A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1937 Xu Liu was poisoned

Xu You waved his hand and ordered his soldiers: "Stop feeding the war horses with the ghost life sweet potatoes. Tell Xiao Liu that the war horses were poisoned and died, and ask him not to pay too much attention to the ghost life sweet potatoes. We will wait until Qin Sanlang and the others are not dead after eating them."

Then he said: "If there is nothing strange in Tianhuai Village, let Xiao Liu come back. The Chinese New Year is about to come, and there will be a big banquet in the army. I will take him to attend to meet the generals, and he must be prepared."

"Yes." The soldier accepted the order and rushed to Changliang Wei to deliver the news to Xu Liu that day.

Xu Liu has lived in Changliang Wei for four days. During these four days, he occupied Qin Sanlang. He had to accompany Qin Sanlang wherever he went. He also dragged Qin Sanlang to Tianhuai Village for two days.

When the soldiers came to Changliang Wei, Xu Liu and Qin Sanlang were still in Tianhuai Village.

When Gu Jinli heard that Xu You sent someone to look for Xu Liu, he said, "Let him go to Tianhuai Village to look for Xu Liu. Xu Liu is not here."

"Yes." Aunt Tao went to deliver the message to Danian herself.

I went to see the soldier on New Year's Eve.

After Xu You's soldiers heard that Xu Liu was in Tianhuai Village, they personally rode their horses to Tianhuai Village.

By the time the soldiers arrived at Tianhuai Village, it was already the morning of the next day.

When Xu Liu saw the soldiers and heard that the war horse had died, he was very angry and asked Qin Sanlang in public: "Didn't you say that just soaking the cassava in water can remove the toxins in the cassava? Why is the war horse still poisoned? Feed ten Four of the horses are poisoned, and the probability is too high. Qin Sanlang, you are a dog slave, you must give me one..."

"Sixth Young Master!" Xu Zheng was shocked and quickly interrupted Xu Liu. Didn't the Sixth Young Master like Qin Qianhu very much? Why call him a dog slave in public?

Xu Liu was also shocked. After knowing that he had made a big mistake, he secretly bit his tongue. After it hurt him, he cried: "Brother Qin, I, I didn't mean it. I didn't want to scold you. I I treat you as my own brother, not as a slave... Wuwuwu... I was wrong, Brother Qin, please forgive me."

Xu Liu cried miserably. He really never thought of scolding Qin Sanlang for being a slave, but he actually scolded him: "I'm sorry, Brother Qin, I'm sorry, wuwuwu..."

Xu Zheng bowed to Qin Sanlang: "Qin Qianhu, please forgive me. The Sixth Young Master didn't mean to insult you, it was just a child's misunderstanding... The Sixth Young Master sincerely regards you as an elder brother and admires your achievements in killing the generals of the royal family. He has always told us that he will become as powerful as Qin Qianhu, but this time it is really..."

Xu Zheng wanted to say that it was an unintentional mistake, but words spoken unintentionally are the most true... Xu Zheng couldn't find the words to excuse Xu Liu, so he could only give up his dignity as a scholar and knelt down to apologize to Qin Sanlang: "Qin Qianhu, forgive me. , I apologize to you on behalf of my young master."

After saying that, he was about to kowtow to Qin Sanlang, but Qin Sanlang pulled him up: "It's just a child's slip of the tongue. Sir, there is no need to pay such a big courtesy."

He looked at Xu Liu again and comforted: "Xiao Liu, don't cry. I don't blame you. I also said the wrong thing when I was angry when I was a child. It's not a big deal."

Xu Liu didn't believe it and asked, "Brother Qin, have you really forgiven me?"

Won't you hate me in your heart?

"Well, I'm not angry, and I don't blame you." Qin Sanlang nodded and gave Xu Liu a smile.

Xu Liu's tears turned into a smile, and he grabbed Qin Sanlang's arm and said, "I knew Brother Qin wouldn't blame me."

After saying that, he looked at the soldier who had come to report the news, rushed over and kicked him, and cursed: "It's just a dead war horse. Is it worth coming to report it? You are an ignorant thing, I will beat you to death!"

The soldiers were shocked. He was the Marquis's soldier and confidant, but the Sixth Young Master actually beat him!

"Sixth Young Master, stop!" Xu Zheng wanted to kill him. Is the Sixth Young Master crazy? First he offended Qin Sanlang, and then he offended the Marquis's soldiers. Can the Marquis's soldiers be beaten and scolded at will like the servants? ?

Qin Sanlang grabbed Xu Liu and advised him: "Xiao Liu, you are impulsive again. Didn't I tell you that you should control your temper and not be impulsive?"

Then he pointed to the soldier who came to deliver the letter and said: "This is the Marquis' personal soldier. He is the person who personally protects the Marquis. He is considered half of your brother. Apologize to him quickly."

The soldiers were moved by what he said and felt that Qin Qianhu was really good, much better than Xu Liu, a playboy.

Xu Liu also knew that he had caused trouble, so he apologized to the soldier: "I'm sorry."

The soldier hurriedly said: "Sixth Young Master Zhe Sha is my subordinate."

Xu Zhengze had a headache. The Sixth Young Master only said three words "I'm sorry", which showed that he didn't remember the name of this soldier.

The Sixth Young Master has been at Daokougou Camp for several months and has seen this soldier many times, but he can't even remember his name. This shows that he doesn't take these soldiers seriously at all.

No, he had to remind the Sixth Young Master to remember the names of the soldiers around the Marquis and not to underestimate them.

Xu Zheng put away his thoughts, changed his mind and said, "Sixth Young Master, we have been away from the camp for a few days. The New Year is almost here. Why don't we start back to the camp now?"

Xu Liu counted the days and realized that it was indeed time for him to return to the camp. He said, "Well, pack up and go to Chang Liang Wei to bid farewell to my sister-in-law. Then we will go back to the camp."

There are no hidden fortifications in Changliangwei and Tianhuai Village, so he can leave with peace of mind.

Qin Sanlang didn't want Xu Liu to see Gu Jinli again, but after thinking of something, he didn't think of a way to refuse Xu Liu. Instead, after explaining to Lao Lu and the others, he took Xu Liu and others to Changliang Wei.

Tianhuai Village is one day's journey from Changliangwei. After resting on the road for a night, they arrived at noon the next day.

When Xiao Ji heard that Xu Liu was here again and wanted to see Gu Jinli, he said angrily: "This man is really annoying, and he wants to make madam angry again. Madam, if you don't want to see him, we will pretend to be sick."

Gu Jinli really wanted to see Xu Liu, after all, he had to see the effect of the poison, so he smiled and said: "It's almost the Chinese New Year, it's unlucky to pretend to be sick. Don't pretend, let's go, let's go see him."

Gu Jinli cleaned himself up and stuffed two smelly bags into his clothes. He had just left the house, and before he even walked in front of Xu Liu, he made a sound of retching: "Ugh, vomit, vomit~"

Xu Zheng: "..."

Here it comes again, the stench is here again!

When he saw Gu for the first time earlier, he was shocked by her beauty when he looked at her from a distance. After living for more than twenty years, he had seen many beauties, but none of them could compare with Gu.

However, he hadn't been excited for long before he was so stifled by Gu's body that he almost wanted to die.

"Sixth Young Master, are you leaving? Why don't you stay a few more days?" Gu Jinli smiled brightly and shook the handkerchief. The stench was even worse. Her handkerchief was also sprinkled with stink.

Xu Liu had a headache from the smoke. If he had known this was the case, he would not have come to say goodbye to Gu. He planned to hit her again. Now he is the one being hit.

"Sister-in-law, farewell!" Xu Liu said this hurriedly while holding back his nausea, and hurriedly ran away with his entourage.

After running out of the smelly circle, Xu Liu stopped and waved to Qin Sanlang to let him pass.

Gu Jinli covered his face with a handkerchief and smiled silently... Little madman, let you hit me with your horse. This time I will not only stink you to death, but also make your mania worse and offend all the generals!

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