"Okay, I will tell them." Qin Sanlang remembered the benefits of pus-pulling grass and snake balm grass, and also remembered what she said. All things grow on the earth, and there are many things growing in places we don't know. These things may be poisonous or poisonous. Very useful, so if you find new things, don't be afraid, don't think they are weird, just get them back first.

Xiao Pingxi also held up the spoon and said, "Aunt Gu, I told Xiao Yantai and the others to look at the ground when collecting firewood and take it back if they find something new."

"Good boy." Gu Jinli smiled, picked up a chicken leg and waved it in front of him: "Want to eat it? It's very fragrant, much better than eggs."

Xiao Pingxi turned away with the bowl in hand, hummed twice, and said: "Second Aunt Gu is so childish, and I'm not greedy. There's no point in teasing me!"

Gu Jinli smiled, no, you are very greedy, it's just that you can bear it.

Also, where am I naive? You are obviously too sensible.

She turned her hand and the chicken legs fell into Qin Sanlang's bowl: "Xiaoping likes it or not, let me eat it for you. I've already eaten a lot of chicken."

Qin Sanlang had told Aunt Tao to stew chicken soup with half a chicken and the ginseng given by Brother Luo. Xiaoyu could have chicken soup before falling asleep, so he nodded, ate the chicken legs, and turned Xiao Pingxi He came over and faced the dining table: "Eat well."

"Oh." Xiaoping agreed happily, his eyes couldn't help but fall on Qin Sanlang's unfinished chicken, and he swallowed... Ooooooooo, in fact, he is also greedy for meat, but he has to honor his mother, so he can't Eat meat!

Gu Jinli saw it funny. After finishing the meal, he gave him a piece of red date candy: "Eat it, it's good for your health."

Xiao Pingxi cannot eat meat now, but he has suffered a lot since he was born. His health is not good, so he has to use other things to supplement his food.

"Thank you Aunt Gu!" Xiao Pingxi was very happy, but he didn't eat it and wanted to take it back to brother Wen Rong and Xiao Yantai.

Gu Jinli knew that he was going to take it back and share it with his friends, so he gave him a few more pieces: "I can only give you so much. The remaining candies should be reserved for making lucky candies during the Chinese New Year."

"Hitting lucky candies?!" Xiao Pingxi was very excited. He dragged Gu Jinli and asked with bright eyes: "Second Aunt Gu, I heard from Brother Yi that last year Brother Wujin made a lot of lucky candies. There was a whole bag of them for the Chinese New Year. Is it really possible to have several bags of candy for children to eat?”

It sounds like a dream, that's candy, very expensive.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "It's true, a few bags of candies are too few. If you were in the south, every household would hang a bag of lucky candies at the door during the Chinese New Year. As long as they are children, no matter which village they are from, they can go and get lucky candies. Once you get there, it’s yours.”

"Wow, really, you are so rich!" Xiao Pingxi was extremely envious. He wished that it was the Chinese New Year and he would go to every house to get lucky candies... If he got too many, he would leave one pack for Aunt Gu and take the rest. Sell ​​for money.

Seeing that he was so happy, Gu Jinli felt a little sad thinking about his experiences since birth, and said to him: "Don't be envious, I will leave you a bag of candy when the time comes. No matter if you get lucky candy or not, you will still have candy." eat."

Xiao Pingxi didn't want to: "No, no, I want to make the lucky candies myself, and Aunt Gu doesn't have to leave them for me."

Gu Jinli compared his height with his hands: "You are so short, what if I don't leave room for you and you can't hit me?"

"I'm sure I can hit it. I'm even taller than before." Xiao Pingxi has never hit Futang before, so he must hit it himself.

Qin Sanlang took the cloak from the kang, put it on him, tied it with a belt and said, "Okay, you can wear it yourself."

He put the hat on him again, and stuffed the bag with the bread into him: "It's getting late, go back quickly, the child needs to sleep more, otherwise he will die early."

This was what the second brother used to scare him, and now he used it to scare Xiao Pingxi.

"Liar, I don't believe it." Xiao Pingxi retorted, but he was very sensible and did not stay any longer. Xiaoji took him to find Daqing, and then was escorted back to the camp where he lived by people from Daqing, where he slept with Wen Rong and the others. .

As for Erqing, he followed Ji Zhenniang and his wife back to Dabu Guard during the day. He will continue to protect Ji Zhenniang for a while and will not return until Ji Zhenniang completely takes over Dabu Guard.

"The chicken soup is ready. Xiaoyu has a bowl. I'm going to take a bath." After Qin Sanlang handed the chicken soup to Gu Jinli, he took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Just after dinner, Gu Jinli couldn't drink the chicken soup, so he asked Aunt Tao to put the chicken soup in a food box, put it on the kang, cover it with a quilt to keep warm, while he took out his account book to look at it.

This account book was made by Yang Tao. After it was completed, it was shown to Aunt Yu before it was given to her. Therefore, she no longer needed to do the accounting. She only needed to read it once to know the expenses and income during this period. .

Recently, she spent a lot of money buying water for the village. However, when she was at the gathering place in Mu County, she exchanged the bean sprout recipe for a batch of supplies with Mrs. Bai and made a lot of money. Now she has both supplies and money. It is relatively sufficient.


The manpower of the guard station is insufficient. A group of soldiers and relatives will be allocated before or after the new year. At that time, the expenditure will increase and the stored materials will be doubled.

"It is better to make more money and save more food." After Gu Jinli said this, he praised Yang Tao again: "Carang Tao is a capable person. Not only is he good at cooking, good at boxing and kicking, he understands medicine, and he can also do accounting. The two celebrations are as good as each other."

Xiaoji was stimulated by Xingtao's ability. Recently, in addition to making medicine with Qingpu, he also took time to do accounting and practice boxing every day. He was much more motivated than before.

Aunt Tao smiled and said, "That girl Yang Tao is really powerful. Aunt Yan taught her well."

Aunt Yan is Aunt Yu. She has taught Yang Tao all her life skills, and they were in a bandit village before. Luo Ying requires women to also know how to fight and defend themselves, so Yang Tao and the others have learned fist and kick, but Yang Tao can still learn it. Very nice one.

Then he said: "Madam, watch first."

Aunt Tao got up and went to the back room to make beds for Gu Jinli and the others.

After finishing the paving, he took Xiaoji and Sanqing and left.

"What are you drawing?" Qin Sanlang came out of the shower, checked the doors and windows, and walked towards Gu Jinli. He saw that she was drawing an iron pillar on the paper. There were circles on both ends of the iron pillar. He asked curiously. road.

Gu Jinli pointed to the circles at both ends of the iron pillar and said: "This is a removable iron pillar, for iron drills... The well in Dabuwei is being drilled deeper and deeper, and water has been produced, and there is still water to be produced. It wasn't enough, so I had to drill down another ten feet or so. But it was difficult to drill the well with the water out, so I drew this, hoping that they would drill this kind of iron pillar in Lu'an, and use the circle to connect the iron pillars one by one. By connecting them one by one, the iron drill can be lengthened, and people can use the drill to drill into the ground at the bottom without diving into the water, and continue drilling wells.”

Qin Sanlang was overjoyed when he heard this. He picked up the drawing and looked at it. After a moment, he said, "Xiaoyu drew something good. It can get us credit."

Gu Jinli was stunned: "What did you say?"

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