A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1954 A group of powerful women

The roster was too thick, and it would take Gu Jinli a while to read it all, but Qin Sanlang was thoughtful and had people put small red notes in the roster.

As long as Gu Jinli holds the red piece of paper and opens it, he can find some special records about his family members.

"This is the Gao Liu family, the Lu Chen family, the Yu Lin family, Gao Fenniang, Bao Xiaolian, Jin Xiuxiu..." Gu Jinli looked at the page of the booklet where the red note was, and read out more than twenty names. These twenty people There are married women who have become mothers, there are unmarried girls, and there are two and a half-year-old children, but they all have one thing in common, that is: "They have killed people..."

What a group of strong women.

And they killed some soldiers, some rich men who wanted to bully them when the soldiers were away, and the one Jin Xiuxiu killed was the little flag leader who was in charge of his brother.

The reason why Jin Xiuxiu killed Xiaoqi Zhang was clearly written in the booklet... Jin Xiuxiu's family has been a military family for generations. Due to wars and droughts, many people in Jin Xiuxiu's family died, and only she and the soldiers were left. brother.

But her brother usually had to be on standby in the military camp, and she was the only one at home. The little flag commander took advantage of the situation and wanted to use force on her while he was returning to Junhu Village, but she was stabbed to death.

Killing the flag leader was a serious crime. Jin Xiuxiu was dragged to a cell in Junhu Village and imprisoned for more than half a month. Later, the soldiers called and the superiors had no time to deal with her, so the people in Junhu Village released her. Take her with you to escape.

He had been on the run for almost two years. In the past few months, Jin Xiuxiu's brother had made military exploits and got an opportunity to meet General Jiang and took the opportunity to talk about Jin Xiuxiu.

He also made it clear that as long as General Jiang could be merciful and retry Jin Xiuxiu's case, he would be willing to take no credit for it.

After hearing this, General Jiang sent Jin Xiuxiu's brother away first, and then sent people to investigate Jin Xiuxiu's affairs. He also called several women from Junhu Village to ask about the situation, and learned that it was indeed the little flag leader who wanted to He used force against Jin Xiuxiu and was finally killed by Jin Xiuxiu.

Jin Xiuxiu protected herself, so General Jiang absolved Jin Xiuxiu of the crime. Jin Xiuxiu was able to follow her brother and was assigned to Changliang Wei, becoming one of the relatives of many soldiers in Changliang Wei.

Jin Xiuxiu was able to kill the little flag leader because he had learned boxing and kicking skills since elementary school.

Gu Jinli was very satisfied, flicked the booklet with his fingers and said, "Daqing, keep a close eye on these people who have killed people and are good at boxing and kicking, and see how their conduct is? If their conduct passes the test, they will be of great use in the future."

Daqing asked: "Madam, do you want to gather them and train them into a female army?"

Female armies have existed since ancient times. During the Zhou Dynasty, a very powerful female army also appeared. They once guarded Qingma County outside the Longshan Mountains. In the end, they could no longer defend it and they led more than 600 horses through Longshan. Mountains, back to Longshan Mansion.

The person leading this female army was the widow of a general. After word spread about her return with the war horses, she was revered by the people as General Qianma!

Gu Jinli nodded: "It's too chaotic here in the northwest. Men have to fight, and women must practice martial arts and learn how to protect themselves. Otherwise, once the bandits come, they won't even have the ability to resist."

In such a world, if you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself, so it is necessary to gather the women and half-grown children in the guard to train and form an army.

"Madam, there is another booklet here to record the situation of the newly arrived soldiers." Daqing handed another thick booklet to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli took it, flipped it over, and said, "Okay, I'll look at the booklet first. After the relatives have used up the insect traps and checked their bodies, they can then bring them to see me."

"Yes." Daqing responded, turned around and went out, leaving only Sanqing and Aunt Yu accompanying Gu Jinli.

Aunt Yu looked at Gu Jinli and saw that she was just looking down at the booklet, her face was as usual and she didn't look angry. However, she didn't touch the letter given by the young marquis. After reading it once, she put it aside. .

Back then, Mrs. Hou received a letter from Mr. Hou, but she held it in her arms several times before letting go.

Aunt Yu is a little worried. Is Madam angry with the young Marquis?

The young Marquis likes his wife so much, and he will definitely be sad if he knows that she is angry with him.

Aunt Yu wanted to speak to the young Marquis, but she remembered her identity as a servant and couldn't interfere in her master's private affairs.

However, Gu Jinli still noticed something strange about Grandma Yu. Seeing that she wanted to speak twice but held back, he couldn't help but ask, "Mother Yan, do you have something to say to me?"

Aunt Yu’s current identity is Yang Yan.

After hearing this, Nanny Yu quickly put down the needlework in her hand, stood up and said, "Madam, I'm sorry, but this old slave shouldn't have random thoughts."

Gu Jinli smiled: "What are you thinking about?"

I'm curious, let's have a listen.

Aunt Yu was a little embarrassed and looked at Sanqing.

Sanqing's ears twitched and said, "Don't worry, Mom, there's no one outside, so you can talk with confidence."

Her ears are amazing, even better than the Six Dogs!

Aunt Yu then said: "Madam, I have been wronged. This is the case here in the northwest. People who are celebrating the New Year must also guard the border to prevent the enemy from sneak attacks."

Aunt Yu can understand Gu Jinli's grievances very well. Like Mrs. Hou back then, although she lived a prosperous life in the capital, she was unhappy in her heart. During the New Year and the holidays, if Mr. Hou could not come back, Mrs. Hou would hide. shed tears.

However, Grandma Yu thought too much.

Gu Jinli was obviously different from Mrs. Hou. She grinned and said: "It turns out that grandma was worried about this. I'm fine. I'm not wronged at all. We are still confronting the Rong people. It's not normal to not be able to come back during the New Year." ?"

Then he said: "It is our custom to celebrate the New Year, and soldiers and thieves don't celebrate the New Year. Knowing that we value the New Year, can we celebrate the New Year comfortably? Don't you want to beat us a few times and ruin the atmosphere of the New Year?"

Well, Grandma Yu was stunned when she heard this. She looked at Gu Jinli's smile and said after a while: "I'm just overthinking this. Madam, don't be offended."

Gu Jinli smiled, revealing two small, slightly pointed fangs: "Mommy, you really think too much. I don't know how good my relationship with Brother Qin is."

It's much better than the previous time in Dafeng Village, and it's more and more intimate.

Speaking of intimacy, Gu Jinli thought of those things, his face turned red uncontrollably, he turned around pretending to be calm, and handed the family booklet to Aunt Yu: "Mom, find an empty booklet and put those Write down all the women and children who have killed people and are good at boxing and kicking, so that it will be easier for you in the future."

"Hey." After taking the booklet with both hands, Grandma Yu immediately started busy, but she was very busy... When Madam handed her the booklet, she saw Madam's flushed face.

This is shame.

Madam is only shy when she is tired of the young Marquis. Now she is blushing, because she must be thinking of the young Marquis.

The letter written by the young Marquis was also collected by the Madam and hid it in a purse around her waist. She was very careful when hiding it.

Aunt Yu was very happy. It seemed that she was really overthinking... The young Marquis liked the Madam very much, and although the Madam was not that attached to the Young Marquis, she still liked the Young Marquis in her heart.

My wife's menstrual period has come again, and I haven't been able to get pregnant this month. I wonder when I can get pregnant with my little master?

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