"Something happened to the port guard? What happened?" You Xi asked, making a gesture, and his men immediately came out, removed the roadblocks, and then led You An and the others to avoid the hidden traps. Injured by a trap.

You An personally led the carriage and followed You Xi's people around the trap, saying: "Lin Qianhu refused to leave earlier and did some stupid things. Xie Qianhu got angry and had a hard fight with him. I'm afraid Mrs. Xie would suffer a lot if she stayed in the port guard, so she was sent to us."

After safely walking through a section of the road where the trap was buried, You An said: "You continue to be on guard, and I will take Mrs. Xie and the others in to find Madam."

"Yeah." You Xi responded, separated from You An and the others, and returned with his men to continue on duty.

You An got on his horse and ran towards the interior of Changliang Guard with two carriages.

Gu Jinli had been tired all day. He had just washed his body with hot water and soaked his feet. Before he had eaten, he heard that Ji Zhenniang was coming. He was shocked and felt that something was wrong. He hurriedly said: "Bring her in quickly."

"Yes." Xiao Ji responded and hurried out.

Not long after, Erqing came in with Ji Zhenniang, Grandma Xie, and Xie Huaihua.

Ji Zhenniang's face was pale. When she saw Gu Jinli, she rushed towards her, hugged her, and cried... She just cried without saying anything, which made Gu Jinli feel a little scared and quickly looked at Er Qing.

Er Qing said: "Madam, don't worry, Madam Xie did not suffer any loss, she was just frightened."

Gu Jinli frowned when he heard this: "What do you mean? Could it be that the Qianhu of Dabuwei dared to..."

Bullying women!

Erqing frowned and shook his head: "Not really."

But it's a bit interesting, but I don't dare to go too far.

"Okay, it's safe here. Don't cry. I'll go out and ask Erqing a few words." Gu Jinli comforted Ji Zhenniang a few words, handed her over to Aunt Tao, followed Erqing to another wing, and asked :"what happened?"

Erqing told the story about the incident at the port guard.

It seems that due to official matters, Emperor Jingyuan issued an imperial decree and Lin Qianhu of the Dabu Guard was to be transferred. From then on, Xie Cheng was in charge of the Dabu Guard.

But Lin Qianhu was angry and deliberately refused to leave to embarrass Xie Cheng.

After learning that Xie Cheng was coming with his wife, he first pretended that he would free up the small house where his family lived.

Ji Zhenniang and the others waited for a long time, finally waiting for the news that the house was cleared. They took people to the house, but they didn't expect that as soon as they entered the yard, they heard a shameless sound!

"That Lin Qianhu calculated the right time for Mrs. Xie to enter the house, and actually took the concubine to do things in the house. What he said was very shameless... He meant to think that the concubine was Mrs. Xie!"

"We all heard it. Madam Xie went crazy. She grabbed stones from the ground, smashed the windows, and cursed Lin Qianhu for being shameless. As a result, instead of restraining herself, Mrs. Xie came out like this... But Madam Xie was alert. , they blocked us and let the slaves take Mrs. Xie to leave first, and they didn’t see anything that shouldn’t be seen.”

Fortunately, I didn't see it. If I really saw something, how would Xie Qianhu be able to hold his head up in the northwest in the future?


"You bastard, you are so damn shameless. If you don't fight him to death, in the future, if the military generals follow his example, how can any female family members dare to follow him to the northwest?!" Gu Jinli was so angry that he overturned the table and was so sick that he almost vomited: "Thank you. How did you do it?"

Erqing said: "Xie Qianhu valued Mrs. Xie the most. He was so angry that he led his troops to tie up Lin Qianhu. Lin Qianhu's soldiers refused to obey and the two sides fought. Fortunately, You An is here. You He also left poison for Xie Qianhu and the others, and the hundreds of soldiers and horses who followed Lin Qianhu to cause trouble were all captured!"

Gu Jinli heard this and cheered repeatedly: "Okay, good catch, it's time to catch these turtles and beat them inhumanely! Damn, what's the point of bullying women? If you don't accept the court's arrangement, you can go and reason with the emperor. !”

Then he asked: "What does Xie Cheng plan to do with Lin Qianhu and the others?"

Erqing said: "Xie Qianhu is very angry this time. He said that after the big port guards are cleared, he will take Lin Qianhu to see General Xu and punish him for resisting and disobeying the decree."

Gu Jinli's eyes lit up when he heard this: "This is a good idea. The man named Lin should be arrested for the crime of resisting the imperial decree. We can't let him go easily."

He added: "This matter must be brought before Xu You. General Jiang must not be allowed to suppress the crime of resisting and disobeying a man named Lin. If General Jiang is allowed to suppress the matter, Or maybe it's just to punish a frivolous female family member named Lin. Apart from adding some romantic talk to Lin and making that beast even more proud, it won't do any good to Xie Cheng or us!"

Gu Jinli looked at Er Qing: "Let's go see Ji Zhenniang."

"Yes." Erqing followed Gu Jinli back to the main room, while Ji Zhenniang was still crying.

Gu Jinli comforted her: "Don't cry. I already know the matter. Your family Xie Cheng did the right thing. It is best to use resistance and disobedience to treat people named Lin. After a few days, Brother Qin came back and asked He goes to see your family Xie Cheng, then calls Uncle Niu, and together they go to see Xu You and make sure to kill Lin."

"As long as Lin dies, you and your wife can not only take revenge, but also establish your authority."

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang turned around, hugged Gu Jinli, and finally spoke, cursing: "Gu Xiaoyu, why do you think these people are so shameless? They are also people with wives and daughters. If other men deliberately let What will they think if their wives and daughters are embarrassed? Do they have no conscience?!"

"Oh, conscience?" Gu Jinli smiled, pushed Ji Zhenniang away, looked at her, and said seriously: "Remember, don't expect animals to have conscience, and to deal with animals, you only need one trick, and that is to send them to the underworld! "

Only when the beasts are killed can the remaining ones be called human beings.

Only people have conscience.

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang burst into tears. She felt so wronged that she never thought that she would encounter such a thing even though she was already in the guardhouse!

Gu Jinli let her cry, and when she was tired of crying, he asked Xiao Ji to bring him pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and said, "Let's write letters to Xie Cheng and Aunt Niu. Let's get some fresh air first, and then we can clear up the sentries and defenses of the three guard stations." Okay, after receiving the guard's seal and order flag, let the three of them escort Lin to the Daokougou camp to find General Xu. They must punish Lin for disobeying the order and killing his comrades! "

"As for his frivolous actions, it goes without saying. Let's just seize the serious crimes that can kill him."

Ji Zhenniang was disgusted by Lin Qianhu for no reason, and she was so angry that she nodded heavily, gritted her teeth and said: "Well, I listen to you, let's kill Lin Qianhu together!"

Gu Jinli felt relieved when he saw that she didn't cry anymore. The two of them took up pens and wrote letters to Xie Cheng, Uncle Niu and Mr. Kuang.

After writing the letter, Gu Jinli called You An in: "Thank you for your hard work and make another trip."

"It's Madam." You An took the letter and led his men to Dabu Guard and Yangshan Guard overnight to deliver the letter.

After all this work, Gu Jinli can have dinner: "Eat quickly, it's still hot. There are two eggs nestled under the multi-grain porridge, one for each person."

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