Few people have red moles, so red moles are a very special mark that can prove a person's identity better than some birthmarks.

Qin Mu had no red moles, which was something both the Queen Mother and Emperor Jingyuan knew.

But now Qin Sanlang has a red mole. Uncle Qin said it himself, recognized it with his own eyes, and was personally checked by Xu You's confidant General Fu.

General Fu will definitely report to Xu You. Xu You has been investigating Qin Sanlang for a long time. When he hears about the red mole, he will definitely believe it and completely trust Qin Sanlang.

If someone recognizes Qin Sanlang in the future and goes to report Qin Sanlang, they can use this red mole to fight back.

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Is Xiaoyu relieved this time?"

Gu Jinli nodded, hugged him and said, "Don't worry... you can sleep peacefully."

Otherwise, she would always worry that someone would show up in the northwest and it would be Qin Mu's business to expose Qin Sanlang.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang began to feel guilty again, but he did not express his guilt. Xiaoyu was not happy to hear what he said, so he just hugged her tightly and said: "In the future, our life will become more and more stable and better. "

I won't let you live in fear anymore.

"Well, I believe you." Gu Jinli smiled, hugged him for a while, and said, "After we meet the Xiao family, let's meet Uncle Qin alone and kowtow to him."

The Qin family and the Lan Jiulang family in Xiaoqingou Village have somewhat special statuses. Some of their family members served as soldiers, but some of them died in battle openly, but were actually quietly picked away to become special scouts... …In addition to exploring routes and detecting the enemy's situation, this kind of scouts can also do assassinations. They are close to the dead soldiers and are a powerful assassination army.

This army originally belonged to Qin Mu's grandfather, and was later given to Qin's father. After something happened to Wei Guogong's family, this army was also assassinated, and many brothers died.

Those who escaped assassination lived anonymously among the people because they were disheartened.

Rankuro is one of them.

He was found by Luo Ying... After Luo Ying fled back to the northwest with cousin Yu, he began to look for his old subordinates. He found many, and many of them were willing to follow Luo Ying and become bandits, but Lan Jiulang did not follow Luo Ying.

He doesn't want to get involved in these things anymore, he just wants to be a common citizen.

I came here this time to preserve the last bloodline of the Qin family.

"Well, Xiaoyu is just as I thought. The Qin family should kowtow to him." Qin Sanlang was very grateful to Lan Jiulang. He had already lived an ordinary life with the Xiao family and didn't need to get involved anymore, but in the end because of Dad agreed to Luo Ying's request and brought the Xiao family to help him.

Then he said: "Come on, let's go meet them."

Qin Sanlang took Gu Jinli's hand and left Wangxi Garden together. As soon as he left the hospital, he saw Xiao Pingxi being held by Grandma Tao.

"Second Aunt Gu, Uncle Qin!" Xiao Ping shouted happily and lowered his head.

"Aren't you selling bean sprouts with Xiao Yantai and the others? Why are you here?" Gu Jinli walked over and asked.

"I..." Xiao Pingxi didn't know what to say.

"Why are you hesitating? You have to be generous and say what you have to say, you know?" After Gu Jinli taught him a lesson, he squatted down, looked at him and asked with a smile: "What's going on? Just tell me, don't be afraid. "

Xiao Pingxi looked at Qin Sanlang and then said: "I heard that Uncle Qin's uncle is here, and he brought his whole family with him..."

He stopped mid-sentence.

Aunt Tao had no choice but to say for him: "Sir, Madam, Xiao Pingxi has met the eldest cousin of the Xiao family, so he is very worried that Madam will be bullied by the Xiao family, so he came here to have a look."

But I was afraid that the adult would be angry and thought that he had bad thoughts about the adult's uncle's family, so I didn't dare to speak clearly.

"So it's because of this, then you can just say it, don't be afraid." Gu Jinli stood up, pinched his face, and said with a smile: "Come with us to meet Uncle Qin's family, you can be considered their relatives, go It’s necessary to recognize a familiar face.”

Xiao Pingxi was very happy and quickly raised his head, but did not immediately respond. Instead, he looked at Qin Sanlang and asked, "Uncle Qin, aren't you angry?"

Qin Sanlang said: "Don't be angry, I'm very happy that you care about your second aunt Gu so much."

"Really!" Xiao Ping was happy. He let go of Aunt Tao's hand, took Qin Sanlang's and said to Gu Jinli, "Second Aunt Gu, let's go."

I swept away my previous worries and went to see the Xiao family happily.

He thought that maybe, maybe, in the Xiao family, only Sister Xiao was a shrew, and the others were still very good.

As a result, before we arrived at the small living room, we heard the noise in the small living room: "Mrs. Gu is really from the countryside. She doesn't understand any rules. We have already eaten three bowls of multi-grain porridge, and she hasn't come to see us yet. She What do you want to do? Head of the family, you can simply divorce her and find a good wife for your nephew, but don’t allow Mrs. Gu to take away the dowry!"

"Mother-in-law is right. No matter how rich you are, you can't ask for a country woman like this. Stop it and let's find an official girl for your cousin!"

Xiao Xiaomei didn't care about this. She said, "Does Mrs. Gu's dowry contain any good jewelry? Leave it to me. When I marry the Zhong family in the future, I must have some decent dowry, otherwise I will be laughed at by the Zhong family!"

Uncle Qin chuckled: "You guys really can dream."

Widow Xiao: "Why are you dreaming? Could it be that since she hasn't come to visit the elders for so long, I, the aunt, can't even say a few words to her?"

Uncle Qin said: "She has been praised by the emperor. If you are not afraid of death, scold her as hard as you can."

Hearing this, Gu Jinli said loudly: "Yes, the emperor has praised me and said that I have contributed to the country and deserve to be treated kindly. Anyone who dares to scold me or make me angry is all for resisting the decree and will be arrested and beheaded." head!"

She stood at the door of the small living room, wiped her neck towards them, and said with a grin: "If you don't want to die, just be honest and peaceful. My husband and I will not treat you badly. If you dare to do whatever you want, kill." !”

There was silence in the small living room for a while, obviously swayed by her words.

Widow Xiao came back to her senses and asked Uncle Qin: "Is this happening?"

Uncle Qin: "Of course there is, it's spread all over the northwest. If you don't believe it, just try slapping her twice and see if the government arrests you?"

"Bah, why don't you fan? Could it be that he found his nephew who is an official and wants to kill me so that he can marry a young and beautiful daughter-in-law?" Widow Xiao threw herself at Uncle Qin and beat him: "Okay, You heartless person, I spent one or two and a half pieces of silver to save you from hell. Now that you are rich and want to leave me, I will fight with you!"

Depend on!

Even though Gu Jinli had seen many unreasonable shrews, he was shocked when he saw Widow Xiao's ability to dance.

Uncle Qin was fighting with Widow Xiao: "Don't scratch my face! You shrew, I've told you so many times that I can hit you anywhere. Don't touch your face. I only found two wives because of my face!"

The corner of Gu Jinli's mouth twitched... Lan Jiulang was so strong that it was impossible to tell that he was an assassination scout back then.

Qin Sanlang looked at her and smiled at her... Lan Jiulang's group of people were brought out by his father. His father was well versed in the ways of ordinary people and knew that it was best to hide and pretend to be ordinary people, so Lan Jiulang would This is not surprising.

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