But things still had to be done. With a flattering smile on her face, Nanny Feng said, "Sister, is the most proud nanny around Mrs. Qin? She looks dignified and elegant, and she is a person that my sister can't compare to."

Grandma Tao laughed when she heard what Grandma Feng said. This Grandma Feng was a bit pretentious: "I don't think she is dignified and elegant, she is just an old slave who does her best for Madam."

Aunt Feng said with a smile: "Sister is really humble. When we were at the gathering place in Mu County, who wouldn't praise my sister for her great ability? She has done a lot of things for Mrs. Qin."

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "May I ask, elder sister, how busy is Mrs. Qin now? My younger sister wants to pay her respects to Mrs. Qin. I wonder if elder sister can help her lead the way?"

Aunt Feng still wanted to see Gu Jinli and didn't want to talk nonsense with Aunt Tao, a slave.

However, Aunt Tao smiled... Who are you, and are you worthy of meeting my wife? We are both mothers. Madam sent me to see you. I have already given you face. What else do you want?

Seeing that Aunt Tao just smiled and said nothing, Grandma Feng asked again, "I wonder if Mrs. Qin is free now?"

Grandma Tao did not answer, but asked: "May I ask Grandma Feng, when you were at the gathering place, did you all hear what I did for our wife? Can you tell me in detail?"

Uh, Grandma Feng choked. How can I elaborate on this? Could it be that when she was at the gathering place in Mu County, she followed several ladies from hundreds of families who came to curry favor with the Feng family and said bad things about the Gu family, and also bet on when she would be divorced by Qin Qianhu? !

When Grandma Tao saw that Grandma Feng was being retorted so much that she couldn't find anything to say, she felt bored and said directly: "Mother Feng, there is no need to say more polite lies. My wife understands that the Feng family is here to give New Year's gifts. the meaning of."

Nanny Feng was startled, and she quickly sat up straight, and asked with some anxiety: "Mrs. Qin knows? Dare I ask my old sister, does Mrs. Qin have anything to tell this old slave?"

He also explained: "Actually, Lin Qianhu and Zhuang Qianhu were deceiving my family about the matter of fetching water some time ago. After my family knew the truth, they regretted it very much. They wanted to come and apologize several times, but they were all blocked by the war. So I sent an old slave to deliver the New Year gift, and then apologized to Mrs. Qin face to face."

At this time, they still put all the blame on Lin Qianhu and Zhuang Qianhu. I don’t know whether the Feng family is smart or stupid?

Aunt Tao didn't answer, she only smiled and stared at Aunt Feng with her eyes, making it impossible for her to hide.

Grandma Feng's heart skipped a beat, and she lowered her head slightly when she saw her... She originally thought that Gu was a refugee girl who had fled famine. Even if the Gu family was prosperous, she was just a beggar wearing gold lace clothes, nothing more than appearance!

Unexpectedly, there would be someone like Grandma Tao next to Mrs. Gu, who could see through people with just one look.

Grandma Feng was also an old man who had seen a lot of the world. After hesitating for a while, she finally stood up and apologized to Grandma Tao: "I'm sorry, sister. It's my sister who is not sincere enough."

He also solemnly apologized: "It is indeed Shaliu Guard's fault for maliciously not fetching water to the three guard stations. Our Lord has already admitted his mistake to General Jiang and apologized. General Jiang has also punished our Lord... This time I I came here specifically to apologize on your orders. If Mrs. Qin thinks that I am of low status and does not accept the apology, when our wife comes over in the next year, she will come to apologize again. Please don't take offense to Mrs. Qin."

After hearing this, Aunt Tao finally became a little calmer and said: "My wife said that our enemies are soldiers and thieves, and we should join hands to fight against the soldiers. She will not destroy the great cause of fighting against the soldiers. As for other rights and wrongs, we are the ones to decide. She won't care about your family dealing with General Jiang."

The meaning is very simple. The Changliang Guards will abide by their duties and continue to work together with all the guards on the first line of defense to fight against the enemy. However, they will not be afraid of plotting. If anyone dares to plot against the Changliang Guards, Qin Sanlang will go to General Jiang to seek justice.

I was afraid that Nanny Feng wouldn’t understand, so I asked, “Nanny Feng, do you understand?”

These words were like a slap in the face, hitting Grandma Feng hard in the face.

Mother Feng's mouth was a little bitter and she replied: "Sister, I understand. Please tell Mrs. Qin that Sha Liuwei and the Feng family will not do anything wrong again."

After hearing this, Grandma Tao nodded and said, "Don't worry, Grandma Feng. I will pass on your words to Madam."

It would have been enough to just say no so straightforwardly, but to have to test him first and wait until he was defeated before he was willing to bow his head and speak the truth is simply asking for trouble.

After Grandma Tao understood what she was saying, she was too lazy to continue the pretentious acting with Grandma Feng, and said: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, Sha Liuwei must be very busy, and our Chief Liangwei won't keep you much longer."

Then he said to Xiao Ji: "Let Danian bring the New Year's gift to Sha Liuwei and bring it back to Aunt Feng."

"Yes." Xiao Ji bowed and exited the camp. After walking far away, he patted his heart and thought to himself in fear: It's really terrible when Grandma Tao insinuates and teaches people!

Aunt Feng thought that Chang Liang Wei would let them stay for one night, but when she saw that Aunt Tao was seeing off the guests straightforwardly, she felt a little embarrassed on her face, so she sent someone to find Butler Feng and tell them about the matter.

Butler Feng was almost bankrupted by the Xiao family. After hearing the words sent by Nanny Feng, his heart pounded. He didn't care about anything else and went to the camp next door in person to ask for an audience with Nanny Tao.

Aunt Tao let Butler Feng in.

"I've seen grandma." Butler Feng bowed and asked directly: "I dare to ask grandma, but what did my mother-in-law say to offend you? If she is so arrogant, please speak up and she will tell you when she gets back. There are Feng family laws to punish her!"

He added: "To be honest with you, mama, we came here this time on the order of Lord Qianhu, specifically to apologize. We also hope that Chief Liang Wei will not be angry with Sha Liuwei, so the two guards will get along in peace and harmony." .”

Compared to Nanny Feng, Butler Feng's words were much more sincere.

Grandma Tao repeated what she had just said to Grandma Feng.

Butler Feng became angry when he heard this. He glared at Aunt Feng and cursed: "You bitch, I asked us to apologize, not for you to find out what Mrs. Qin is doing? Mrs. Qin is the wife, and you are the slave. If I see you, I’ll give you face, but if I don’t see you, it won’t be your turn to be annoyed!”

Then he quickly apologized to Aunt Tao: "Aunt Tao, I'm sorry. This woman has a good life. She has been working as a servant for the old lady since she was ten years old. She has been humiliated her whole life. Only then did she develop a crazy nature and lose her temper. In order to do my duty as a servant, I ask Aunt Tao to forgive me."

Aunt Tao said: "We are all servants. Butler Feng does not need to apologize to me."

He also gave Steward Feng some accurate words: "Our master told my wife that Chang Liang Wei will get along well with all the guards and fight together, and will not deliberately make things difficult for other guards."

But if other guards come to trouble their Chang Liang Wei, they will fight back mercilessly!

After hearing this, Steward Feng said hurriedly: "Mrs. Qin is very righteous. I understand, and I will convey this to our Lord... Thank you very much."

He glared at Nanny Feng again.

Aunt Feng hurriedly thanked Aunt Tao: "Thank you, elder sister... I was stupid and used the trick of secretly fighting in the back house to talk to elder sister. I lost my integrity and I'm sorry."

Aunt Tao said: "This matter has passed. There is no need to mention it again. If you have anything to say in the future, just say it directly. We in Changliang Wei all like to associate with straight-tempered people and don't like to talk in roundabout ways."

Well, that's right, so I slapped Grandma Feng again.

He also beat Butler Feng to make him wake up... It is impossible to win over the Xiao family and use the Xiao family to drag Qin Qianhu down.

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