Widow Xiao's eyes widened when she heard this: "Sister, is this news true?"

Sister Xiao: "Of course it's true. Those shrews have been talking about it for a long time, as if they can go to a banquet!"

Widow Xiao immediately looked at Uncle Qin: "Master, what do you say? Are you going?"

Uncle Qin shaved off the sorghum shells stuffed between his teeth, nodded and said: "Of course I want to go for free."

Then he said to the Xiao sisters: "Sisters, please be more careful in your work from now on. Do you want the sorghum shells to cut our whole family's mouths?"

"I know, Dad, how did we know that that shrew would be so insidious and share the sorghum rice we shelled with our family? If we knew it was for our family to eat, we would definitely shell it carefully."

"Okay, don't say these useless things, listen to me. When we go to the banquet tomorrow, each person will bring two bags and secretly pack the meat, vegetables, noodles and other things back. Let's also I can have a few more good meals." After saying this, Widow Xiao took her family to make a dozen coarse cloth bags overnight.

After finishing, they sent Uncle Qin and the other men to sleep in another tent.

The next day, the entire gathering place became busy, with hundreds of households, thousands of households, and lieutenants preparing to leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Gu Jinli and his relatives here have traveled all the way west and experienced the war, so they have already practiced it. People in other small camps are still busy packing their luggage. They have already finished packing and started to make a big banquet.

It's called a banquet, but it actually means having a good meal before leaving, cooking a few pots of meat, and eating two or three pieces to satisfy your cravings.

But even this is enough to make people in other small camps envious.

"The relatives of Qin, Xie, Niu and Zhang are really lucky. There are thousands of capable households in the stall, and they can still eat meat in this situation."

Someone said jealously: "Bah, does that mean eating meat? At most it's just broth."

"What's wrong with the broth? You still dislike the broth. If you have the ability, let Mrs. Qianhu make some big pots of broth for you to eat."

Qin Xie and Niu Zhang's relatives heard the harsh words and ignored them all, and happily started preparing a good meal before departure.

At Qin's house, everyone is also preparing for the banquet.

Han was rich, so he spent a lot of money to buy half a pig, a sheep, a few chickens, and some other food from the gathering place, and asked the servants from the three families to help with the cooking. In the afternoon, he made several Nice table.

The Xiao family was smart and did not go to see Gu Jinli after quietly coming over. Instead, they stayed in the Han family's yard.

Mrs. Han knew that they were Qin Sanlang's uncle's family, so she couldn't drive them away, so she kept them, thinking that their family would not be able to eat much, and the food she had prepared was enough.

Hey, you are wrong. The Xiao family can not only eat, but also carry. Before the banquet was opened, the grandmother next to Han came over and said, "Madam, uncle Qin Qianhu's family has brought many bags and is loading vegetables." Should we take care of the food storage?"

It's not like they weren't fed enough, but if they still took things like this after they were full, Qin Qianhu and Mrs. Qin's face would be lost.

Han thought for a while and said, "Let them pretend for once. If they pretend more, stop them. Don't make trouble, otherwise it won't look good."

Xiaoyu was also working hard, taking his relatives all the way, and just as he was about to settle down, Uncle Qin's family appeared again, and the whole family was unreliable.

"Hey, I understand, old slave." Mammy left. After the Xiao family packed a round of meat, vegetables and grains and took them home, and came back to pack the second round, she stopped them and said, "I stole Qianhu's food without permission." The Xiao family's belongings were considered stolen and required military law, so the Xiao family were too frightened to take any more.

But they were really thick-skinned. They didn't leave even when they were caught. They just sat down and waited for the banquet to begin.

Because we have to leave for the health center tomorrow morning, the banquet will start before Shen time.

"Hey, this mutton is so delicious. How many years has it been since our family has eaten it?"

"Mom, you've already eaten a chicken drumstick, and you're still holding it. This is mine, I want to eat the drumstick!" Sister Xiao shouted, poking the drumstick away from Widow Xiao's chopsticks, and said: "Qian Qingqing, don't Just eat for yourself and feed your brother quickly, do you want to starve your son to death?"

Qian Qinghe was also fierce. In order to eat, he asked the Xiao brothers to fight him. But his butt hurt so much that he could only eat standing up. When he heard this, he became angry: "I'm already injured like this, and you still want me?" Taking care of your son? You eat quickly and feed the child after eating!"

The noise at their table was so loud that it reached the main table of the living room. Mrs. Han was very upset when she heard it. Why did the Qin brothers end up with such an uncle's family? Xiaoyu must not be dragged to death by them in the future.

Gu Jinli felt that Uncle Qin was quite powerful. With such a Xiao family, Xu You would not doubt the identities of Uncle Qin and Brother Qin.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, you don't know how good I am at taking care of people? Let them eat, and they will suffer when they get to the health center." Gu Jinli drank the ginseng soup and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you spent a lot of money this time, and you still have to pay for it. Bring us ginseng."

Kuang said: "No, this is my first time eating this precious thing. It feels like a dream."

Ji Zhenniang asked: "Sister-in-law, do you have any bird's nests? I heard that they are nourishing and the best for women. If sister-in-law has more, please give me some."

Gu Jinli glanced at her: "You're so rude. I'm not afraid of choking you if I ask for bird's nest while drinking ginseng soup."

Ji Zhenniang: "Humph, I will give you money. Do you think I can get it for free?"

Han said sheepishly: "There are no bird's nests. I brought ginseng here because I thought ginseng could kill me."

After hearing this, Mrs. Kuang also remembered that ginseng can kill people, and said: "Brother Yan's daughter-in-law, you should keep this good thing to save your life. Now that it is eaten by us, it is really a pity."

Han said: "It's a pity that I have to separate from you. I won't be able to see you often in the future. I feel reluctant to give up. I should bring out something from the bottom of the box to entertain you."

Speaking of the separation, Mrs. Han was really sad... Thinking of the shared hardships and mutual support along the way, her eyes were red and she shed tears. She looked at them and said: "We will communicate often in the future. , don’t be alienated just because you are far away.”

After hearing this, Mr. Kuang and Ji Zhenniang felt unhappy. Thinking about how hard it had been all the way, they both cried.

Gu Jinli didn't want everyone to have such a painful parting, so he smiled and said: "Actually, we are not far apart, only four or five days' journey. If you want to meet, you can take a carriage and drive for a few days to meet. Don't be sad. , it’s not good to cry, we are finally settled, we should be happy.”

"Mom, Aunt Qin is right, let's not cry anymore." Sister Yu was eating at the same table with them. Seeing that the adults were all crying, she felt scared and hurriedly wiped Han's tears.

Gu Jinli reached out and patted Sister Yu on the head and said with a smile: "Sister Yu, be good."

Sister Yu smiled at her and asked, "Aunt Qin, I will also write you a letter. I have learned more words recently and can write a letter."

Gu Jinli smiled: "Okay, Aunt Qin is waiting for your letter and will reply to Sister Yu alone."

"Really? Then Sister Yu is waiting for your letter!" Sister Yu was very happy and excited that she could receive a letter from an adult. This made her feel that she was also an adult.

Gu Jinli's smile deepened, he looked at Sister Yu and thought, I want to have a baby too!

The banquet lasted until evening. After everyone gave each other gifts, they reluctantly left.

That night, everyone went to bed very early. When Mao o'clock came the next day, they immediately got up by beating the gong. By the time Mao o'clock came, they gathered together and started to set off.

What's terrible is that Butler Leng actually came to see Ji Feng off on the orders of Leng's family.

When Niu Dabao saw Butler Leng, he was speechless and said directly to Ji Feng: "The Leng family can't afford to stay early if there is no profit. You should weigh it yourself. If you continue to work hard for the Leng family, I will not keep you here."

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