
A clay pot?

"There's not that much meat, but it's okay to give two pounds of meat to my uncle's family." Gu Jinli said.

Qin Sanlang wanted to establish prestige for Gu Jinli and ask Widow Xiao not to show her aunt's family history in front of her in the future and make unreasonable demands, so he said: "Xiaoyu is right. Food is in short supply now, so long as everyone can eat enough."

He also said: "Your family ate three bowls of grain porridge in one lunch, which is considered overeating. Since it is your first day here and you don't understand the rules, you will not be held accountable. If you dare to overeat and waste food again in the future, you will be deducted." Three days of rations will keep you hungry for three days.”

"What? Nephew, you are too cruel. I am your aunt and he is your uncle. Since you won't let us eat enough!" Widow Xiao cried towards Uncle Qin: "Master, look at your nephew, he is actually I want to starve to death..."

Qin Sanlang's face darkened: "Shut up, if you continue to argue, I will throw you out and give your uncle a new wife!"

"You, wuwuwu~" Widow Xiao was still very afraid of Qin Sanlang and didn't dare to confront him, so she could only cry.

Gu Jinli said: "Auntie, it's not that we want to make things difficult for you. It's because there is a shortage of food in the northwest. Now there are people everywhere who don't have enough to eat. Because of the war this year, farming has been delayed. In the first half of next year, when the food has not come down, you will starve. There will be more people. So we must start saving food from now on, as long as we can eat enough, no waste is allowed, and those who violate the order will be dealt with by military law."

Widow Xiao was angry: "It's military law again. Now I have a headache when I hear the word military law. Can you use other tricks to suppress me?!"

Uncle Qin said: "Change your tactics? Okay, then let's make peace."

"Bah, you are just a son-in-law who wants to divorce you? I am the only one who divorced you!" Widow Xiao cried again after scolding: "You heartless person, I saved you back then and still resisted the rumors and told you Get married, now that you are rich, you treat me like this!"

Seeing that she didn't listen, Uncle Qin didn't bother to say anything. Instead, he licked his face and said to Qin Sanlang: "Nephew, I heard that there are many young widows in the northwest. You can find a few for my uncle, and he can't count them. If you are too old, I will give you some cousins, so that you won’t have to worry about taking care of yourself when you get old."

"Oh, God, please quickly send down thunder to kill this bastard!" Widow Xiao really cried this time: "I know you said you would treat the four children as your own. It’s a lie. Now the jackal’s tail is exposed, right? Go, go, take a concubine, and see if I don’t burn you and those bitches to death!”

After scolding her, Widow Xiao began to relent again, choking and saying: "Master, don't be angry. I won't make trouble anymore. From now on, I will eat whatever my nephew and nephew-in-law give me. Isn't that enough?"

After hearing this, Uncle Qin nodded: "Well, it's good that you know you were wrong."

Widow Xiao snorted coldly, you are all here to deal with me, how can I still be ignorant?

Widow Xiao is actually a smart person. She only wants benefits when she makes trouble. When she sees that everyone is not on her side, she will give in.

But she felt unhappy. After catching a glimpse of Xiao Pingxi, she pointed at him and asked, "Who are you? Why are you standing here all the time?"

Xiao Pingxi hurriedly saluted Widow Xiao: "Goodbye..."

But he didn't know what to call Widow Xiao, so he looked at Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli said: "You can call her uncle and grandma."

I don't know if it's right, but that's what it should be called.

Xiao Ping smiled happily and said to Widow Xiao: "Greetings to uncle and grandma of the Qin family. My name is Xiao Ping Xi, and I am the grandson of Second Aunt Gu and the Murata family..."

Before Xiao Pingxi finished speaking, Widow Xiao shouted: "What, you are the grandson of someone with the same surname from the same village, why are you standing here? Get out quickly!"

He ran over again, touched the coat on his body and said, "You are still wearing such warm and good clothes... Take them off quickly and give them to our noble brother."

As he said this, he started to take off Xiao Pingxi's goose down jacket, which scared Xiao Pingxi quite a lot.

Gu Jinli had quick eyes and quick hands. He hugged Xiao Pingxi, turned him around and put him on his left side. He looked at Widow Xiao and said, "Auntie, that's enough for you. Since we recognize you, we will keep you fed and clothed." , but if you dare to make trouble unreasonably again, don’t blame me for not respecting you!"

Uncle Qin grabbed her and yelled: "You bitch, you've been making trouble for a long time. If you make trouble again, I will find my little wife!"

Qin Sanlang's eyes were cold, and he glanced at Widow Xiao: "You can continue to make trouble, and military law will deal with you."

Widow Xiao was a little scared, but she still had the courage to say: "This is a private matter, right? Can people be punished with military law for private matters?"

If you bully a child, use military law. Your military law is too lenient.

Qin Sanlang sneered: "As long as they are in places governed by military law, such as assembly areas, guard posts, and Daokougou Camp, whether it is official or private matters, people can be dealt with according to military law. If my aunt is not willing to be governed by military law, she doesn't have to follow us. live."

He originally wanted to save some face for Widow Xiao, but Widow Xiao was obviously a piece of shit, and she wasn't afraid at all if she didn't deal with her severely.

Widow Xiao clicked her tongue and looked at Uncle Qin.

Uncle Qin chuckled: "Don't look at me, I am now prosperous, and this prosperity is given by my nephew. My nephew's words are my words. If you dare to do it, I will dare to marry a new wife!"

You bastard, you are so cruel!

After hearing this, Widow Xiao temporarily calmed down, but then said: "My nephew and daughter-in-law, hurry up and send cotton-padded jackets to keep out the cold to my aunt's family. We are almost freezing to death."

Gu Jinli grinned at her: "Yes, but there is a shortage of manpower in the assembly area, so we can only give you cotton and cloth. You have to sew clothes and other things yourself."

I originally wanted you to wear ready-made clothes, but you are too noisy, so I'd better find something for you to do, lest you get too busy and get into trouble.

Widow Xiao was dissatisfied, but she could only agree.

Qin Sanlang looked at Uncle Qin and said, "Uncle, please move away. Grandpa still has some last words that I want to tell you alone."

Widow Xiao shouted: "What last words do father-in-law leave? But the house and land of the Lan family have been left to us? Then as the daughter-in-law of the Lan family, I have to go and listen."

Uncle Qin immediately scolded her: "I am the son-in-law of the house. Even if the Lan family has the Potian family property left behind, I don't have a share. Don't make trouble and stay calm. I'll go with my nephew."

Widow Xiao choked, fearing that if she made trouble again, Uncle Qin would have to be honest for the time being if he really went to find his wife.

Qin Sanlang made an invitation gesture towards Uncle Qin, took Gu Jinli's hand and walked out.

Before leaving, Gu Jinli turned back to Widow Xiao and said, "Auntie, don't be too noisy, or you may cause fetal contractions."

Widow Xiao, haha, this niece-in-law is so stupid. I am almost going through menopause, but she is still pregnant?

She replied nonchalantly: "I understand, you should leave quickly. Remember to give us meat for dinner. There is no fat in your stomach, and you won't be able to sleep well at night."

Gu Jinli frowned, looked at her, and said seriously: "Aunt, come here."

Widow Xiao became arrogant: "You are a junior, why should you ask me to come over? You should be the one to come over!"

Uncle Qin wanted to slap her. This woman was fresh and fresh, but she was too capable.

Gu Jinli withdrew the hand held by Qin Sanlang, came to Widow Xiao, held her wrist, and felt her pulse. After half a quarter of an hour, he said: "Aunt, I am not very good at feeling it now. But your pulse is indeed like Hua Mai."

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