Gu Jinli saw this and smiled: "It seems that you are all madmen and are not afraid of me at all. It doesn't matter if you are not afraid of me, but after entering Changliang Guard, you must abide by Chang Liang Guard's rules."

She waved her hand, and Daqing stood up with a brochure, looked at the new relatives and asked: "The chief flag lady and the little flag lady, leading the relatives, stand up."

Madam Wu and Madam Wei were the first to stand up.

Madam Wu was older, so it was she who spoke: "I have met Madam Qianhu. Madam Wei and I are the general banner ladies of Cong Baihu. Since Cong Baihu has not gotten married and has no relatives to follow, we are allowed to lead the way." To take care of the women under his command."

After they finished speaking, Gao Liu, Lu Chen, Jin Xiuxiu and others stood up without saying anything, just waiting for Gu Jinli to say.

Gu Jinli looked at Daqing.

Daqing held up the brochure and asked, "Do any of you know how to read?"

Ha, the ten-year-old boy from before sneered, opened his mouth with two missing teeth and said: "We run for our lives every day and it's hard to survive. You still expect us to be literate? We're sick!"

The word "sick" was directed at Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli smiled, pointed at him and said: "Daqing, he called me sick. This is disrespectful to Mrs. Qianhu. It is a real violation of military law. What are you waiting for? Just hold him down and beat him with a military stick!"

The boy was obviously shocked and quickly looked at Jin Xiuxiu... He was the son of a soldier under the eldest brother Jin Xiuxiu. His mother and younger brother and sister were both dead, leaving only a father. Now that his father was gone, he could only ask for help from Jin Xiuxiu.

But Jin Xiuxiu frowned and thought for a while, but instead of helping him, she said, "You did break military law and deserve to be punished."

Insulting the classy Mrs. Qianhu is a serious crime and must be punished.

"Humph, Jin Xiuxiu, you're a scaredy-cat!" The boy cursed angrily, then quickly lay down on the ground, and said to Gu Jinli: "Hurry up and send someone to torture him. The ground is cold, and you will get frostbite if you lie down for a long time. Then you have to spend a lot of time. Give me medicine to cure my illness!”

Hey, kid, you are so crazy.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Don't worry, our chief Liang Wei has a lot of medicinal materials. Let alone cure you, we can even give you the medicinal materials for food."

These words were originally intended to sting the child, but he was not angry after hearing this. Instead, he jumped up in shock, pointed at Gu Jinli and asked: "You, are you serious? Changliang Wei really has so many medicinal materials? That's great. !Sister Xiuxiu, we will have medicine to take when we get sick in the future, and no more people will die!"

This Chang Liang Wei is indeed rich and noble. They will be able to live a life where medicine can cure their diseases. They are so happy that they cry.

This boy really cried.

But he didn't cry for long before he wiped his tears with his sleeves, lay down again, and said to Gu Jinli: "Let someone beat me, hit me hard, there is medicine, don't be afraid!"

Well, the corner of Gu Jinli's mouth twitched. You were quite happy to be beaten. Okay, since you like it, I'll satisfy you: "Daqing, beat me."

"Yes." Daqing took the iron military stick, came to the boy's side, and beat him with bang bang bang.

The boy wanted to lose face and didn't want to cry out about the pain, but it was too painful and he ended up crying after being beaten.

However, Daqing used skill when he hit him. He didn't hurt his bones, but only hurt his flesh, which made him more painful and kept him from being bedridden.

After the beating, the boy turned to the woman next to him and said, "Aunt Five, give me a hand."

Fifth Aunt Wang quickly pulled him up and reminded him in a low voice: "Xiao Axe, stop talking. If you keep yelling, you will get beaten again."

It’s almost the Chinese New Year, and it’s not worth it if you’re beaten to the point where you can’t get out of bed.

However, if he doesn't yell or scream, can he be Pan Xiaoxe?

"The injection is over. Where is the medicine? Get it to me quickly!" Pan Xiaoxue endured the severe pain and shouted at Gu Jinli. It was just too painful. After yelling, his eyes were red and he looked like he was about to shed tears.

Gu Jinli sneered: "It seems that ten army sticks are too few, I should give you thirty more army sticks!"

After saying this warning, he looked at his relatives and asked in a cold voice: "Whoever can read, come forward!"

Not to mention that no one was literate, she had seen the roster and knew that some of the relatives were literate.

Gaofen Niang finally stood up and said, "I can read."

Gaofen's mother is a girl from a military family, and her father is the chief banner. She has been beautiful since she was a child. Mr. Gao couldn't bear his beautiful daughter to marry a military family again and live a life of fear, so he asked his daughter to read. , I want to rely on my literacy skills to let my daughter marry to the capital and live a good life.

But I still let Gaofen Niang learn boxing and kicking skills. The northwest is chaotic and it’s not enough for a pretty girl to know how to box and kick.

But today's Gaofen girl has nothing to do with being beautiful. She has a long and hideous scar on her face, sloping from the left cheekbone to the right chin, and a small piece is missing from the corner of her mouth.

As for Gaofen Niang becoming like this, it was recorded in the booklet that Gu Jinli knew it. He also knew that Gaofen Niang hated Mrs. Qianhu because of her past experiences.

Gu Jinli: "This booklet contains the various regulations of Chang Liang Wei. Anyone who violates these regulations is guilty of violating military law. Please read it to everyone, so that you will not know why you were beaten in the future."

Daqing handed the brochure to Gaofen Niang.

Gaofen Niang took the booklet and read it one by one... But damn, there were too many rules in this booklet. Gaofen Niang took half an hour to read it, and her mouth was dry from reading it. It's like a punishment!

Sanqing's face was sullen, but there was a smile in his eyes... Madam really loved Sister Daqing the most. She knew that reading the booklet was a chore, so she didn't let Sister Daqing read it, but let the new relative read it.

Gu Jinli: "Have you heard it clearly? If you violate the above regulations in the future, the ten army sticks will start, and at worst, you will have your hands and feet cut off, and then you will be sent back to General Jiang!"

After Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wei heard this, they quickly took the lead and responded: "We heard it. Madam, please rest assured. We will abide by the rules and we will not make any mistakes."

Cong Baihu wanted to follow Qin Qianhu and tell them to be honest after arriving at the guard house. If they dared to make mistakes, their men's position as commander-in-chief would not be guaranteed!

However, they were the only ones who responded. Jin Xiuxiu and other family members who came from military households did not even fart, pretending not to hear.

Gee, they are indeed a bunch of madmen.

Gu Jinli looked at them and was thinking about how to punish them so that they would obey the rules, when he heard a cry, it was Gaofen Niang drawing a sword.

Aunt Yu was startled and shouted quickly: "Protect Madam!"

He took the lead and stood in front of Gu Jinli to prevent Gaofen Niang from getting angry and stabbing Gu Jinli.

Daqing also drew his sword and pointed it at Gaofen's mother: "Abandon the sword immediately and accept the punishment, otherwise you will not be the only one who will die, but your mother will also die!"

Gao Liu's mother is Gaofen's mother.

But Gao Fenniang said: "If I follow Mrs. Qianhu, who is beautiful but has no power and is greedy for life and afraid of death, not only my mother and I will die, but also the entire family members of the guard will die miserably! Since If you are going to die, what are you afraid of?"

After hearing this, Gu Jinli touched the acne scar patch on his face... It seemed that the scar was too small to have a scary effect.


"How did you figure out that I am powerless but still afraid of death?" Gu Jinli laughed angrily: "Do you want me to chop someone off for you to see?"

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