A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2209 The Fei Family’s Uncle and Grandpa’s People

"Maybe the Sixth Young Master was too angry and confused at that time, so..." Lin Yongwang stopped at the right time and begged Jiang Wangang again: "General, the younger one was confused for a moment. Please save the younger one."

What Lin Yongwang said has been written down by the dead soldiers and turned into a confession.

After finishing writing, he took it to Lin Yongwang to fingerprint and handed it to Meng Hong.

Meng Hong couldn't wait to present the confession to Jiang Wankang: "General, please read it."

Uncle, you can no longer favor Xu Liu this time, and hurry up and plan more for your own family.

Jiang Wangang took it and looked at it, pointed at Lin Yongwang and said: "Untie it and send it to the tent for treatment."

"Thank you, General, thank you, General!" Lin Yongwang was overjoyed, but he didn't want to stay to recuperate. He wanted to escape to the gathering place in Mu County overnight, take the Xinruan, and go straight to his hometown, so as not to delay the change. He begged: "General , There is no need to keep him, the little one is not seriously injured, so he will leave now."

Meng Hong sneered: "If you want to die on the way, leave now."

Lin Yongwang was shocked: "What, what do you mean?"

Meng Hong: "What do you mean? Tell you, the only one who can save you now is General Jiang. Be obedient and testify. The general will send someone to send you back to your hometown safely. Otherwise, even if you return to your hometown, others will want to kill you." , you still can’t survive!”

After hearing this, Lin Yongwang could only grasp General Jiang's life-saving straw and be honest and obedient. He also deeply regretted that he was blinded by money and helped Xu Liu harm others.

But how could he have thought that Qin Sanlang would be so ruthless that even his wife's relatives would send him to Du Chonggou... Oh, I hope he can survive this disaster safely!

"Take away." Meng Hong waved his hand, and Lin Yongwang was dragged away. He asked Jiang Wankang, "Uncle Jiang, do the Fei family want to be tortured?"

Jiang Wangang nodded: "He has the idea of ​​beating the Gu family's relatives into small pieces. He must torture the Fei family and interrogate them before he can silence others so that Sanlang has no worries."

Meng Hong became jealous when he heard this: "Uncle, you treat Sanlang much better now than you treat me."

Jiang Wangang kicked him: "You have been clamoring for me to reuse Sanlang. Now that you are reused, you are not happy. You can suppress your dissatisfaction and quickly interrogate him with torture... There is an old man. Don't be too harsh, otherwise you will die."

"Yes." Meng Hong agreed, and after sending Jiang Wankang into a small room in the execution room, he asked the dead soldiers to escort the four Fei family members in, and asked directly: "Tell me, are you careful?!"

The Fei family members all cried out: "It's wrong, it's wrong, Master Jun. We are good citizens with registered residence, and we are not a swindler!"

Fei Dashen said: "Master Jun, when we were in charge of Liangwei, we made it clear that we are not craftsmen, but good people. My great-grandfather was a bodyguard, transporting goods from the northwest to the northeast. Later, he married Ji Qing from the Northeast. The girl from the Mansion settled down in Jiqing Mansion. Due to the many injuries on her body as a escort, she no longer had the strength to do this job in her thirties, so she returned to my great-grandmother’s natal family, Dahushan Village in Jiqing Mansion to settle down.”

"When my father was a child, our family had exchanges of letters with the Fei family in his hometown. Later, I heard that all the men of the Fei family here died due to the war. He had a daughter who married into a good family, and then there was no more Got the news."

"We are coming back this time because my grandfather is ill in bed. His death is approaching and he misses his hometown more and more. After learning about the emperor's move of the people, he forced us to take the opportunity to go back to his hometown to visit and pay homage to his ancestral graves. We just have to come back.”

"How did I know that after I arrived in the northwest, I heard about the names of Qin Sanlang and his wife? Oh, Xing'an Prefecture spread the word about them so much... There is also a legend about three generations of poisonous women, which talks about the grandfather and stepmother of the Gu family. When my father heard that his surname was Gu and that he was from Gujia Village in Gaoshui County, he immediately took out his grandfather’s letter and showed it to someone. After reading it, Mr. Tongsheng said that the daughter of the Fei family here was married to Gaoshui County. Gu Shengxiang from Gujiacun!"

"Relatives, we just want to meet Mr. and Mrs. Qin Qianhu and get to know each other. When we go back, we can give an explanation to our grandfather. Otherwise, he may not feel at ease when he leaves... After all, we can't pay respects to our ancestors' graves now. It’s in the mountains opposite Duchonggou, so I can’t get through.”

Oh my god, this relationship is really confusing.

Meng Hong was so confused that he was counting on his fingers: "Your great-grandfather's father is from the Fei family. There is a Fei family in the middle. The Fei family's granddaughter is the Gu family. The Gu family's man is Sanlang. This, this How many generations has it been?”

Fei Dacan said sheepishly: "I can't tell clearly about this relationship now. Anyway, they are relatives."

General Jiang came out and said: "Don't forget it. I have been out of the fifth server for a long time. I am still the wife's grandmother's natal family. I don't know how many generations have passed. I don't even have time to raid my house and behead her."

"Oh, it's okay then." Meng Hong was relieved. The house confiscation was out of the question. If these Fei family members were really careful, they wouldn't be able to implicate Sanlang.

"Continue to use torture for interrogation." Jiang Wanzang explained.

Meng Hong: "Come on, hit me!"

Fei Da Shen cried: "Why are we still fighting? We have already said that we are either doing it carefully or coming to recognize our relatives. If it doesn't work, the generals will go to our home in Dahushan Village, Jiqing Prefecture. Everyone in the village is here." Knowing the identity of our old Fei family, we are innocent!"

His son and nephew also shouted: "General, we are really not a meticulous person, we are really good people."

Jiang Wankang: "Then why do you smell like beasts and ginger?"

Old Man Fei said: "That's because it's cold in the northeast. We have the habit of chewing ginger all year round. The smell of beasts on our bodies is because we are ginseng pickers and wander around in the mountains all the year round. The bags we use are all beasts." Made from leather, that’s how it tastes.”

He cried again: "General, we are really good people. We were forced by our father to return to our hometown in the northwest. Otherwise, thousands of miles away, I am almost sixty years old. Who would be willing to come back? There is still a war here. I heard that Rong The thieves are very cruel, it’s a vicious place and it’s not easy to come here.”

Now, you are still complaining. Is our northwest so bad? !

Jiang Wankang believed what they said, but said: "Torture!"

Without torture, the confession would not be strong enough. What if Mr. Xu said that without torture, would their words be believed?

"This? Hey, Lord, why are you still fighting? If you go to Jiqing Mansion and ask around, you will find out. Our old Fei family can withstand the investigation!"

They can indeed withstand investigation, because they are the people who were kept in the Northeast by Fei's brother and uncle. They have been kept for a long time, and all their identities can be seen.

And they also have a mission to come here this time... If the Fei family still has descendants alive and their descendants are successful, it will greatly affect the Fei family's uncle and grandpa's decision.

The war is approaching, and the uncle and grandpa of the Fei family are forced to make a choice. However, he was once a Chu man and did not want to kill his compatriots. However, he also has a tribe to protect and cannot just sit on the sidelines all the time.

"What do you mean, just be honest and give them a beating." Meng Hong waved his hand, and the dead soldiers came over immediately, held Fei's family down, and began to torture them.

It was a one-night punishment. When Qin Sanlang saw them the next morning, he almost didn't recognize them.

However, the injuries of the Fei family only looked scary and did not hurt their muscles and bones. Old Fei only suffered some flesh injuries on his face, neck, hands and feet, and was not hit with the iron rod.

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