good friend with Fu Mingcong. Now that the Fourth Young Master Fang has nothing to do, Leng I and Fu Mingcong are also going to the county town to get married, but even Ji Feng didn't get anything, and he became the laughing stock of everyone. Look, do you dare to take such a fool? Send it back to me quickly! "


Niu DaBao was in a dilemma, thought for a while, and said, "Don't worry, I'll go find Saburo to discuss it and ask him what he means."

Sanlang is very capable and knows how to handle things, so you might as well ask him first.

Kuang agreed: "Sure, you go quickly. In short, it's best not to hire Jifeng. He's too confused when it comes to women and can easily do bad things."

"I know, you take your relatives and cook the food. The soldiers have been traveling for a day and a night. They are exhausted. Let us all have a full meal." After Niu Dabao explained, he rode his horse to find Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang was tripped up by General Fu.

General Fu became excited when he heard that Zhong Yu followed Qin Sanlang to the meeting place.

The Zhong family is not only a wealthy family, a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River, and his father and brother are also high-ranking officials. They are the people that General Xu wants to win over. General Fu does not dare to neglect and meets with him in person.

Zhong Yu was also given a house: "It's my brother's house. He made a mistake and has been dismissed from office. He will move to the county today. The house has everything you need. You can live in it now."

After that, he wrote a document for dividing the house and gave it to Zhong Yu.

"General Fu's brother was dismissed from office? What did he do? Is it serious? Is it possible that he will retaliate in the future?" Zhong Yu asked after taking the document. He originally wanted to express some concern, but he embarrassed General Fu.

General Fu said: "There is war in the northwest. He is a scholar and is not suitable to live in the northwest. After getting married, he will return to his hometown to guard the tombs of his ancestors and will not be an official again."

"That's it. General, I would like to congratulate Brother Fu on his wedding." Zhong Yu said sheepishly, "Money is tight now. After the money comes from home, I will send the congratulatory gift to General Fu and ask General Fu to pass it on." To your brother."

You are quite polite, but General Fu wishes he would stop mentioning this!

"Master Zhong is interested." General Fu smiled and hurriedly dismissed Zhong Yu: "They should be leaving soon. You can go over now."

"Hey, thank you, General Fu." Zhong Yu responded and left happily. He also pulled Qin Sanlang and begged: "Master Qianhu, please show me the way. I don't know where Fu's house is?"

He also offered benefits: "I will ask dad and eldest brother to send us a large amount of grain and wine to make alcohol!"

Alcohol can reduce inflammation of wounds and reduce the chance of soldiers dying from knife wounds. But if you want to make alcohol, you need wine, and wine needs food. Nowadays, food is precious. It is impossible to make large quantities of wine and buy wine in the northwest. , will be controlled, but the Zhong family is a wealthy family and has two high-ranking officials, so they have a way to send wine here.

Qin Sanlang agreed, got on his horse and said, "Let's go."

"Hey!" Zhong Yu was very happy and rode up to follow Qin Sanlang.

However, Qin Sanlang walked a little slowly, because he had to take care of the newly picked plum blossoms... When he rushed back to the gathering place, he met a few early plum blossoms that were blooming well. He folded a bundle, tied it to the saddle, and brought it back all the way. To the little fish.

Many people saw it, and Zhong Yu even laughed at him for turning into a woman. What kind of flowers did the old man get? !

But he was the only one who dared to laugh at Qin Sanlang. The other soldiers lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

It was very lively in front of Fu Mingcong's house. There were more than a dozen mule carts parked, some carrying people and some carrying supplies. Just looking at these dozen mule carts, you can tell that even if Fu Mingcong is dismissed, the Fu family's wealth will still be Let him live a prosperous life.

Leng Meifang was sitting in the mule cart, watching the servants of the Fu family constantly moving things, and her depression felt better... Mrs. Gu was right, Fu Mingcong was not bad, even if she didn't become an official, she could have enough food and clothing. Worry for life.

If she really wants to be an official's wife, she can use her money to buy a minor official in her hometown after Fu Mingcong returns to his hometown. After all, the world is in chaos now and no one is strictly controlling this.

But not long after Leng Meifang felt relieved, her face became distorted, just because she saw Qin Sanlang... He put on his battle armor and rode his horse. The horse's speed was neither hasty nor slow, and he carried the majesty of a warrior at the same time. With a noble air, coupled with his handsome appearance, he looks like a rare man who has been banished to immortality.

Such a man is much better than Fu Mingcong, that weak loser!

But such a man does not belong to her, but married to Gu!

However, Leng Meifang's mood improved again when she thought that a man like Qin Sanlang would have to live with an ugly woman like Gu who came from the countryside and had small scars on her face.

Hehe, her life was not easy, and Qin Sanlang's life was not necessarily easy either.

And Mrs. Gu, don’t think that Qin Sanlang will be good to her all her life. Men are changeable. After a few years, Qin Sanlang will definitely take a concubine. When the time comes, Mrs. Gu will become Mrs. Gu and her dowry will be used up. Disgusted by men!

"Hey, can you move the mule cart to the side? It's blocking the gate." Zhong Yu frowned and said to the cart driver. He felt that this Fu family cart driver really didn't know how to stop. How could anyone park the cart in the middle of the door?

This is not the driver of the Fu family, but the driver of the Gu family, and the driver is Gu Gu Guanjia.

Butler Gu was already unhappy when he was assigned to drive the car. He frowned when he heard this: "Who are you? This is the Fu family's place. My girl is the mistress of the Fu family. What's wrong with parking the car here?"

"Mother of the Fu family?" Zhong Yu was also sincere and asked, "But General Fu said that his brother is not married yet and will only marry in the county after moving to the county. Where will the mistress come from now?"

These words stopped Butler Gu, who didn't know how to answer.

Zhong Yu added: "My Zhong Yu is a descendant of the Zhong family from the Jiangnan family. My father and brother are officials in the capital. I came to the northwest to fight. I went back to the meeting place with Qin Qianhu to pick up people. I just met General Fu. He has already You gave me this house and let me live in it now."


He pointed to the driver and said, "Please move the mule cart away. I want to go in and look at the house."

These words were like a knife, stabbing into Leng Meifang's heart one by one, until she almost collapsed... The son of a wealthy family, his family is in the prosperous Jiangnan, and his father and brother are still officials in the capital. There is such a person in the gathering place!

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