A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1898 Why don’t the losers come?

Gu Jinli frowned, thought for a moment, and asked Yao Baihu: "It is indeed difficult to break ground in winter with the existing tools, but what if we change the tools?"

Yao Baihu was stunned when he heard this: "What tool is so powerful that it can dig through the hard soil in winter?"

He was also afraid that a little girl in Gu Jinli would not know how difficult it was to break ground in winter, so he explained: "Madam, the soil in winter is as hard as rocks. If you dig it raw, it is equivalent to asking iron tools to dig rocks. It is difficult to dig out, and it will also cause trouble." The losses were heavy... It was already winter when Shaliuwei's well was dug, but there was still no water. General Jiang was unwilling to give up. He issued a death order and sent soldiers to help. As a result, six soldiers died before digging the well. Pass."

Therefore, it is really difficult to dig a well in the winter.

Lu had always been taken care of by Gu Jinli, and she couldn't bear it, so she helped Gu Jinli: "Ms. sir, don't deny it in a hurry. Let's listen to what my wife has to say first."

After hearing this, Yao Baihu nodded and motioned for Gu Jinli to continue speaking.

Gu Jinli took a pen and paper, drew a drill directly on the paper, pointed at the drawing and said: "This is a drill that goes down into the ground in a rotating manner. No matter how frozen the ground is, it can drill open the ground. Let’s use this tool to loosen the soil first, and then use other tools to dig the soil to see if we can open up the well in Dabuwei?”

He added: "The well in Dabuwei has been drilled nine feet deep. If it were in the south, water would have come out a long time ago. Even if the land is as dry as the northwest, water should come out soon. So let's make new tools and die. If you drill hard and drill a few meters, you should be able to get something."

She looked at Yao Baihu and said: "Drainage is a big problem, it is related to our lifeline. We cannot let other people in the health center hold our lifeline. No matter how difficult or painful it is, we must dig our well as soon as possible! "

"Okay!" Yao Baihu was very excited after hearing this. He stood up and said to Gu Jinli: "Madam, I will be at your disposal. If you have any ideas, just give your orders directly. I will definitely do as you say!"

The big guy walked from He'an Mansion to Changliang Wei and lived and died together for a year. He only survived with his wife's medicine and food. Therefore, even if his wife is just a little girl, Yao Baihu is willing to listen to her.


"Drilling drills and digging wells takes time. During this period, how should we solve the water problem?" Yao Baihu asked.

These words made Mr. Lu angry: "You are from Baihu. Now Qianhu is not here. You should be the one to solve these problems. How can you leave it to Madam?"

Well, Yao Baihu's face turned red after being scolded by his wife. He thought for a while and said to Gu Jinli, "How about this? How about I take the money to the Grizzly Guard to ask for water?"

If you are a coward, then you are a coward. Let him throw this face away. Let’s solve the problem of the big guy’s water first!

Gu Jinli shook his head: "No, General Jiang's people obviously want to weaken our spirit. They lead troops to fight. It's all about spirit. If the spirit is knocked away, how can we lead troops to fight in the future?"

She thought for a while and said: "Look, look for a water source nearby. If you can't find it, run farther away, go to an abandoned village to find an old well, or go to a farther village to transport water. In short, you can't be like some people." willing!"

Do you want them to pretend to be grandsons and bow their heads? Sorry, even if they want to pretend to be grandsons, they have to look at the partner. The people from the Grizzly Guard are not worthy!

Then he looked at Yao Baihu and said, "Don't worry about manpower. Just give me Lao Bao and Bu Dahe. My servants will take care of the rest."

After hearing this, Yao Baihu breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt guilty: "Thank you for your hard work, madam. It is true that Changliang Guards does not have enough manpower. We cannot remove the patrolling guards."

Gu Jinli: "I understand. If Yao Baihu has no objections, we will do it."

Yao Baihu nodded: "As for the draft, Madam can do it as she pleases. My two boys are at Madam's disposal."

Yao Baihu and the Lu family have one daughter and two sons. The daughter was promised to Lu's natal nephew before they came to the northwest. They only brought their two sons to the northwest. The two sons were young, only twelve or thirteen years old, so They mainly focus on learning skills, and Qin Sanlang has not assigned them tasks yet.

"Okay, Yao Baihu, go and do your work. I will take care of the rest." Gu Jinli said to Lu again: "Aunt Yao, I have to be busy with water recently. I need you to worry more about the affairs of my relatives." ”

Lu said hurriedly: "Yes, madam, don't worry, I will take good care of them."

After settling the matter, Gu Jinli asked Daqing to call Master Yan and Lao Lu.

Both of them have spent time in the northwest and are very familiar with the situation in various places in the northwest.

After Master Yan and Lao Lu came over, they heard that Gu Jinli was looking for water sources nearby, and took a map Gu Jinli gave them... This map was given by Daokougou Camp. It was not comprehensive, but it could provide two As a reference.

The two looked at the map and began to search their memories. It took them a while to mark out more than a dozen small villages, private villages, small lakes, and the like.

"Madam, these villages and villages may be deserted, but they must have wells. If we find the old wells and spend some time cleaning the old wells, we can solve the water problem... It is these small villages and villages away from the village. Changliang Guard is too far away, and the round trip may take a day and a night, which will take about twice as long as fetching water from Grizzly Guard."

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "We have a carriage, so I'm not afraid of being far away, but I don't want to be controlled by others... It's hard to keep your head down. If you do, it will not only make you lose face, but also owe you a favor, and you will have to be talked about for the rest of your life."

So as long as there is a way, the Grizzly Bear Guard will never think of her bowing her head to Brother Qin!

After Master Yan and Lao Lu heard this, they were extremely lucky that the young marquis could marry such a wife... The Qin family had fallen into decline, and they had to marry such a strong-willed and determined wife to build up their family business again!

Gu Jinli said to Master Yan again: "Uncle Yan, you know how to dig a well. Can you take someone to the well in Dabuwei to see if the well can be drilled?"

He then took out a drawing with a drill on it and said: "I will ask Lu'an, Wuping, and Sixi to drill the drills. After they are drilled, I will ask them to send them to you. Let's use the drills to drill the well and see if we can open the well. "

Lu'an, Wuping, and Sixi were the people who followed Grandpa Qin in making Tang knives. They had been making Tang knives for three years and received the true inheritance from Grandpa Qin. Their skills in refining iron were already excellent, and they could still do it with a drill.

Gu Jinli then told Master Yan how to use the drill.

After hearing this, Master Yan's eyes lit up and he sighed: "This is a good thing. If you can really make it, it will be of great use in the future!"

He cupped his fists and saluted Gu Jinli and said, "I will take people to the big port guard to check the well. Madam, please wait for the good news about me!"

Not to mention breaking ground in winter, even if he was going to dig iron, he had to find a way to dig the well, and he couldn't let the little Marquis' lifeline of drinking water be pinched!

Gu Jinli nodded: "Go."

Lao Lu also went down to do some work, and by the way, he helped Gu Jinli call Mr. Bao Qi and Bu Dahe over.

Gu Jinli handed them the marked map: "These are small villages. There may be abandoned old wells. You can lead your troops to take a look. If you find old wells, come back and tell me. I will have people clean them up. If they can be Once the old well is cleaned up, we can solve the draft problem."

He also made a special statement: "An old well that has been abandoned for too long will cause miasma. If you go down to clean it rashly, you will be poisoned."

So it's better to come back and talk to her first.

Lao Bao was about to take the blame and make meritorious service. When he heard this and looked at the map, he became excited and immediately said: "Yes, the general knows about it. Let's take people to find the well now!"

Gu Jinli smiled: "It's getting dark, there's no need to be in such a hurry, we can just go tomorrow."

"...Yes, thank you madam." Lao Bao responded, and because of the improvement in the water supply matter, he was able to sleep at night.

The next day, he and Bu Dahe took their troops and maps to find the abandoned small villages, instead of going to the Grizzly Guard to fetch water.

But the people from the Grizzly Bear Guard were waiting for them. When they didn't see them coming to fetch water, they started to mutter, "Why aren't these losers from the Changliang Guard coming?"

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