You Ping and the others had already finished a meal of meat rice, took a comfortable bath, and slept for an hour. After learning that Gu Jinli and the others had packed their things, they took their things and set off.

When Gu Jinli heard about it, he asked, "Why are you leaving so quickly? Didn't you let them rest for a night before leaving?"

Grandma Tao said: "I have told them, but You Ping said that he was afraid that the adults would have something to say, so he didn't stay long. He also said that they just do this kind of work, and it is not good for them to live too comfortably."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli didn't say anything else. He just wanted to make more money so that when these subordinates get old, injured, or get married and retire, he could give them a stable and prosperous life.

"Mommy, let's go and see how Uncle Lu and his brick kiln are doing."

After the New Year, Lao Lu took the lead in choosing a site to build a brick kiln.

As for Lao Lu, he dug two five-meter-long and one-meter-deep foundations in just two days. He also used the excavated clay to make hundreds of green embryos. He planned to build a small one-meter-long foundation after drying. Fire it in the brick kiln to see how the quality of the clay here is?

"If the clay is not good, the bricks produced will not be good. Even experienced masters can't help it." Lao Lu told the truth: "Madam, the clay in our health center is a bit bad. If we want to make good bricks, For blue bricks, I guess I have to buy clay from outside, but if I buy clay, the cost will increase, and the relatives will earn less money."

Gu Jinli was also worried about this during the Chinese New Year, but she didn't worry about it now. She smiled and said to Lao Lu: "Uncle Lu, don't worry, you can just build the brick kiln. When the brick kiln is built, good clay will be available." "

When Lao Lu saw Gu Jinli's confident expression, he felt relieved... The daughter-in-law chosen by Mr. Xiaohou would never speak big words on official matters. As long as she spoke out her words, it would be alright.

Gu Jinli looked at Lao Lu's legs covered with dirt and said, "Uncle Lu, your legs and feet are not good. Just sit down and tell them to dig the foundation. You don't have to do it yourself."

Lao Lu said: "Even though this leg is lame, it won't delay your work. Madam, don't worry."

Then he said: "Madam, this place is dirty. You should go back quickly. After the green embryo is dry, you can bake the bricks. Then Madam will come over to see what's going on."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Okay, let's go first. Uncle Lu, if you need anything, just tell me and I'll have someone prepare it for you."

Then he handed Lao Lu a bag: "It's dried tofu and caramel. Uncle Lu, take it and eat it. Eating candy can replenish your physical strength."

Lao Lu was stunned. He didn't expect that Gu Jinli would feed him like a child. He looked at Grandma Yu.

Aunt Yu smiled and said: "Take it, our wife is delicious and likes to share food with others. We just had smoked fish."

After hearing this, Lao Lu accepted the bag and said, "Thank you, madam."

"No thanks, let's go." Gu Jinli waved his hand and took Aunt Tao and the others away. They went to the camp where the cassava was stored and took a look. After seeing that the cassava was well preserved, he returned to the house with confidence.

Uncle Cao attaches great importance to cassava. He reported it to Xu You on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, he took his troops and a batch of supplies to Du Chonggou, met with General Jiang, and told him the matter straight to the point.

Then he asked: "Have Qin Qianhu told you?"

General Jiang said: "As I said, I asked General Wu to bring me a message as soon as I came back, saying that Uncle Cao wants to exchange things for potato seeds."

Then he asked: "Uncle Cao, do you really want potato seeds?"

Uncle Cao nodded: "Of course I want it. If I don't want it, I won't be able to come and ask for it in person."

General Jiang: "In that case, I will tell Uncle Cao the ugly thing first. First, cassava is the ghost potato, which is poisonous. Although the toxin can be removed by soaking in water, there are always times when it cannot be completely removed. If your people are eaten to death, don’t blame my generals.”

"Secondly, it was Qin Gu who wanted to turn cassava into food and came up with the water soaking method to remove toxins from cassava. If cassava really becomes food in the future, the Qin family and his wife will have to share the credit, and you, the Cao family, can't take all of it. "

After hearing this, Uncle Cao asked tentatively: "General Jiang seems to like Qin Qianhu very much?"

You actually helped the couple take credit. Doesn't it mean that you didn't like Qin Sanlang very much before?

General Jiang smiled and said: "That boy has made extraordinary achievements. No general who loves talent would not appreciate him."

It was just that I didn't know whether Qin Sanlang was loyal to Lord Xu, and I didn't like Qin Sanlang for using poison to stun Lemuqin and then behead him, so he made things difficult for him several times.

Then he asked: "Uncle Cao, can you agree to the two conditions I just mentioned? If you agree, I will send someone to call him. You guys can talk and we will settle the matter today."

Du Chonggou is a place for fighting, but we don't have time to talk about business all the time.

Uncle Cao nodded: "I agreed and asked the general to send someone to invite Qin Qianhu."

"Come here, ride a fast horse and invite Qin Qianhu here!" General Jiang shouted towards the outside of the camp, and the soldiers outside the tent immediately rode on horseback to look for him.

Half an hour later, Qin Sanlang was brought.

General Jiang told him the matter without any nonsense. After he finished speaking, he asked him directly: "Do you want to do this business? How do you do it? Do you want money or things?"

Qin Sanlang was not ambiguous and said directly: "Do it, I want Cao's Zhuangzi in Qingniu Mountain."

After hearing this, Uncle Cao was shocked, holding back his anger and asked, "How did Qin Qianhu know that the Cao family had a village in Qingniu Mountain?"

Have you checked the Cao family's property in the northwest?

Qin Sanlang said very openly: "Before the Chinese New Year, Chang Liang Wei had no water to drink. His family members looked around for wells to buy water. They found out that there was a well in Qingniu Mountain Village, but because it was my uncle's village, they didn't dare to go there. Excuse me, I’ll go to Tangjiazhuangzi to buy water instead.”

General Jiang agreed: "That's right. Their guardhouse doesn't have a well yet."

Then he asked: "How about it, Uncle Cao is willing to exchange it for Zhuangzi from Qingniu Mountain?"

Uncle Cao looked at Qin Sanlang and said: "That village was damaged by the bandits. The houses were all burned down, and there were no crops in the fields. There is just a lot of clay, so it can be regarded as a clay village. If you don't bake bricks, you can at most." Sell ​​some clay to make money. How about you exchange it for something more valuable, such as a house or shop in Fucheng?"

"You don't need those, the Zhuangzi in Qingniu Mountain is very good." Qin Sanlang told Uncle Cao the truth: "There is a servant in my family who can bake green bricks. Our guard has discussed it with Dabu Guard and Yangshan Guard. After a while, I can use my time to bake green bricks and sell them to increase income for my family, so it would be best to change to Qingniu Mountain Villa."

"You want to sell green bricks?" Uncle Cao asked.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, the soldiers' families are not rich. I happen to have servants with such skills in my family. My wife wants to do this business to make the soldiers' families rich."

He clasped his fists towards General Jiang and said, "I didn't report this matter to General Jiang. Please forgive me for not informing General Jiang."

General Jiang was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved his hand and said: "No need to apologize, this is a good thing... It is too hard to be a soldier now, and many soldiers' families do not have enough to eat. If this deal is completed, it will also make the soldiers' families rich." Some."

General Jiang agreed to the deal, looked at Uncle Cao, and said, "Uncle Cao, I want Zhuangzi in Qingniu Mountain. Please give me your love."

General Jiang said so, Uncle Cao could only agree: "Sure."

And all their words were heard by Meng Hong outside.

Meng Hong was so angry that Qin Sanlang, an idiot, why should he bake green bricks or porcelain with such craftsmen? Porcelain is so expensive, and it is much more profitable than green bricks!

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