A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1890 Drinking the northwest wind

The rest of the Xiao family also complained: "Yes, Dad, this health center is completely different from what you originally boasted! There are big houses, big markets, big shops, and people everywhere. Where is it now? Except for those two A house is just an open space and a northwest wind!"

On the way, they heard Uncle Qin bragging and thought they were coming to a prosperous health center like a small town. Who knew that Changliang Wei was so poor, so poor that all that was left was the whistling northwest wind!

Look at how strong the wind is, even thinner people can be blown up to the sky.

Faced with the dissatisfaction of the Xiao family, Uncle Qin continued to cut the meat, sniffed and said: "We are here, what else can we do? Can't we just turn around and go back?"

Well, this is a bit of a rogue statement.

It is four days away from the gathering place in Mu County. The road is very desolate and is an important military area. Without military commanders, it is more difficult to reach the gathering place in Mu County through this large wasteland than to reach the sky.

Moreover, their family had no food left. Cousin Qin’s people gave them food every day, and they could eat it. They ate it all, not even a grain of sorghum shell was saved. If they left now, what would they eat on the way?

The Xiao family couldn't find the words to refute. Sister Xiao pinched your brother.

"Wow, wuwuwu!" Brother Gui hugged Xiaomei and cried, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Xiao Xiaomei knew that her eldest sister was pinching Brother Gui again, so she glared at her, hugged Brother Gui and coaxed her: "Brother Gui, be good, don't cry."

Sister Xiao ignored her, grabbed the money to celebrate, and began to wipe her tears and act: "Dad, look at your grandson. He is still so young. He can no longer live in a tent. No matter what, I have to ask for those two houses. Come and live in one!"

Qian Qinghe followed: "Yes, father-in-law, your brother has never had a good life since he was born. Now that we have finally found his cousin, we must let him live a good life."

Uncle Qin thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go talk to nephew Qin and see if he can give us a house."

"Hey, dad, go quickly!" The Xiao family pushed Uncle Qin and told him to go and act.

Sister Xiao thought for a while, took Brother Gui over from Xiao Sister's hand, and stuffed him into Uncle Qin's arms: "Dad, if it doesn't work, just let Brother Gui cry!"

Uncle Qin's mouth twitched, can't you think of other ideas?

But he didn't refute, and went to find Qin Sanlang with your brother in his arms.

But he was stopped by people from Daqing because Qin Sanlang had no time to pay attention to him now.

Gu Jinli sat in the carriage, raised the curtain and looked at Chang Liang Wei: "This is too ridiculous."

She thought that the health center, even if it wasn't very good, should at least look like a small mountain village, with a lot of houses, wells, and external walls.

But there are only two houses in the Changliang Guardhouse, and apart from that, there is nothing else. They have to wait for them to dig wells and build walls!

Qin Sanlang looked at her stunned look and said guiltily: "I have made Xiaoyu feel wronged. Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I will definitely build Changliang Wei into a large scale before June next year."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli asked seriously: "Is it too late next June? Now in winter, the soil is frozen, and we can't build bricks until spring, but we have to farm again in spring..."

In short, there are too many things to do, and building a house is just the least important, so it is ranked last. It is estimated that it will be good to build a house for every household by the end of next year.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang felt even more guilty: "Xiaoyu, I'm sorry."

Gu Jinli smiled, raised his hand and poked his face: "Good ice, remember to use the snake ointment juice I gave you, so as not to crack your hands, feet and face, which will be very itchy."

Qin Sanlang held her hand and said with a smile: "It's okay. As long as the crack is not severe, I can bear it and I must bear it."

Although the snake ointment juice is very useful, his father often taught him that people die in comfort, and soldiers are most taboo about enjoying happiness. They must learn to endure pain and coexist with all kinds of pain in order to survive in harsh war conditions.

Gu Jinli also understood this, so she didn't try to persuade him anymore. She just said, "You can do it yourself. As for the remaining snake ointment, I'll ask Xiao Ji to make it into juice, and then I'll have Manager Ruan sell it to Northeast and Dongqing." Go to the country and make money from them."

After saying this, he showed a smile that counted money.

The cold north wind in the cold winter was as painful as a knife, but looking at her smile, Qin Sanlang didn't feel cold at all. He laughed with her: "Okay, make money from them and enrich our wallets."

"Ha, you're right." Gu Jinli praised.

Uncle Qin couldn't bear it, so he hugged your brother and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Nephew, nephew and wife, are you tired enough? It's almost freezing at my uncle's house!"

It wasn't that he wanted to shout, but he was actually a piece of shit now. When he saw them being so disgusted, he had to yell a few words.

"Ah!" Brother Gui also shouted after Uncle Qin, but a strong wind happened to come, and a gust of wind poured into his mouth, choking him and causing him to cough.

Uncle Qin hurriedly patted him on the back and said with a smile: "You are the first one to choke when drinking the northwest wind. You will definitely be promising in the future, hahaha."

Your brother didn't understand anything, so he chuckled when he saw his grandpa smiling.

Uncle Qin looked amused: "Silly, just like your father, he only has a good-looking face, but his brain is too stupid."

Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli came over and said to Uncle Qin: "We have given your family extra supplies to keep out the cold. How can you still be cold? Don't make a fuss, otherwise the food will be deducted."

Uncle Qin got angry, pointed at Sanlang Qin, shook his fingers and said, "You threaten your uncle at every turn. Are you the nephew who does this?"

Brother Gui echoed: "Ah!"

Gu Jinli looked at him, took out a candy, and handed it to his mouth. Brother Gui licked it, eh, it's sweet and delicious, and immediately opened his little hand towards Gu Jinli: "Yeah, mother!"

Well, Qin Sanlang glared at him with a cold face: "This is your cousin."

What kind of mother is this? I give you a piece of candy and just scream, Xiaoyu can only be the mother of my child!

Gu Jinli was also very mean. After giving him two bites of candy, he put the candy away and said, "You are still young, you can't eat candy, you will choke."

After saying that, I really stopped giving sweets to Brother Gui.

Brother Gui was so teased that he cried angrily: "Wow, wuwuwu, bad, bad!"

While crying, he patted Uncle Qin with his little hands, causing Uncle Qin to make a fuss. He could only coax him: "Brother, please don't cry. My grandpa has become rich and will buy you a few sacks of candy. We won't eat her." of."

Gu Jinli chuckled, waving the candy, and said to Uncle Qin: "Uncle, you'd better coax the children first. As for the house, it's not for your family to live in. You will live in a tent like other relatives first, and then we can live together as a family when spring starts tomorrow. One family builds a house.”

Uncle Qin was angry: "If my family doesn't live in it, then whose family lives in it? Even if you want to live in it, you can't live in two houses. No, you must give one of the houses to my family, otherwise I will never be done with you!"

Gu Jinli smiled and asked him: "Is uncle planning to make trouble? How many days are you planning to make trouble? Tell him clearly so that I can order the food to be deducted."

Well, Uncle Qin choked and glared at Gu Jinli. After a while, he was defeated and said, "You're cruel! Brother, let's go and stay away from this poisonous woman."

He left with your brother in his arms.

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