Everyone was in a hurry to use water. Yao Baihu immediately counted the number of water men and began to divide the water.

There were ten carriages in total, each carrying sixteen water men. Yangshan Guard had many relatives and Changliang Guard had many servants, so each of the two guards received three and a half carts of water.

The Dabu Guards had few relatives and servants, so they only had enough water for three carriages.

Ji Zhenniang was unhappy and furious: "How come we, the port guards, are the only ones who get the least amount of water?"

Gu Jinli: "Can you stop being so stingy? You are living in our Changliangwei with your servants now, and you drink the water from our Changliangwei. Do you have to worry about how much water is given to you? If you really want to care, Then give us the food and drink you have eaten and drank in the past few days and return them to our health center."

Well, Ji Zhenniang choked and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Gu Jinli added: "Besides, the water source has been found. Tomorrow our three health teams will go to Tangjiazhuangzi to transport water. If it lasts for another four days, new water will arrive, and it will not destroy you. People will die of thirst, don’t worry.”

Mrs. Kuang glared at Ji Zhenniang and said to Gu Jinli: "Sanlang's wife, don't pay attention to her. The water is divided like this. Do you like her or not?"

Ji Zhenniang was a little aggrieved. She was not really stingy, but she just felt that everyone was so familiar with each other, so she spoke her sincere words without hiding them.

Gu Jinli pushed her: "Okay, don't be coy. Hurry up and write a letter to Manager Xie and ask him to gather a convoy to come to Chang Liang Wei. We all go to Tangjiazhuangzi to fetch water. We can't let the water run out. "

"Okay." Ji Zhenniang hurriedly took Xie Huaihua back to the house to write a letter.

Yao Baihu led his soldiers to carry water and asked Uncle Mutong to rest.

Uncle Mutong was indeed very tired. Seeing that the water had been distributed, he said, "Okay, I'll go and take a rest first."

He took the servants who went to carry water with him to rest.

As soon as they left, the Xiao family got the news. A family of young people rushed over with buckets and basins, shouting at the top of their lungs: "My nephew, help me, your uncle, your little cousin, and your little nephew are dying of thirst." , give us water quickly!"

Gu Jinli didn't even look at them, and only told Da Nian: "Take two servants who can drive and follow Aunt Niu to Yangshanwei to deliver water."

Kuang was driven here by her mother and son. She wanted to pull back three and a half cars of water, so she needed help from her people.

Kuang was very grateful: "Sanlang's wife, thank you very much. Auntie won't stay any longer. I will go back with Sijin and bring some water."

Yangshanwei was really out of water, so Kuang didn't dare to stay any longer and was in a hurry to go back.

But the more anxious she was to leave, the more people came to stop her.

"Mrs. Niu, when will Ji Feng of your guard station pay his military salary? Help him send a message to him, asking him to remember to send five taels of silver to my family after he pays his military salary. That's what he owes us. Don't even think about defaulting on the debt. We There is an IOU!" Qian celebrated.

Kuang sneered: "You still want his military pay? Let's wait until he lives to get his military pay."

Xiao Xiaomei was startled and quickly grabbed Kuang's arm and asked, "What does Mrs. Niu mean by this? That Jifeng... is he going to die?"

Kuang didn't like Jifeng, nor did he like the Xiao family. He said perfunctorily: "I don't know, but he and my men went to guard the Duchongchang ditch. It was very close to the Rong people. Who knew that this unlucky guy Jifeng Will he be killed by the soldiers?"

"How can you curse him?!" Xiao Xiaomei was angry: "He is one of the hundreds of households under your man's command. What good will it do you if he dies?"

Kuang clicked her tongue and looked at Xiaomei with squinted eyes: "Then what does it have to do with you whether Jifeng is dead or alive? You care about him so much. Could it be that you see..."

"You're talking nonsense, I'm not, I'm interested in Mr. Zhong!" Xiao Xiaomei was furious and interrupted Kuang's words.

"Look at how you look like you're pretending to be me after I told you what's important?" Kuang waved her hand and said, "Okay, don't block our way, get out of the way quickly, we need to bring the water back."

However, the Xiao family is a relative of the Qin family after all, so Kuang still gave Xiaomei a message: "After Jifeng pays his military salary, I will remind him to pay back the money."

Ji Feng admitted this bad debt himself, so he should pay it back. Who made him stupid?

Qian Qinghe said hurriedly: "Thank you, Mrs. Niu. Please go away and come back often in the future."

Are you opening a shop to see customers off?

Kuang was too lazy to pay attention to him, waved her hand to Gu Jinli, and asked Niu Sijin to drive away.

Danian led other servants to follow him in the car and ran towards Yangshan Guard.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and get water." Qian Qinghe urged Xiaomei.

Xiao Xiaomei finally came to her senses and went to grab water with a basin, but was stopped by Gu Jinli: "We must continue to control water use in the past few days, and we can't take too much."

Widow Xiao got angry, pointed at her belly and said, "Do you want your little cousin to die of thirst?"

Gu Jinli also pointed to her belly and replied: "Aunt, don't say any unlucky words when you are pregnant with your child, lest your words become a prophecy and your little cousin is really gone."

Everyone in Chu believed this, and Widow Xiao was no exception. She hurriedly spat: "Bah, bah, bah, I'm talking nonsense, your little cousin is very nice!"

Widow Xiao saw that she was no longer able to act wildly, so she became soft again and begged Gu Jinli: "My nephew and daughter-in-law, please give me a few more buckets of water to my aunt's house. We are really thirsty these days."

After saying that, she still pretended to cry.

Gu Jinli was too lazy to watch her act and said directly: "Aunt, you have already taken up two shares of water. It is impossible to ask for more water."

She looked at Little Sister Xiao and whispered to Widow Xiao: "I'm afraid your little sister has fallen in love with Jifeng, the same Jifeng who is devoted to Leng Meifang and has been working for Leng Meifang for several years."

"What!" Widow Xiao was furious and rushed towards Xiaomei. Just as she was about to ask her angrily if she had a crush on Jifeng, she was stopped by Uncle Qin.

Uncle Qin said: "We have got our water. If you have anything to say, go home and say it."

You are shouting outside, do you still want my little sister’s reputation?

He also told her some good news: "Yao Baihu gave us three more bowls of water for his nephew's sake. Our family took advantage."

After hearing this, Widow Xiao felt calmer and dragged Miss Xiao back.

After returning to the camp, he asked her: "Tell me the truth, do you have a crush on Jifeng?"

Xiao Xiaomei denied: "No, how could I fall in love with that poor and stupid fool!"

"Really?" Widow Xiao nodded her head and said: "You damn girl, please be smarter. Even if you can't marry Zhong Yu, don't fall into Jifeng's trap. Jifeng is stupid and the Ji family is poor. , Ji’s family also has a widowed mother, and widowed mothers and mothers-in-law have always been the most difficult to get along with, so don’t let yourself get involved!”

Xiao Mei was angry, opened Widow Xiao's hand, and said, "I know, in mother's eyes, am I so stupid that I would find a deep pit to jump into?"

Besides, our family is so mischievous. Even if I really marry Jifeng, will I still be afraid of a widowed mother-in-law?

Widow Xiao pinched her and warned: "Remember what you said, don't get into trouble by marrying stupidly, do you understand?"

Then he said: "If you like someone rich, ask your father to help you talk about marrying your cousin-in-law's brother. Your cousin-in-law's family is very rich, and her brother is also a scholar. I heard that he is a learned thief. Good, I will definitely be able to pass the imperial examination, become a Jinshi, or become an official in the future, and I will be very handsome, so marrying him will not be a loss!"

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