When the other Xiao family members saw this, their eyes widened, their eyes rolled, and their little calculations started to fly... This cousin/cousin looks like a prodigal, as long as you listen to her, she will give you something. nice one.

Then as long as they listen to her, won't they be able to enjoy the good life?

Oh my god, they were so stupid when they were always fighting against their cousins.

Thump, thump, thump!

Xiao Damei, his wife, and Xiao Chenggong brothers all knelt down towards Gu Jinli: "Cousin/cousin, we are wrong, we will listen to you from now on, we will do whatever you want us to do, we will never go against you! "

Gu Jinli: "...You guys are giving up so quickly and don't want to fight any longer?"

Also, is your family obsessed with kneeling? Why do you keep kneeling?

"No, no, no, we are relatives, why should we fight? We should be nice and peaceful." Sister Xiao said with a smile on her face, and pushed out the money to celebrate, saying: "Your cousin-in-law is a man, he has strength, what's the point? It's hard work, just tell him to do it. Don't worry, he won't dare to be lazy!"

Qian Qinghe was most afraid of doing hard work. Hearing what his wife said, he was unhappy and said: "Cousins, don't listen to your cousin's nonsense. The two brothers and father-in-law are the most powerful in the family... Don't look at your father-in-law." He's thin, but he's really strong. He carried me for five miles without taking a breath, it's scary!"

This is true. When they were beaten for stealing food, he was beaten until he was unconscious. It was his father-in-law who carried him to escape.

Although his father-in-law did not admit that he had this ability afterward, he had already seen through him. The old man was afraid that his family would know that he was very strong and would make him work more, so he refused to admit it.

Hum, I will expose you today!

After hearing this, Gu Jinli remembered Uncle Qin's identity in assassinating the scouts, but looking at Qian Qinghe's appearance, he guessed that he just thought Uncle Qin was strong and had no doubt about Uncle Qin's identity.

After all, people who have never been in contact with dead soldiers simply cannot have the thinking and insight to make such doubts.

"You talk so much nonsense, what's the point of it?" Gu Jinli asked.

Qian celebrated: "I'm literate! Cousins, there are so many people and so many supplies in the health center, and they have to distribute them every day. There needs to be someone to keep the accounts. I am the best suited for this job."

If he can get this job and secretly give something to his family every day, he will become rich in less than half a year!

Gu Jinli interrupted him: "There are people to do this work, you should do the physical work first."

Then he looked at Brother Xiao Chenggong: "The same goes for you."

The last sentence was: "If you don't want to do strenuous work, you have to work harder. If you make achievements in the future, I can change your job. For now, follow Xia Zhang to do odd jobs, and you can do whatever he asks you to do."

"Xia Zhang?" Qian Qinghe was very happy: "Is that the slave who takes care of many chores? Come on, just follow him!"

Haha, as long as you don't follow that Hong Dao.

Xia Zhang?

Can a slave still instruct his master's cousin-in-law to do work?

"Okay, you guys follow Xia Zhang and work hard." Gu Jinli almost died laughing in his heart. If Xia Zhang can't control you, how can I let you work with him?

Then he looked at the Xiao sisters: "You two are still working with your old wife as before."

The Xiao sisters had bitter expressions on their faces and did not want to follow their old wife. That woman was so fierce. Whenever they made trouble, she would resort to military law. Moreover, she was also the general's wife, showing off her prestige as an official's wife in front of them day by day. Pooh!

"Cousin, I will listen to you in everything, why don't you let me serve tea and water by your side?" Xiao Xiaomei was a bitch. While holding her brother in her arms, she wanted to squeeze Gu Jinli's shoulders, but Gu Jinli stopped her: " Since you obey me in everything, why don’t you hurry up and get to work? You don’t want the insect trap anymore?!”

Gu Jinli said, going to take away her insect attractant medicine. Xiao Xiaomei hurriedly backed away, and then she kept the medicine and said angrily: "Just go, cousin, you will only threaten us!"

Oh, just wait. When your cousin takes a concubine in the future, you will have to ask us relatives to help you!

Thinking of Zhong Yu again, he licked his face and asked Gu Jinli: "Cousin, when will Mr. Zhong come back? He is my cousin's soldier, why should he help the Xie family?"

"Xie Cheng and Uncle Niu are your cousin's allies. The three families have to work together so that they can be better taken care of when they go to the battlefield to defend against the enemy." Gu Jinli explained: "There are also thousands of households guarding the big port guard. If the other party deliberately makes things difficult , Zhong Yu can come forward to help Xie Cheng as Zhong Jiazi."

This is the reason why when they parted, they asked Zhong Yu to follow Xie Cheng to Dabuwei.

Fortunately, Zhong Yu followed him. Lin Qianhu was not promoted to deputy general, and the guard station was taken away by an imperial edict. It was because he refused to leave the guard station that something happened.

After Xiaomei heard this, she pursed her lips and said, "The Xie family are really useless, but my cousin and sister-in-law are so good that they took over the guardhouse as soon as they came!"

"Yes, it occupies an open space, and our northwest wind has enough to eat!" Widow Xiao said dissatisfiedly, her eyes almost rolling up to the sky.

Gu Jinli grinned at her and said, "Auntie, if your family doesn't go to work, you will really have to live in the wasteland tonight and sleep with the northwest wind."


Didn’t you see that everyone is setting up camp in full swing?

"Xiao family, didn't you hear the sound of the gong? Hurry up and get your family's tent to set up!" The old wife came to call in person.

Widow Xiao quickly hugged Brother Gui and said: "You guys go quickly. Little sister, bring the candy. You are so old and you are still greedy. Give it to Brother Gui!"

Gu Jinli said: "Auntie, your brother is too young. You cannot give him candy. He will choke to death if you are not careful."

She told Shang Yuanyuan that when she was a child, her trachea was stuck with malt candy and she almost died, which made Widow Xiao scared.

Widow Xiao said hurriedly: "Brother, we won't eat sweets anymore. Let your cousin give you eggs later."

The precious brother had already understood a little bit, and after knowing that he couldn't eat sweets, he started crying.

Gu Jinli said: "It's too cold here. If he cries like this, he will get a lot of cold wind and he will get sick. Auntie, you can take him into the house and rest, or you can go back to the carriage and stay there."

Xiaoping liked that the younger children would stay on the carriage, and would not let them down until the tents were set up. Otherwise, there would be too many people, and there would be an accident to these little guys.

With that said, she came over to check Widow Xiao's pulse: "It's nothing serious, but don't jump up and down all the time. You have to keep warm, otherwise the child won't be able to sit still."

"Don't worry, my aunt will live on this precious egg now and won't let anything happen to your little cousin." Widow Xiao's veins were already very obvious. She was really pregnant with the old mussel.

The Xiao family and Gu Jinli and his wife were very happy, and Uncle Qin accepted the child after struggling and fearing, but he didn't show too much concern or joy... I guess he was afraid that the white-haired person would give the black-haired person away. , so I would rather restrain my emotions than feel too uncomfortable in the future.

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