After hearing this, Mrs. Sang Shi almost went crazy. She rushed over crying, hugged Gu Jinli's feet and said, "Madam, I know I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. Don't send me back to Duchonggou... I will be good in the future." Be filial to your mother-in-law, respect your husband, and never dare to bully others again. Please spare me this time!"

She was the one who first fell in love with Sang Er because he was handsome, but she had a bad temper. After meeting him, Sang Er was not very satisfied with her and did not agree to the marriage.

After she found out, she went to Junhu Village to find Sang Er in person, and deliberately let many people see her.

Within a few days, the gossip between her and Sang Er came out, and she used her reputation as being implicated by Sang Er to demand that the Sang family take responsibility or die.

Mrs. Sang felt that she was a daughter of good birthright, and she was willing to marry into a military family because she valued the Sang family. She was afraid that Sang Er would miss a daughter-in-law of good birthright, so she decided on the marriage without telling Sang Er.

When Sang Er found out, it was already too late, and thinking that his eldest brother had died in the war, he had to get married as soon as possible to leave a queen for the Sang family, so he married Sang Shi.

But Sang Shi was so capable that after marrying into the Sang family, he was only kind to Sang Er, and was not kind to Sang Lao Niang and Sang Cianhua. He also had a miscarriage because of a fight with a woman from Junhu Village. So far, I have not given birth to a son and a half daughters.

Sang Er was already dissatisfied with her. If she was sent back to Du Chong Ditch, even if Sang Er felt ashamed of her, he would probably abandon her.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, madam, I was wrong, please, don't send me back, or I will die!" Sang Shi was really scared and kept crying.

Gu Jinli seemed not to hear anything and let her cry.

Mrs. Sangshi cried for more than a quarter of an hour, and the expressions of her relatives changed several times due to her crying, and they were extremely frightened.

Seeing that they were scared, Gu Jinli said to Sang Shi, "You don't have to beg me. I have already said that this time I will only punish you not to eat meat during the New Year. If you make another mistake, I will send you back."

Mr. Sang Shi was stunned for a moment. After he understood what was happening, he wiped away his tears and said, "Thank you, Madam. I will definitely not make any mistakes again in the future."

Then he said to Mrs. Sang: "Mother-in-law, it's my daughter-in-law's fault. I won't dare to scold you again in the future. I'm sorry, wuwuwu..."

Sang Lao Niang was born in a military family and had seen many lives and deaths in her life. She felt that as long as people were alive, they were lucky, so she didn't blame Sang Shi and hugged her and said, "It will be good if you change it. It's Chinese New Year, so don't cry."

"Mother-in-law..." Sang Shi didn't expect Mrs. Sang to come and hug her. She was shocked and cried loudly in Mrs. Sang's arms.

She cried so miserably that Mrs. Sang also cried.

They were crying happily, but Gu Jinli couldn't help it anymore, moved his feet and said, "Can you let go of my feet first?"

Don’t you feel panicked when you hold my feet and cry?

"Madam, I'm sorry, madam, forgive me, don't punish me!" Sang Shi was frightened and quickly let go, apologizing to Gu Jinli.

"You don't need to apologize for hugging my leg, but if you make another mistake, there's no point in apologizing." After Gu Jinli warned, he withdrew his feet, stepped back a few steps, and shouted, "Where is Mrs. Lu Chen?"

Lao Bao's wife said: "Madam, Mrs. Lu Chen and several relatives have gone to receive the big wooden basin."

Gu Dashan knew how to make wooden barrels, and Danian learned from him. After coming to the health center, Danian taught people to make large wooden basins to use as water tanks to hold water. After the new year, he would slowly buy water tanks.

"Madam, I'm back." After Mrs. Lu Chen learned about what happened at the grain pounding camp, she hurried back. After entering the camp, she knelt down and said, "Madam, I'm sorry, but I didn't discipline me well. Please punish me, madam." .”

What a fucking coincidence, the Sang family was also under the command of her man, and all of them were shrews, which made her want to just kill them.

Gu Jinli said: "You are the wife of the general banner. You have to take care of your relatives. If your relatives are disobedient, you will use military laws and regulations to deal with them... It has been three times. You have to reflect on why they are all your relatives. Making trouble? In the final analysis, you are not tough enough, you have to be fierce, otherwise you will also be punished next time, do you understand?!"

Mrs. Lu Chen: "Yes, I understand."

Gu Jinli was puzzled that she deserved to be so well-behaved... It was written in the family book that Mrs. Lu Chen had killed someone in order to save the children of her family.

But after meeting him for the past two days, Mr. Lu Chen was so Buddhist that he didn't look like someone whose hands had been stained with blood.

However, she did not ask her doubts, but said to everyone: "The Chinese New Year is tomorrow, and the fried food has started to be cooked in the big kitchen tent. You can go get it in the afternoon."

"Fried food? The health center really made fried food? It's great, we haven't had fried food in two years!" The relatives were very happy and excited, and some even cried.

Gu Jinli smiled and reminded them: "It's the New Year, everyone can be happy, but you can't relax. The soldiers are not celebrating the New Year. They are likely to attack us during the New Year. We must be ready to escape at any time."

After hearing this, the big guy immediately became solemn and said, "Yes, madam, don't worry, we are always running for our lives and we are all alert!"

This made Gu Jinli happy... He finally discovered the advantage of having a new relative, that is, he has experience in escaping during wartime.

"Okay, you guys go about your business first. I'll leave first." After she finished speaking, she pointed at Sang Shi and said, "Remember, don't make any more mistakes, or you will be doomed."

After saying that, he took Sanqing out of the camp.

"Ah, it's madam, madam is out!" Xiao Xinghua and other children followed Xiao Pingxi to find Gu Jinli. However, after hearing the scolding in the tent, they did not dare to go in and kept waiting outside.

When Gu Jinli saw these children, he smiled and asked, "Why did you run out in such a cold weather?"

Xiao Xinghua was the first to run over and asked: "Madam, can we go to the big kitchen to eat..."

He quickly covered his mouth again, rolled his eyes, and changed his words: "Can we go to the big kitchen to help make fried food?"

Gu Jinli looked at the group of little guys following her, raised his eyebrows and said, "No."

"Ah, we can't. Madam doesn't allow us to go to the big kitchen. What should we do?" The younger ones were so anxious that they almost cried.

The most anxious one was a six or seven-year-old boy with messy hair, who jumped out and asked: "Why not? We don't eat secretly, we just smell the fragrance... aren't we allowed to smell the fragrance? "

But we have been smelling it near the big kitchen tent for half an hour. We are really greedy and can't hold it in any longer, so we ran over to you to ask for your permission.

"Are you a newly married child?" Gu Jinli thought the child looked familiar, but couldn't pronounce his name.

"Yes, I am new here. My father is Huang Dali and my name is Huang Sanhu. This is the name of the Mountain King. Isn't it very majestic?!" Huang Sanhu asked proudly, patting his heart.

Gu Jinli glanced at him and said, "Tiger also has a name, it's called Big Chong. Do you still think your name is very majestic?"

Huang Sanhu, who was jumping up and down, was stunned after hearing this. Finally, with red eyes, he pointed at Gu Jinli and said, "Bad guy, no wonder your friends call you a bad bitch behind your back. You are really bad!"

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