A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1912 Taking Advantage

Gu Jinli smiled, bit him, and asked, "How much do you want?"

How much do you think?

Qin Sanlang picked her up and walked to the back room.

Gu Jinli was stunned and said hurriedly: "I understand, I understand, you don't need to demonstrate."

Qin Sanlang smiled and lowered his head to kiss her: "Do you really understand? But I don't think Xiaoyu understands it very well yet."

When he uttered the last word, he had already entered the back room, turned around and pressed her against the wall, leaned over and continued to kiss her... His kiss was full of enthusiasm and excitement, but it was just a kiss, and he did not do anything else to make people blush. Heartbeat thing.

After a long time, the long kiss stopped.

He hugged her softly and looked at her blushing face. He almost couldn't control himself. He quickly closed his eyes, closed his arms, and hugged her tightly. After more than half a quarter of an hour, he finally recovered: "...little one The fish is a little fox.”

She was like a little rabbit when she was quietly waiting for him to come back, and like a wolf cub when she was angry. But at this time, she was as charming as a fox. She was not allowed to do anything. Just one look at him could make him lose his mind.

Gu Jinli said angrily: "Are you scolding me?"

Qin Sanlang smiled: "I'm praising Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu obviously understands."

But he always pretends to be ignorant and deserves punishment.

He lowered his head and bit her like a punishment.

Gu Jinli smiled, avoided him and said, "Nonsense, I don't understand."

She was saying pretentious words, but she kissed his Adam's apple, almost tossing him out of control.

"Hmm~" He made an unbearable groan and hugged her tightly: "The evil little fox knows how to bully me."

Gu Jinli lay in his arms, poking his ears restlessly with his hand, and asked, "Do you like it?"

"I like it, I like it very much." Qin Sanlang replied without any hesitation, hugging her tighter, wanting to press her into his body.

Gu Jinli smiled, no longer poking him with his hand, but hugged his waist, nestled in his arms, and hugged him.

Qin Sanlang felt her hug back, and a smile appeared on his lips. He was so good holding his little fish like this.

The two hugged each other for a moment, and Qin Sanlang said: "Xiaoyu, I'm sorry, it's because I didn't think well and didn't arrange the well well, so you suffered."

Gu Jinli smiled: "It's such a small thing, do you still need to apologize?"

"But Xiaoyu is suffering." He just wanted her to live the life of a noble lady, but since they got married, she has been running around with him. She finally got to the guardhouse, but someone deliberately cut off the water!

The more Qin Sanlang thought about it, the more he regretted it... He was not strong enough. If he could be more powerful, Xiaoyu would not be deliberately embarrassed.

Gu Jinli said: "Compared to other Qianhu ladies, my life is quite comfortable. And it's not a drought now. The Grizzly Guard people won't give us water, so I can go to other places to get water."

Then he laughed at the Grizzly Guard people: "Thanks to them this time, we were able to buy Tianhuai Village. I heard that Emperor Jingyuan has agreed to relocate the people. If more people move here, like Tianhuai Village Such a village must not be bought or sold, and Tianhuai Village is too close to the first line of defense. Even if I buy the village, Xu You may use his rights to take away the village's land deed."

Places that are too close to the defense line are generally controlled by the military.

"But because the Grizzly Guards didn't let us fetch water, even though I had bought Tianhuai Village for almost ten days, no one from Xu You came to ask questions. He must have acquiesced to my purchase of the village. , we took advantage."

Buying a village is not a trivial matter. The land deed must be registered at the Yamen. It is impossible for Xu You not to know why he did not take care of it. It must be because the Grizzly Guard made a mistake first and Qin Sanlang has made a contribution again, so it is not easy to embarrass him again. she.


Qin Sanlang said: "In addition to these two reasons, there should be another reason to clean up the mess for Xu Liu."

"Xu Liu? What does this have to do with him?" Gu Jinli asked, and quickly reacted: "You mean, he asked Zhuang Liang to deliberately not fetch us water?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, although Zhuang Liang and the others put all the blame on Lin Youzhi, saying that Lin Youzhi held a grudge because he lost his guard post and failed to be promoted to deputy general, and asked them to help plot against us, so he vented his anger. But Zhuang Liang and Feng Niao are from a thousand households, and if they can become more than a thousand households, no matter how good their relationship with their colleagues is, they will never do such childish and stupid revenge."

They all have brains and want a future, but Lin Youzhi was malicious and scornful of Ji Zhenniang; Zhuang Liang and Feng Ni deliberately cut off the water of the three guards. It was too superficial, and it didn't look like a plan that Qianhu would do. .

If Qianhu wanted to scheme against someone, he would at least think of a better plan and make the scheme deeper.

Gu Jinli frowned when he heard this: "Why did he do this? Doesn't he admire you and like you very much like Guo Qiang, and chase you to call you Brother Qin?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "He is different from Guo Qiang. Guo Qiang really admires me and regards me as his brother, but Xu Liu's love for me is fake. He just wants to win me over and make me loyal to him. It can be seen that I didn't treat him warmly enough, I guess he wanted to plot against me first and then help me, so that I would be grateful to him and loyal to him wholeheartedly from then on."

After Qin Sanlang finished speaking, he told Gu Jinli about an incident in his childhood, which was related to the eldest brother of the Qin family.

The eldest brother, Mr. Chengfeng, was also the eldest son of the Hou family. When he was in the capital, many of his peers would go to make friends with him. One of them had a very high status and was the eldest prince who had been beheaded by Emperor Jingyuan.

The eldest prince is a few years younger than his eldest brother, so every time he sees his eldest brother, he acts like a little brother and is very clinging to him.

The eldest brother is the eldest son and has been used to taking care of his younger brothers since childhood. Therefore, although the eldest prince is clingy, the eldest brother does not resent him.

But what people didn't expect was that the eldest prince actually took advantage of his eldest brother and almost killed the second prince.

Fortunately, the eldest brother was vigilant and maintained a basic wariness towards these princes, so the second prince was not killed.

After the eldest brother recalled what happened to the second prince in danger, he suspected that it was the eldest prince who had done it. He told his father about the second prince's accident. His father sent the best secret guards to investigate, and soon found out. It was deliberately designed by the eldest prince.

The eldest brother was shocked and asked his father: "He has always been very kind to me. Every time he looks at me, his eyes are filled with admiration. Moreover, he is less than ten years old, and he still shows the innocence of a child. How could he make such a plan?"

What's even scarier is...

"Afterwards, he treated me as before, and he cared about the second prince as his younger brother. He cried in sadness because the second prince was frightened by the mountain monkey and almost drowned in the hot spring pool... Why is he so good at pretending at such a young age? Ming? On the surface, he is kind to his son and the second prince, but he does this murderous thing behind his back!"

Seeing that his eldest brother was a little shocked, Dad said to him: "Although some people are nice to you, they are often the ones who harm you...Son, don't take it too seriously. These princes are all like this. They fight for the throne." He has been thinking about scheming people since he was a child, and his thoughts are all messed up. He is different from you ordinary children. Don’t take it to heart. Just slowly alienate him from now on. Our family will not get involved in the matter of seizing the legitimate son. Let’s They can figure it out on their own."

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