A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2231 Can you change your tactics?

After hearing this, Cui Xiniang's face almost lost her composure. Why did this pig deserve to die? She also said: "This is peony rouge meat."

It's peony rouge pork, not braised pork, do you hear me?

"What kind of meat?" Mrs. Shi frowned when she heard it, and said while eating: "The name is too long, I can't remember it. Let's call it braised pork. It's easy to remember, hahaha."


Cui Xiniang was about to explode with anger and felt aggrieved... She was also from a famous family and was the future Madam Hou. She just treated these ladies of thousands of households to dinner with her condescension. How could she have known that these women could be so vulgar and waste such elegance? Forget about the good things and let her get angry.

Look, what are these eating scenes like? They are eating from a plate, pulling vegetables, the pieces are flying everywhere, and the meat is picked up and stuffed into the mouth after it falls on the floor!

Cui Xiniang felt as if she had arrived at the earthquake scene and was treating a group of victims to a meal!

And she should have been sitting in the glorious hall, listening to the concubines playing the piano and singing, and extolling elegance with the ladies at the banquet.

The more Cui Xiniang thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. When Mrs. Situ saw it, she sneered in her heart... She looked down on the big guy, why did she invite him? Since you have invited me, you should show some sincerity, but Mrs. Xu Cui is holding it high and giving alms to the big guy like a beggar. What do you think of the big guy? !

However, Mrs. Situ didn't say anything and continued to eat without moving her eyebrows. It was hot, so she had to eat slowly, otherwise she would be soaked in sweat.

Fortunately, the things Cui Xiniang prepared were novel enough, and everyone chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

that is……

"Have you finished eating now? Does Aunt Cui still have any? She's not full yet!" Mrs. Shi asked.

Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Cao, who were sharing the table with Mrs. Shi, also said: "Yes, Aunt Cui, is there still something to eat? We have a big appetite and are not full. Let's bring some more food to fill our stomachs."

Cui Xiniang was so angry, eat, eat, eat, are you pigs? You just know how to eat!

Also, how did you put the tables together? Today's banquet uses ancient rituals. One person has one seat, and they sit on their knees to eat. Not only did you put three tables together, you also sat on your buttocks and stretched your feet. Sprawled on all fours!

Cui Xiniang was so angry.

But she had to smile softly and said: "Yes, I just have to wait until Yi Ji performs before I can eat it."

Cui Xiniang attached great importance to this banquet and prepared a lot of things, including food, drink and entertainment from day to night.

Mrs. Chen asked: "When will Yi Ji perform?"

Hurry up, we want to eat.

Cui Xiniang smiled and said, "This is my performance."

Saying that, he looked at Zhiya.

Zhiya immediately asked the little maid to play the drum, and the Xuan Yijis came out to perform.

There are many programs, including playing the harp, playing the xun, and playing the drum.

But the ladies present fell asleep after listening to it, and someone whispered: "Is this what your noble family listens to? It's better to beat gongs and drums to get more energy."

It’s so dull, people who didn’t know better thought there was a funeral here!

Fortunately, the food that was served was good, and everyone ate and chatted, but they were able to endure it.

Cui Xiniang is going crazy... What are you arguing about? You should be quiet when listening to music. You are like shouting at a stall in the vegetable market, how can you enjoy music? !

They are all people who work hard for the livelihood of the relatives and relatives of the entire health center. Who can have fun with you? It is better to eat and drink together and go home to continue working.

Mrs. Bai's face looked ugly... She really didn't expect Cui Xiniang to prepare such elegant programs. If she had known, she would have asked Cui Xiniang to change it even if she died!

Madam Bai reminded: "Sister Cui, is there a dancer? Come out and dance. It's beautiful."

Cui Xiniang felt aggrieved, wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and said, "Yes."

When Mrs. Bai saw her crying, she wanted to slap her. Why are you crying? It seems that the big guys have done something to you. You are here to win over people today, so you should welcome guests with a smile!

"Then hurry up and come out and dance."

If you listen to this dull music again, believe it or not, you will be able to sleep in a large area here later!

Cui Xiniang had no choice but to ask Zhiya to reveal the dancer and dance for everyone to see.

"Hey, you're dancing. It's so beautiful!"

As soon as the dancers came out, everyone was really energetic. They ate fruits and watched the dance, one after another. In the end, even the dancer who was the finale of the night shouted out and danced.

What she danced was the Hu dance from the heyday of the previous dynasty. The dancer had a stunning figure, covered with a veil, wearing a cool short-sleeved midriff-revealing skirt, dancing on a big drum, and paired with Hu music that everyone had never heard of. It was really beautiful. It doesn’t work.

Mrs. Shi was a lively person. She stood up and gave high fives: "Good dance, beautiful!"

Then he called to all the ladies: "Hurry up, you should also give me high-fives. This girl dances so beautifully. I would be sorry if I didn't shout twice."

But not many people stood up to cheer.

Just because this dancer is so beautiful, the big guys are scared when the maid who leads the way makes trouble, for fear that Cui Xiniang will trick them again.

There are quite a few dancers coming out to dance, one for each family is enough.

And Cui Xiniang really means this.

It's just that this dancer is not for other Qianhu, but for Qin Sanlang... Because Miss Yun failed, Cui Xiniang had no choice but to find someone to replace her. She asked her grandma to choose a circle, and the only one who looked like this dancer was Most outstanding.

So after the music stopped and the dancing was over, Cui Xiniang asked the dancer to return gifts to everyone.

When he returned to Gu Jinli, he asked the dancing girl to serve tea again.

"Songxue offers tea to Madam, and invites Madam to drink tea." The dancing girl said.

Serving tea had a profound meaning in ancient times. If Gu Jinli drank this cup of tea, it would be difficult to talk about it.

Gu Jinli smiled and came again. Do you like the trick of blocking people so much? Can we try another trick? I'm tired of it.

Kuang Shi took the tea from Songxue's hand and drank it all: "It tastes good. I happen to be thirsty."

Then he said: "Okay, tea is served, you can go back."

Songxue was stunned. She didn't expect that Kuang would drink the cup of tea. She continued to kneel and turned back to look at Cui Xiniang and ask her for help.

Cui Xiniang was also stunned. She didn't expect to be ruined again. She was so angry that she stopped pretending and said directly: "Mrs. Qin needs a maid to guide the way. You can stay and guide Mrs. Qin."

"Yes." Songxue responded, stood up and walked to Gu Jinli.

As expected of a dancing queen, she walked with just a few steps, swaying gracefully, which was quite beautiful.

Gu Jinli was also very direct. He turned to look at Songxue and asked, "Songxue, do you want to go back with me and become my husband-in-law's concubine?"

Bang bang bang!

One sentence shocked everyone, and many ladies were so shocked that they dropped their fruit bowls.

Songxue was still very smart. After hearing this, she leaned over and bowed, saying: "In reply to Madam, Songxue is just a dancer. Her fate is decided by the masters. If the masters want Songxue to stay, Songxue will stay." Down."

Unfortunately, Gu Jinli said: "Then you go, I don't want to keep you."

"What, can you not stay?!" Mrs. Shi was happy, stood up and asked Gu Jinli.

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhen's eyes lit up. If Gu's refusal was successful, then she would forgive her and not care about the previous matter with her.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Of course you can't stay. We are the wives of the house and have the right to make decisions about these things. If you want to stay, you can stay. If you don't want to stay, don't. It's a very simple matter."

Cui Xiniang was angry. What a Gu family dared to humiliate her on the spot!

She suppressed her anger, frowned and looked sad, looked at Gu Jinli, and said sincerely: "Mrs. Qin, I know you don't like Songxue, but a wife should be virtuous and not too domineering, otherwise she will be criticized by her family. My husband doesn’t like it.”

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