A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2225 Attending the Banquet

But don't rush, wait until everything is cleared up.

She explained: "Uncle Mutong, let him live in Yiligang camp first, give him medicine to maintain his health, and then explain the military regulations to him clearly. If he dares to violate it, the guard will not show mercy."

"Yes." Uncle Mutong responded, and told her about the busy farming season in Gujiacun: "Thanks to the fermented fertilizer, Gujiacun's grain harvest was 10% more than last year. Sweet potatoes, The cassava is growing well, and once I get through this busy period, I will be free to make sweet potato flour and cassava flour, and save them in case of war and food shortages."

Aunt Guizhi was in the house, but she could tell her this because Gao Lei trusted Gu Jinli and also planted cassava in her own farm.

They also let the servants eat cassava, and some servants were poisoned. Fortunately, Gao Lei had the antidote prescription given by Gu Jinli, which included medicinal powder and root of root. He quickly gave it to the poisoned man without any symptoms. What a big deal.

But the ancients were very cautious about what they imported, especially cassava, which is known as the ghost potato. After the servants were poisoned, they were very afraid of cassava and did not dare to eat it again.

Gao Lei gave him a heavy reward. Some of the brave servants who had been poisoned ate cassava again in order to reward the money. They were not poisoned. Gradually, everyone in Zhuangzi began to accept the ghost potato.

But because of the frequent exposure of cassava poisoning, Xu You still disliked cassava, but he didn't want to give up, so he would occasionally ask about cassava tastings.

Aunt Guizhi was very happy to hear this and said: "The cassava is really high-yielding. With it, if Long'an Prefecture is besieged again, we won't be afraid of running out of food."

More than two years ago, when Long'an Prefecture was besieged, many tragic events occurred due to lack of food. It's hard to go into details about how tragic things were. In short, they were against the moral principles.

Aunt Guizhi has heard about it, so she hopes that cassava can be planted as soon as possible so that when the war breaks out again, the people will have food to eat and will not do any more evil deeds.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mom, there will be such a day."

He continued to listen to Uncle Mu Tong's report.

Uncle Mu Tong: "The people in Linjiapo are quite obedient. They don't steal medicinal materials anymore. They just do what we tell them. If anyone is confused or dissatisfied, they will go to Lin Houde first. The rules are much more honest. Even their relatives They are all honest."

Last year when they hired people from Linjiapo to help farm and collect medicinal materials, one family brought relatives to steal medicinal materials. Lin Houde and his son were so angry that they kidnapped the man in charge and sent him to Gaoshui County. Yamen punish crimes.

After this incident, the people in Linjiapo became frightened. They were afraid that they would lose their jobs in Gujiacun, so they worked hard and did not dare to seek death because of greed for profit.

Gu Jinli said: "Since they have done well, let them try to grow some medicinal materials for treating knife wounds, dispelling cold and fever."

These three medicinal materials are most needed in the northwest. As for the hemostatic root, the first line of defense has been planting it, so there is no shortage.

Because of this hemostatic medicinal material, Chang Liang Wei's relationship with various health centers has become better and better, and Brother Qin has also benefited from this. Many households are willing to listen to him.

"Sure, I'll make the arrangements." Uncle Mu Tong said, handing several ledgers to Gu Jinli: "All the accounts of Gujia Village for the first half of the year are here and have been calculated. Madam can just take the time to do the calculations."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Uncle Lao Mutong."

Seeing that he had been busy for a long time, he hurriedly asked him to go back to rest and handed him a basket: "It's fruit bowl cake. It's beautiful and delicious. Uncle Mutong took it back to try it. Someone has already killed the chicken. There will be stir-fry in the evening." The chicken is stewed with pine mushrooms, and the pine mushrooms are sent from home.”

Uncle Mu Tong smiled. The little boss always likes to give people food: "Okay, then I'll wait for a big meal."

He took the basket, visited the big wolf and the two wolves, and then went back to his place to rest.

Qin Sanlang came back eight days later. By this time, the soybeans had been planted and the grain was dried, and he could be taken to Duchonggou Camp to deliver military rations.

Yan Wenlang was very worried when he knew that Qin Sanlang had returned to the guard station. He packed himself up and waited for him to send someone to see him.

But Qin Sanlang had no time to pay attention to him now. As soon as he came back, he ran to the house to see his wife and children.

Before entering the main house, it is better to wash your hair, take a shower, and change into clean clothes to avoid dirtying your wife and children.

"Xiaoyu." Qin Sanlang was very happy after seeing Gu Jinli. He strode towards her with a smile, put his arm around her waist, and said in a gentle voice: "You miss me, the child didn't bother you, right?"

As a result, Gu Jinli pinched her and whispered: "Get away quickly, Grandma Guizhi is in the house."

Aunt Guizhi likes her two children very much and comes to stay with them every day.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang stopped kissing her and took her hand into the house.

Aunt Guizhi didn't care. Instead, she was happy that their couple had a good relationship. However, she was very sensible. When she saw Aunt Yu and the nannies retreating, she stood up and left: "Those children must learn the rules of the Lei family's caravan, old slave. I have to teach them, so I won’t stay any longer.”

"Thank you for your hard work, Grandma." Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli went to see her off. After seeing off Grandma Guizhi, they went back to the house together.

"Ouch!" As soon as they entered the house, they heard Erlang's loud cry. The couple were startled and hurried over to see him. They were relieved to see the little guy sleeping soundly on the mat.

After a while, the little guy didn't know what beautiful thing he had dreamed of, and he giggled again, making Qin Sanlang laugh.

He said curiously: "My son is lively and very good."

"What's so good?" Gu Jinli said with a headache: "He is too lively. He can only live peacefully when he sleeps. When he wakes up, he never rests for a moment."

"Recently, I don't like to see grapefruit trees anymore. I like to watch the soldiers doing drills. I have to hold them to see them every day. I only come back when they are beautiful. Twice, I got up late and couldn't see them. I kept crying. I couldn't help it. , I can only let Xia Zhang bring a group of servants to show him how to wield swords and guns, which is a lot of torture."

Qin Sanlang was a doting child. He didn't think anything was wrong. Instead, he listened very happily. He hugged her and comforted her: "Don't be angry, Xiaoyu. When he is older, I will beat him to vent your anger."

He went to see Big Wolf again: "Fortunately, Big Wolf is worry-free, quiet and well-behaved."

But Xiaoyu was worried that Big Wolf was too quiet, so he quickly changed the subject and asked, "Does Xiaoyu want to keep the little inkstone?"

Gu Jinli frowned: "Why are you asking about this? If possible, of course I would. This child is very well-behaved and has the best relationship with Xiao Pingxi."

Qin Sanlang said: "The people from Daliang Mansion have sent me a letter. Yan Wenlang and his wife are fine, and they have separated from the Yan family. Even if something happens to the Yan family, they will not be affected. You can stay with confidence."

He also mentioned the reason why he wanted to keep Yan Wenlang: "There is a lack of a gentleman in the health center. The letter said that he is very knowledgeable and it would be a good idea to stay and teach the children."

Uncle Mu Tong and the others had their own work to do and were unable to teach the children to read every day. However, Yan Wenlang was enlightened at the age of five, had received formal education, could write articles and calculate accounts, so it would be best for him to teach the children.

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