Qin Sanlang said: "I have woken up, but my stomach still hurts a little. Ye Dakou said that there should be residual poison that has not been cleared away. I will give Xiao Yantai some medicine for two days to see."

"It's also possible that the stomach was injured when the water was given to induce vomiting. Ask Ye Dakou to add some medicinal herbs for the stomach to the small inkstone." Gu Jinli said, after putting on his clothes, he went to find an indigo robe and wore it outside. He lowered his head and took a look and said, "Although it's a bit ugly, if you wear it like this, the coat and skirt underneath won't get dirty."

Qin Sanlang: "Not ugly, the little fish is pretty."

Gu Jinli smiled, feeling a little beautiful. He raised his hand and patted his shoulder and said, "Brother, you are very good at talking, but it's useless for you to flatter me. I will go up the mountain later. If the mountain road is not easy to walk, you have to give me a ride." road."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang shook his head and laughed. Xiaoyu always liked to pretend to be brothers with him, and said: "Let's go have breakfast."

He took her hand and went to the outhouse for breakfast.

After eating, she took her medicine box and left the house.

Outside the house, Bu Dahe was already waiting with thirty soldiers.

Ye Dakou also came with a basket on his back and several soldiers studying medicine, holding a little Pingxi in his hand.

"Uncle Qin, Second Aunt Gu!" Xiao Ping was delighted to see them and ran over: "I will accompany you."

Second Aunt Gu likes the ghost potatoes so much that he is afraid that she will eat the ghost potatoes. He is so scared that he follows Aunt Gu to dig the ghost potatoes to prevent her from eating them secretly. poison.

Gu Jinli smiled, touched his hand, and after seeing that he was dressed warmly enough, asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Xiaoping nodded happily: "I've eaten, and I'll eat it with the little inkstone."

"Then let's go and dig cassava." Gu Jinli carried him to the carriage and went back to find Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang had already rode over and stretched out his hand towards her: "Let's ride horses today and go directly to the place where the cassava was found yesterday."

Xiaoyu wanted to grow ghost potatoes for food, but ghost potatoes didn't sound good. He had already told them during training this morning that everyone in the guard station would call ghost potatoes cassava.

"Okay." Gu Jinli took his hand, got on the horse, and rode with him towards Changliang Mountain.

Ye Dakou and the others took a carriage and stopped when they reached the foot of Changliang Mountain. They picked up the cassava digger and started climbing the mountain.

The mountains in the northwest are all very high, and Changliang Mountain is no exception. There are many elm trees on Changliang Mountain, and the elm trees are used to make beams. Changliang Mountain is named after this, and their guard station is also named after this.

"You don't have to come down, Xiaoyu. I'll hold the horse and take you up the mountain." Qin Sanlang said, turned around and picked up Xiao Pingxi on the horse, led the horse, and took the two of them all the way to the place where the cassava was found yesterday.

"Second Aunt Gu, it's right here. Have you seen that small pit? We dug it, and there's cassava in it!" Xiao Pingxi pointed to a small earthen pit not far away, then looked back at Gu Jinli, frowning. Explained: "Second Aunt Gu can't eat it. Give it to pigs first... This is what Uncle Qin said. Uncle Qin is Aunt Gu's husband. Second Aunt Gu must listen to Uncle Qin."

Gu Jinli pinched his cheek and said with a smile: "You know a lot about your kid, but your Uncle Qin likes to listen to me."

Seeing that he was really worried that he would eat cassava, he said: "Don't worry, Second Aunt Gu won't eat cassava randomly. She will only eat it after the pigs have eaten it and are fine."

Xiaoping was relieved after hearing this.

"Come down." Qin Sanlang hugged Xiao Pingxi down.

After Xiaoping was overjoyed, Gu Jinli jumped off his horse and walked towards the dug pit.

There are a lot of cassava in the pit, which are quite big, as thick as someone's wrist.

Gu Jinli squatted down and looked at the ground, and found that the area was full of withered and rotten cassava tree stumps... The cassava tree was not big, only two fingers wide. It had been beaten by the white-headed frost, and many of them were rotten to death, leaving only one. A small rotten tree stump over an inch high.

However, I can see clearly.

Gu Jinli stood up, happily looked at the large empty land around him, and said with his hands on his hips: "We are getting rich, there are cassava in the ground here!"

Seeing her happy look, Qin Sanlang laughed and asked, "But are we going to dig?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, hurry up and dig. There are so many, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish them all today."

Then he asked Qin Sanlang: "How many acres is this land?"

Mother and other things, she is not very good at measuring.

Qin Sanlang looked at it, estimated for a moment, and said, "At least ten acres."

"Ten acres!" Gu Jinli was shocked. After calculating the yield of cassava, he was shocked again and told Qin Sanlang: "We may get tens of thousands of kilograms of cassava."

In modern times, cassava is a high-yielding crop. The minimum yield per mu is two thousand catties, and the highest yield can be six thousand catties. She only said one thousand catties per mu, because the northwest is thin and she is afraid that the cassava will not grow well.

Qin Sanlang was surprised: "Xiaoyu said that the yield of cassava per mu can reach one thousand catties?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, this is a conservative estimate. The yield may be higher, so I insist on growing cassava."

They all know what the situation is in the northwest. Many state capitals have delayed farming this year. If there is not enough food next year, not only the entire Chu State, there will definitely be a famine in the northwest.

She had escaped from famine once, and she never wanted to escape again in her life... The fear of running for her life while looking for food, not having enough to eat at every turn, and having to guard against being robbed of food or even killed for meat. She didn't want to experience it again.

We don’t want to cause disasters to spread all over the country due to famine, so we have to prevent those hungry victims from doing evil.

She just wants to live a stable life!

Qin Sanlang trusted her the most. As long as she said it, he would not doubt it, so he felt excited and told Bu Dahe and the others: "dig."

He also explained: "Estimate the size of the land and dig it one acre at a time."

"Yes!" Bu Dahe is a grandfather and has rich farming experience. He can calculate the size of an acre of land with his eyes. After drawing the size of an acre of land with a shovel, he led a group of soldiers and started Dig cassava.

Qin Sanlang then ordered two soldiers: "Go back and bring the big scale."

He wanted to weigh it on the spot. If the yield of cassava per mu was really a thousand catties, he would convince Xie Cheng, Niu Dabao, Zhang Yan and others to plant cassava in their guardhouse no matter what.

"Yes." Two soldiers took the order and went down the mountain to carry the big scale.

Qin Sanlang was not idle either. He took Ye Dakou and the others to remove the soil from the cassava.

If there is too much soil, the weight will be inaccurate. Qin Sanlang wants a more accurate weight.

Dozens of people were working together, but because of the cold weather, the land was frozen. It took them a long time to dig out the cassava in one acre of land.

"Sir, everything is done, but we need to put it on the scale to weigh it?" Bu Dahe asked.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Get on the scale. Da Kou, write down the weight each time."

"Yes." Ye Dakou took out the pen and paper he carried with him and prepared to record it.

There were too many cassava dug out, and it took more than two-quarters of an hour to weigh the cassava in this acre. They were shocked every time they were weighed and each time the weight was reported.

at last……

"A total of one thousand, seven hundred and eighty-six kilograms!"

When Ye Dakou reported the weight, everyone was shocked. Some soldiers asked in disbelief: "One acre of land?"

"That's right, one acre of land is more than 1,700 kilograms!" Ye Dakou said excitedly.

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