General Fu's men were guarding and patrolling the gathering place. It would be too easy for Xu You's secret guards to meet Uncle Qin here.

However, Xu You's secret guard did not tell Uncle Qin the exact meeting place, and only asked Uncle Qin to go to the northwest of the gathering place.

There is a long row of livestock sheds to the northwest. When they were approaching the livestock sheds, two people came out, grabbed Uncle Qin, and took him to a tent behind the livestock sheds.

In the camp, the captain of the secret guard team was sitting in front of the campfire, warming himself up.

As soon as Uncle Qin saw him, he immediately smiled and took credit: "Master Ming, the matter is done. Now, when will you give me the one hundred taels of silver?"

Then he said: "There is no need to give it to the beauty. The shrew in my family is very strict. I can't sleep even if I give it to the beauty. You can break it into silver, fifty taels will be enough, a total of one hundred and fifty taels. Look, hehe …”

He is just a gangster, and his beautiful face has been lost in vain!

The team leader, who was called Mr. Ming, said: "The money is indispensable to you, but is this Qin Sanlang really the one from Xiaoqingou Village? You admit it right."

After all, he had escaped from the famine, and there were many incidents on the way to escape. General Xu was afraid that Qin Sanlang was fake and was pretending to be some kind of fugitive.

Uncle Qin gave him a roll of his eyes: "My own nephew, how can I admit my mistake? He is the son of my short-lived sister. The red mole is natural and cannot be deceived."

In fact, Qin Sanlang from Xiaoqingou Village didn't have a red mole on his body, but he was Qin Sanlang's uncle and he said he had one. Fu Mingfeng also saw the red mole with his own eyes. How could Xu You think it was possible?

If Xu You's people still have doubts, then go to the underworld and ask the Qin family.

He complained again: "But that brat has a grudge against me. He treats me disrespectfully and even allows my whole family to live in a tent. It's freezing in the tent, and my whole family has suffered a lot."

As he spoke, his nose twitched and he sneezed loudly.

"Look, I'm getting sick from the cold!" Uncle Qin was complaining that he wanted to increase the price: "Master Ming, that kid is a wolf, I have a hard time under his hands, can you give me more money?" ?Please.”


There was a sound of breaking wind, and the light of the sword flashed. A dagger was directed towards Uncle Qin. With a bang, it pierced his side. Uncle Qin was so frightened that he fell to the ground. After he recovered, he immediately knelt down. Begging for mercy: "Master Ming, I made a mistake. I don't dare to raise the price anymore. Don't kill me. My wife is pregnant. I can't let the child die before he is born!"

"Shut up, keep your voice down." Master Ming's men scolded.

Uncle Qin was first frightened with a knife and then appeased by others, but he couldn't hold it back and... peed his pants.

A smell filled the tent, and Master Ming and others were stunned. After learning that it was Uncle Qin who peed his pants, he was very angry and cursed: "Trash, how dare you? It's a disgrace to men!" "

But Master Ming was relieved. A man who could be so scared that he wet his pants didn't have the guts to fool them.

Master Ming said: "The money has already bought you a house in Fucheng, so you don't have to worry about us defaulting on the bill."

"What? Already bought a house? I don't want the house, you give me the money." Uncle Qin muttered: "The money is still safe in your own hands."

Master Ming snorted coldly: "Qin Sanlang is not a fool. You are a poor man who took your whole family to wander. Suddenly you have dozens of taels of silver. How can he not be suspicious? Be honest, establish a foothold with him first, and get his After trusting you, if you want to get paid yourself, we will give it to you, otherwise..."

Bang, Master Ming flicked his sword, and the sword made a sound, which frightened Uncle Qin so much that he turned pale and became frightened immediately.

"Yes, yes, Master Ming is right. I am a stupid kid. I didn't think of this. Don't worry, I will be obedient and do what Master Ming said... Don't kill me. Widow Xiao really has one. I I’m going to be a father soon, woo hoo~” Uncle Qin wiped away tears.

When Master Ming saw him, he looked down upon him more and more, but he also felt more at ease with him.

"Get up and tell us about your meeting with Qin Sanlang and his wife. Tell it carefully. Don't hide anything." Master Ming ordered.

"Yes, yes, I don't dare to hide it." Uncle Qin thought about it for a while, and then he started to say it. He was so detailed that the whole family was fighting over the porridge and turning over the porridge basin; Brother Gui was following them. When Qin Sanlang and his wife met, they talked about everything.

Master Ming was a little disgusted by what he heard, but Commander Liang Tu wanted to know the details, so he could only listen patiently.

By the time I finished listening, half an hour had passed.

Master Ming said: "Okay, it's getting late, you go back first."

Then he ordered: "Keep an eye on Qin Sanlang, our people will keep an eye on you. You should find an opportunity to go out of the guard house every ten days and tell us what he did in the guard house. If you dare to lie and conceal it, You, including the Xiao family, are all going to die!"

"Yes, yes, I understand, Lord Ming, don't worry." Uncle Qin responded, trembling all over.

After Mingye waved his hand, he hurriedly left the camp.

As soon as he got out of the tent, he ran away immediately. It wasn't until he ran out of the stable area that he fell to his knees on the ground and cried, "Damn, it's so scary!"

Ming Ye's people had been following him secretly. Seeing him in such a frightened state, they sneered disdainfully. After he got up and left, they turned back and told Ming Ye: "Boss, that's a loser. He was so scared. No." You dare to lie and fool us."

After hearing this, Master Ming nodded and said, "Don't take it lightly, you must continue to keep an eye on him."

"Yes." His subordinates responded.

Some people said worriedly: "Boss, if we keep an eye on Qin Qianhu like this, if he finds out, won't we have to break up with the general?"

If the general wants to use Qin Qianhu, he can be promoted properly. Why is he being investigated and monitored like this?

"Shut up, this is what you should ask?!" Master Ming was angry, staring at all his men and saying: "Remember, we can only obey orders. As for what the master thinks about, that is the master's business, we can't Question, do you understand?!”

"Yes." The men responded hurriedly.

Master Ming waved his hand and said, "Go down."

In fact, he was also disgusted with the fact that General Xu was always investigating people. However, General Xu was suspicious and listened to the wishes of Commander Liang Tu. He seemed to be preparing for a great cause in the future, so the newly recruited confidant must find out who he was. can be used.

Uncle Qin returned to the camp and was scolded by Widow Xiao again for peeing his pants. Fortunately, Gu Jinli sent them cotton and cotton cloth. Widow Xiao took Sister Xiao, Xiaomei and their two sons to work together, and they had already made a decision. Here are three pairs of cotton trousers. Uncle Qin has new trousers to wear.

The Xiao family had been busy all night, making a few cotton-padded jackets, and wanted to sleep in, but they were woken up by the sound of the gong for morning exercises at around nine o'clock the next day.

The whole family was so angry that they vomited blood and ran out of the tent to curse: "Thousand-knife killers, it's not dawn yet. Are you going to summon the souls of the eighteenth generation of your ancestors? Stop now, our family needs to sleep!"

However, the Xiao family not only failed to stop the gong's scolding, but also called Hong Dao and the others.

Hong Dao came over with a group of soldiers, pointed at Uncle Qin and Xiao Chenggong and said: "Master Qianhu has an order, you guys must practice with the soldiers, lest you be too useless and be attacked by the thieves." It will hold us back!”

"What? We also want to practice? If you don't want to go, why should we go? We are here to enjoy happiness, not to suffer!"

However, no matter how much the Xiao family cried and made noise, the two brothers, Uncle Qin and Xiao Chenggong, were still dragged away by the soldiers.

Qian Qinghe was extremely lucky. Fortunately, he was beaten so hard that he couldn't get off the ground, otherwise he would have been dragged to practice.

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