After her carriage entered the camp, all the Cui family members saluted her: "Greetings to my aunt."

The maid lifted up the car curtain. Cui Xiniang looked at them, nodded gracefully and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Minions, don't work hard!" The Cui family members responded in unison. There were quite a few people, standing in rows, as if they were courtiers greeting the princess. The look was quite intimidating.

But in this camp, there is no one who is married to Xu You.

There are not even many servants from the Xu family. Many servants named Xu were given by the Cui family.

Cui Xiniang felt proud in her heart. Everything about the Cui family was her confidence. Even though she was just a concubine, she had suppressed the main wife for so many years.

Cui Xiniang looked at Xu You again: "Master Hou, he taught them really well."

These words made Xu You feel a lot more angry... No matter how powerful the Cui family was, wouldn't everything still belong to his Xu family in the end?

"Go to Xu's house." Xu You ordered, and the convoy moved again, heading deep into the camp and arriving in front of a new house with two entrances.

This is the Xu House, which was built for Xu You. However, Xu You has always lived in the big tent and Xu Liu is not allowed to live in a good place. Therefore, no one has lived in this house, and Cui Xiniang is the first person.

Cui Xiniang was very happy and was led by Xu You into the main room of the house: "You have been tired all the way, so take a rest first. If you have anything to do, we will talk about it after you have rest."

Cui Xiniang was not stupid. She didn't dare to rest. She hurriedly told the story about Dr. Liu: "He seems to have made a magic medicine to deworm the thieves. He is going to take the medicine to Chang Liang Wei to show it to Gu. Let's try it." How effective is the medicine? I knew the importance of the anti-parasitic medicine, so I stopped him and brought him to see the Marquis."

Xu You's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. If the anti-worming medicine was successfully developed, digging the poisonous insect ditch would be in vain, so he was very concerned and asked quickly: "Where is the person?"

Cui Xiniang: "In the carriage of the motorcade, the servants should be taking her into the house now."

He was indeed brought into the house, and it was Mr. Qianshan who brought him in personally. He was so angry that he wanted to slap Cui Xiniang, a Xibei, twice.

Why is she so stupid that she stuns an imperial doctor and brings her into the camp? She is just a concubine. Doctor Liu is a high-ranking official. She is tired of living, so she is seeking death and kidnapping an official?

Mr. Qianshan finally knew who inherited Xu Liu’s stupidity. The root of his love lies with Cui Xiniang!

Mr. Qianshan was very angry, but nothing could happen to Cui Xiniang. He could only suppress his anger and go to the main courtyard to see Cui Xiniang and Xu You.

He had an unusual status. He soon saw Xu You and Cui Xiniang, told the matter, and said: "We must find a way to talk to Dr. Xiao Liu, and we can't let him expose this matter, and Xin If the adults find out, it will inevitably cause another trouble."

Master Xin is the supervisor and is here to keep an eye on Xu You.

But after Xu You heard this, he was not in a hurry. Instead, he said calmly: "Sir, don't worry, he is just a little imperial doctor. As long as we don't admit it, he has no evidence in his hand. If we accuse him, it will be just a false accusation."

As for Mr. Xin...

"Master Xin has always been transparent and will not pursue this matter. Even if he knows that there is something else going on, he will choose not to delve into it for the sake of the unity of the camp."

After hearing this, Mr. Qianshan looked at Cui Xiniang...Xu You didn't even pursue it. How much more property was this given to him? Is this how she was allowed to squander her master's property? You are just a Xibei, and every penny you spend belongs to your master!

Mr. Qianshan's guess was correct. Xu You was so calm because Cui Xiniang had already told Dr. Xiao Liu about the incident.

Before talking, Xu You was given two boxes, one filled with banknotes and the other filled with deeds for various fields, houses and shops, which was quite generous.

Xu You was very happy because of this, and he really felt that kidnapping a young imperial doctor was nothing.

If Dr. Xiao Liu really makes an anthelmintic, he will probably kill people and silence them, but because the time has not come yet, he doesn't want to go to war with the Rong bandits... If he could, he would never want to go to war with the Rong bandits, but hold his ground. Rong thief, after raising his own troops and horses, he invaded the capital!

"The most important thing now is to test the medicine. Let's go and see Dr. Liu." After Xu You finished speaking, he and Cui Xiniang started to leave. Mr. Qianshan could only follow.

Dr. Xiao Liu has been sent to a guest room in the yard next door. It is the best guest room. Mr. Qianshan asked him to send it there, so that if Dr. Liu wakes up and sees himself in the woodshed, the conflict will deepen. .

Seeing that Dr. Liu was still unconscious, Xu You raised his voice and said, "Call Xu He and revive him."

Soon, Xu He was brought in. He was very excited. He could finally stay in the same room with Xi Niang again.

"I have met Mr. Marquis and Aunt Cui." After Xu He saluted them, he went to save Dr. Liu. After a few injections, Dr. Liu woke up.

Doctor Liu had been drugged for the past few days, and his brain was almost numb. When he woke up, he was in a daze for more than a quarter of an hour before he finally regained consciousness.

After seeing Cui Xiniang, he pointed at her and said angrily: "You vicious woman, how dare you detain me?!"

Xu He quickly grabbed him and said: "Mr. Liu, don't get excited. This was a misunderstanding. You were ill and fainted on your own. My aunt was worried, so she personally sent you back to Daokougou Camp."


Dr. Xiao Liu was shocked. He glanced around them, his eyes full of ridicule. Do you think I'm stupid? Do you know if you are sick or fainted by poison? !

However, Xu You made the final decision: "Mr. Xiao Liu, you are indeed sick and fainted. Aunt Cui was afraid that something might happen to you, so she sent you here herself."

He added: "You are awake now. Just take good care of your health from now on. You must know that there are some diseases that if you go too far into the root cause, your life will be harmed."

These words are a blatant warning to Dr. Liu, if you don't want to die, I will accept your excuse of being comatose due to illness.

Mr. Qianshan sneered in his heart. He thought Xu You could come up with some good way to solve this problem, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of bullying method!

However, this method works very well.

Although Imperial Doctor Xiao Liu is arrogant, he is personally afraid of death. He has been in the northwest for two years, and he knows very well that Xu You is an emperor-like existence here. For the lives of himself and the two medicine boys, and to continue to do deworming Medicine, he grieved for himself for a moment before finally admitting this secret loss.

Seeing that he acquiesced, Xu You was very satisfied and asked about the miracle anti-parasitic medicine: "I heard that you made the magic anti-parasitic medicine. This is a great thing. Write down the prescription quickly and show it to me."

Cui Xiniang said that Dr. Liu had brought some patent medicine, but the quantity of the medicine seemed to have been deliberately mistaken, and the deworming effect was not very good.

Deliberately mistaking the dosage of a medicine in order to keep its own prescription is a trick used by many doctors, so Xu You asked Dr. Liu to write down the prescription silently.

After he wrote it out, he asked Xu He to prepare the medicine and test it.

Doctor Liu finally understood that they were really after his anti-parasitic medicine, but: "It's okay to write a prescription, but please invite Xin Jianjun. As soon as he arrives, I will immediately write down the latest prescription for the anti-parasitic medicine." come out."

This is Xu You's territory. He was afraid that he would be silenced on the spot after writing down the prescription, so he asked to see Mr. Xin.

...The decisive battle will be written in about twenty chapters at most. I won’t write too much about the plot of the decisive battle. I will rewrite the identity exposure, kill Xu You’s family, and then go to Beijing based on merit and enter the next stage of the plot, the decisive battle. I will write about the ending of the Fifth Master Lei, the whereabouts of Jun Tianwei, and the official appearance of the uncle and grandpa of the Fei family. I will not write about Cui’s real and fake father until the new dynasty is about to be established. The update is slow, I'm sorry everyone, I will try my best to update more + speed up the plot, I'm sorry again, T-T

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