"Okay." Gu Jinli stopped and did not attack him again, but asked: "Why are you back at this time? Have the thieves stopped raiding?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, the raid stopped overnight, and there has been no movement since then. General Jiang estimated that they would start attacking on the eve of the New Year or during the banquet of the Second Army, so he asked us to take them with him The soldiers with relatives returned to the guard station to celebrate the New Year."


"We have to rush back to Du Chonggou before Xu time tomorrow night. If there is no sneak attack by the soldiers that night, the second batch of soldiers can return to the guard station before dawn to celebrate the New Year, and return to Du Chonggou before the afternoon of the second day of the lunar month."

Qin Sanlang: "Xiaoyu, I can only stay with you until tomorrow afternoon. I can't stay with you anymore. I'm sorry."

This is the second year that he and Xiaoyu have been married, but their lives are still not stable, and they can't even live in peace during the New Year.

Gu Jinli smiled and raised his hand to poke him in the face: "We are at war now. It's good to be back for a New Year's Eve dinner. Don't feel bad. Go wash up and go to bed. Let's eat delicious food during the Chinese New Year tomorrow."

"The health center has prepared a lot of delicious food. Uncle Mutong will be back tomorrow and will bring back a batch of supplies. Let's eat them."

After the water issue was settled, Uncle Tong took people to Zhuangzi in Mu County to transport supplies and prepare food for the New Year.

Yes, they also have Zhuangzi in Mu County. There are two of them. One was bought a few years ago and the other was newly bought a few months ago. From now on, their apparent transportation of supplies will go from New Zhuangzi, and Old Zhuangzi will continue to hide it in case of emergency.

Speaking of Zhuangzi, Qin Sanlang was very happy: "Thanks to Xiaoyu's willingness to spend money to buy so many Zhuangzi, otherwise it would have been very difficult for us to go west, and it would have been very difficult during the war some time ago."

The soldiers under his command would have very few casualties, thanks to Uncle Mutong who had been secretly sending them supplies.

Gu Jinli raised his eyebrows and showed an advantageous smile: "Half of the money I paid to buy Zhuangzi belongs to you. Of course I am willing to spend your money."

He has made a lot of money in the past few years from various seafood, and she holds the money and can spend it as she pleases.

Qin Sanlang smiled, looked down at her and said, "The money in the family belongs to Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu can spend it however he wants."

Gu Jinli loved money, so he laughed so hard that he couldn't even see his eyesight.

Qin Sanlang looked at her smiling face and wanted to kiss her more and more, but finally held back and said, "It's cold outside, Xiaoyu will go back to sleep first. I'll go back to the house after taking a shower."

"Okay." Gu Jinli gave him the torch and took Sanqing back to the house.

But because Qin Sanlang suddenly came back, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep. She took Sanqing to make some egg pancakes for Qin Sanlang, boiled a plate of bean sprouts, and took out the day's fried food. Aunt Yu gave her I made blood-tonifying chicken soup and prepared half a short table for Qin Sanlang to eat.

When Qin Sanlang came out of the shower and saw the food, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "Why have you made so many things? It's midnight, Xiaoyu should go to bed."

Gu Jinli said: "Aren't you happy to make food for you? After you leave, I will naturally have free time to catch up on my sleep. Stop nagging and come over to eat."

Those who rushed back from Duchonggou had exhausted a lot of energy and must be hungry.

"Okay." Qin Sanlang liked that she cared about him. Even though she was fierce when she said this, he was still very happy. He walked over with a gentle expression, sat on the fire bed, ate, and handed the bowl of chicken soup to She said: "It's a small fish to eat. I got up in the middle of the night and worked a lot. I must be hungry."

Gu Jinli shook his head and pushed the chicken soup to him: "I already drank it during dinner. If you drink it, you have to make up for it."

She has been confronting the thieves over at Du Chonggou, and has to fight from time to time, which is much harder than her time in the guardhouse.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang divided the chicken soup into two bowls and handed her one: "Eat together."

"You're such a jerk." Gu Jinli said to him, but he was happy in his heart. He took the chicken soup, took a sip, and said, "You should hurry up and eat too."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang ate obediently, and while eating, he asked Gu Jinli how he was doing these days.

Although he knew everything about Xiaoyu, he liked talking to Xiaoyu.

Gu Jinli talked about it one by one. Her words were interesting and Qin Sanlang kept laughing. In the end, she said with disgust: "Don't laugh all the time. You are the cold-blooded type. You are more handsome if you don't smile."

"But Xiaoyu likes my smile." Qin Sanlang remembered what she said. His smile was like the sun, very warm and had dimples. She liked to see him smile.

Well, well, she did enjoy seeing him smile.

"I sent the Peng sisters back, how did you place their men?" Gu Jinli asked about the situation of the Peng sisters' men.

They were all soldiers who had fought hard on the battlefield, so it was not good for them to be in too difficult a situation, but she would not keep people like the Peng sisters who were causing trouble in secret.

Qin Sanlang said: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, they have already transferred to Shigang Guard."

When Xiaoyu sent someone to take the Peng sisters to the Duchonggou camp, he first sent someone on a fast horse to find him and inform him of the situation.

After he learned about it, he immediately took the men of the Peng family sisters to see General Jiang.

After General Jiang heard what happened, he did not blame the two soldiers, but arranged them into Shigang Guards.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of soldiers, especially veterans who can fight. The Qianhu of Shigangwei happily accepted them.

"That's good." After hearing this, Gu Jinli finally felt relieved. After Qin Sanlang had finished eating, they cleared away the dishes together.

However, Qin Sanlang did not stay in the room longer, but said: "Xiaoyu, you have a rest first. I have to go to the tent outside. Hong Dao is coming to see me."

He had brought so many soldiers back in the middle of the night, and many of them were new soldiers. He had to settle them thoroughly before he could sleep peacefully.

"Okay, go and do your work and come back early." After Gu Jinli called San Qing in to accompany him, he sat on the fire bed and waited for him.

But Qin Sanlang was out for a long time this time, and Gu Jinli fell asleep while waiting.

When he woke up, Qin Sanlang had already carried him back to the kang in the back room.

He kissed her and said softly: "Sleep peacefully, little fish, I'm here."

My two words made her feel less uneasy, and she slept peacefully in the second half of the night. She didn't wake up until half past midnight in the morning.

Surprisingly, Qin Sanlang hadn't woken up yet and was sleeping soundly... But Gu Jinli had just woken up and his brain was a little twitchy. Seeing that he had closed his eyes and didn't get up, he thought he had passed away and hurriedly went to check his breathing.

After realizing that he was still breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "Okay, okay, he's alive~"

Qin Sanlang heard it and let out a muffled laugh. He opened his eyes and looked at her: "Why is the little fish so cute? I just fell asleep, not dead."

Gu Jinli became superstitious and hurriedly said: "If you are celebrating the New Year, you are not allowed to say that word!"

"Okay, don't tell me." Qin Sanlang felt distressed. Xiaoyu was the one who didn't believe in ghosts and gods the least among the family. He used to make secret jokes when he saw the third grandma bowing to the sky. Now, for his sake, she became superstitious about life and death.

Seeing that she suddenly lowered her head and stopped talking, she asked anxiously: "What's wrong with Xiaoyu? Are you unhappy?"

Unexpectedly, she suddenly raised her head, grabbed him, and kissed him when he was stunned... Qin Sanlang was stunned, ecstasy surged in his heart, clasped her head, and pressed her towards him, eager and greedy kissing her.

Gu Jinli almost died from being kissed, so she hurriedly punched him a few times. After he let her go, she said angrily: "This is a reward for you coming back during the New Year. I should kiss you, and you don't have to kiss me."

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