A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1867 Your uncle is here

She pushed him away and said, "Get out of the way, don't delay me from making money."

Today, many military generals have come back to pick up their families. The ladies have been talking about it a few days ago, wanting to change the taste of their men and try fresh bean sprouts, so their business today and tomorrow will definitely be very good.

"Some ladies are secretly learning to grow bean sprouts, but they all failed, and the bean sprouts stunk. They have been thinking about how to talk to me in the past two days to buy the recipe for sprouting bean sprouts. I guess it will be done later. My sister-in-law will call me over to discuss selling my wife."

This is a big business. If you sell the prescription to a hundred rich women, each one will make a fortune, and she will make a fortune!

Don’t think she is dreaming. There are many wealthy ladies in this gathering place. For example, Mrs. Bai, Fang Si’s sister, asked Sister-in-law Zhang if she could sell the recipe to her after eating bean sprouts. ? She offered a high price.

Qin Sanlang hugged her and pulled her back: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu. Aunt Xiong, Aunt Tao, and Xia Zhang will do the work of changing the bean sprouts. Xiaoyu can rest in the house."


"Does Xiaoyu still have strength?"

After two times, Xiaoyu was very tired.

Gu Jinli felt that his face was on fire, so he glared at him and said: "...You idiot, can you stop saying this all the time? I'm not tired, I'm full of energy, I can beat you to the ground."

Qin Sanlang smiled, saying what he meant, he was a dishonest little fish.

He felt very distressed and coaxed her: "Xiaoyu, be good, have a good rest for an hour, and get up again before dinner. As for the negotiation of selling the house, wait for a day or two to let them hurry up and see if they can sell it." Offer better prices.”

Gu Jinli's eyes lit up: "You are right!"

And she was indeed quite tired, so she softened her body and lay back on the bed: "Then I'll rest for half an hour. Wake me up before midnight...Xiao Pingxi is coming to eat."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang agreed, but he didn't wake her up until half past midnight and after it became completely dark.

It was already dark when Gu Jinli arrived, and he was a little angry: "Why don't you keep your word? It's so late, Xiao Pingxi must be hungry."

"He ate plum blossom cake in the afternoon, so he won't be hungry. He is doing homework now and won't come here yet. Xiaoyu doesn't have to worry about him. There is hot water, so let's take a bath first." Qin Sanlang picked her up and went to the bathroom.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli felt relieved and nodded: "Okay."

But she didn't know that Xiao Pingxi's homework was added by Qin Sanlang. Because of the temporary extra homework, Xiao Pingxi hadn't come yet.

After Gu Jinli came out of the shower and rested for a while, Xiao Pingxi came over.

"Second Aunt Gu." The little guy shrugged his head, obviously a little wilted.

Gu Jinli asked: "What's wrong? Didn't you make any money today?"

Xiao Pingxi is a smart child. Recently, he took Xiao Inkstone and others to help people who buy bean sprouts clean the bean shells in the bean sprouts.

This is a delicate job, and cleaning takes time. Some people who don't have much money will pay them to clean it. You can get a copper plate for each job.

Xiaoping shook his head happily: "No, many people changed bean sprouts today, and they made a lot of copper coins. I was too stupid, and I did my homework too slowly."

Gu Jinli listened and smiled and said: "Xiao Pingxi is very smart. It must be that the homework is too profound, so you did it slowly today."

Then he said: "Forget about homework, come over and eat."

General Fu brought mutton and pork. There were a lot of meat dishes tonight, but Xiaoping didn't like eating them. He wanted to keep filial piety to Tian Dahua. He promised to wait until this year passed before eating meat again. Now he was eating fried eggs pitifully.

However, he ate deliciously and was not greedy when looking at the meat on the table. He also told them a strange thing: "Aunt Gu, a prodigal came to the stall today and exchanged a basket of charcoal for a pound." Bean sprouts. Charcoal is very expensive now, and that basket weighs at least five kilograms. We made a lot of money."

He added: "The man also used grain and meat as payment, and invited a group of people to go to the mountain to help him cut firewood, saying that he would have to chop twenty loads... Some people had a lot of firewood at home, so they directly picked firewood from home and exchanged it with him. But he didn’t want meat and grain, and said he would go to the mountains to chop it. After hearing this, everyone laughed at him and thought he was not very smart.”

Uh, you want to chop twenty loads of firewood? You can also get meat and food, this is...

"Zhong Yu?" Gu Jinli looked at Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "It's him. That boy also learned to barter and didn't use his identity to get credit. He was smart."

Xiaoping was shocked: "Is this clever?"

What Auntie Gu said about him being able to get the first prize in the exam was probably true, because he felt that he was much smarter than Zhong Yu.

Qin Sanlang thought for a moment and answered him: "Well, Zhong Yu is smarter today than before."

Then he said: "He will come to visit tomorrow. If you can see him, he will give you a greeting gift. You are welcome, just accept it."

Xiao Pingxi's eyes lit up with anticipation.

And the next day, Zhong Yu really came.

I heard that Xiao Pingxi was the grandson of the Tian family, and after calling Qin Sanlang his uncle, he felt that the greeting gift for him should not be too shabby, so he handed him the Zhongjiapei: "Here, this is the greeting gift that Uncle Zhong gave you."

Qin Sanlang quickly stopped him: "This is your Zhongjia Pei. If you use it as a greeting gift to a junior, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death by your father and brother."

Zhong Yu scratched his head and said, "Although it's a little inappropriate, this is the only thing I have that is most valuable at the moment."

I can't give my eldest brother's private seal, and I can't get anything else, so this is barely appropriate.

Xiao Pingxi didn't know what the Zhong Family Pei was, but since Uncle Qin refused to give it to him, he naturally wouldn't ask for it. He hurriedly said: "Uncle Zhong, you can give me whatever you want...or you can take it on credit first."

During dinner last night, Uncle Qin said that Zhong Yu would use his identity to get credit, so he said so.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Yu agreed.

"Sure, let's take it on credit first." Zhong Yu patted Xiao Pingxi's head again and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Uncle Zhong's family is rich, and my father and eldest brother love you and Uncle Zhong the most. After a while, we will Send me a large amount of supplies, and when the time comes, Uncle Zhong will give you, brother Yi, and your sister a nice meeting gift that you can see, so that you won’t call me uncle in vain!”

Xiaoping was happy to hear this and felt a little sympathy for the Zhong family father and brother. With such a prodigal son/brother, they must have to work hard to make money every day before they can rest, right?

Qin Sanlang looked at Zhong Yu and said: "I've already visited. Follow Hong Dao to explore the road and learn the skills of a scout."

"Yes!" Zhong Yu put away his smile and went to find Hong Dao, preparing to follow Hong Dao and the others to leave the gathering place and go into the mountains to learn their skills.

But as soon as they left the assembly area, they saw a group of people making trouble in front of the gate of the assembly area. A thin man in the leader jumped up and shouted: "Let me in, I am the uncle of Qin Sanlang, the great hero of the Anti-Japanese War, my uncle! You guys!" What do you mean by stopping me like this and not letting me go in to recognize my relatives? Do you want to force me to death?!"

"Okay, okay, I'll die for you right now!"

As he said this, he took off his belt and wanted to strangle himself.

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