A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2236 Cleaning up the mess

"Mom!" Brother Yi had been waiting outside Zhuangzi. After seeing Mrs. Han, he jumped off the carriage and ran towards this side.

"Run slowly." Han smiled, and when he came closer, she took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat: "What are you doing, sweating so much?"

"I went riding horseback with Uncle Xi. The terrain here is quite strange. Running it a few times will be good for your riding skills." Brother Yi looked at the carriages that kept running out and asked, "Mom, I'm going back tonight. ?”

Han nodded: "Well, the banquet has been finished, and there are still many things to do in the various health clinics, so Mr. Xu's family will not keep us."

Brother Yi was confused. The invitation clearly stated that he wanted to keep all the ladies for one night. Why did he suddenly not stay?

But Brother Yi was smart and didn't ask any more questions. He just nodded and said goodbye to Gu Jinli and others: "Aunt Qin, Aunt Xie, Nainai, I'll escort your mother home first. I'll see you next time."

After saying this, he bowed to them.

"Brother Yi, this kid is really well-behaved." Mrs. Kuang praised and helped Brother Yi up: "Go back with your mother. Let's get together next time."

"Yes." Brother Yi responded and said to Gu Jinli: "Aunt Qin, you need to tell Big Wolf and Two Wolf more about me, otherwise they won't remember me."

Uncle Qin said that babies are forgetful and will not remember people if they are not seen for two days.

Gu Jinli smiled. Seeing that he cared very much, he responded seriously: "Okay, Aunt Qin will mention you to the big wolf and the two wolves every day to ensure that they will never forget you."

"Thank you Aunt Qin." Brother Yi was very happy and followed Han to meet the ladies on the second line of defense.

Before the motorcade left, Mrs. Shi shouted to Gu Jinli: "Mrs. Qin, let's have a feast next time!"

Gu Jinli waved his hand and said, "Okay!"

After seeing off the Han family, Gu Jinli didn't stay long. After gathering with the ladies on the first line of defense, they walked back together, intending to rush to Tianhuai Village. After everyone rested there for the night, they would go back the next day. Health center.

On the way, everyone couldn't help but gossip: "Tell me, is there anything going on between Xu He and Aunt Cui?"

"There must be something wrong, otherwise you can make a cripple run away? Tsk, tsk, tsk, at that speed, this matter must be serious!"

"That's right. Looking at Xu He's anxious look at that time, those who didn't know it thought he had lost his heart!"

The guys were talking enthusiastically, and in Gu Jinli's carriage, Ji Zhenniang couldn't help but said, "I'm afraid the color of Mr. Xu's head will change."

Gu Jinli glanced at her: "Take it easy and don't talk nonsense."

What does it have to do with you if the color on other people's heads changes?

Ji Zhenniang was angry: "I'm not allowed to talk about something that so many people have seen? Even if I don't say it, the other ladies will spread it."

The people at the table today are all shrews, and they all gossip a lot. How can they hold back from spreading gossip? impossible!

Gu Jinli: "They said it's their business. Anyway, if you want to live a good life, don't talk about such gossip. If you want to say it, wait until Xie Qianhu of your family becomes a marquis. By then, even if you open a Bagua parlor, you can do it every day No one dares to trouble you if you talk about right and wrong."

"Hmph!" Ji Zhenniang said dissatisfied: "You are so boring. If I had known, I wouldn't be in the same car with you."

Gu Jinli chuckled: "I didn't ask you to come up. You came to squeeze in with me yourself. Do you still blame me?"

The two of them were bickering, but Qihe Village was still in a mess.

Xu Liang frowned, thinking that he heard wrongly, and asked Mrs. Situ again: "What did you say? You want to take them to dig for gold and let them get back their own things?"

They were thieves who sneaked into Zhuangzi. If they hadn't frightened the aunt, Xu He would not have lost his composure. They should have died to apologize for causing this trouble!

Mrs. Situ looked at Xu Liang and asked, "Then what do you have in mind? Kill them and let everyone say that the Xu family has taken away people from Zhuangzi and destroyed everyone in the family?"

Xu Liang was shocked and quickly denied: "What did Mrs. Situ say? It's nothing to seize Zhuangzi. This Zhuangzi signed a red deed in the government office."

Mrs. Situ said: "You have signed a red contract, but was Zhuangzi sold to you by the Lan family? Don't think that you are the smartest, and don't think of others as fools. Do you dare to ask Magistrate Qi to investigate some matters?" "

Xu Liang was left speechless by the question.

Many of the Xu family's properties in Long'an Mansion were occupied in vain, and the red deed of the government office was obtained with the help of the deceased Xu Fang and could not withstand strict inspection.

Mrs. Situ said: "There are two ways to go. Do you want to settle the matter or let your reputation be ruined?"

Xu Liang was not stupid, so he naturally wanted to calm down the matter, but the Lan family was so hateful that he caused a big trouble for them when he broke in. Thinking of the consequences if this matter could not be settled, Xu Liang wanted to kill the Lan family alive. ...and Xu He!

"Sure, I'll lead them to dig for gold." Xu Liang agreed, went to the Lan family and told them about allowing them to dig for gold.

"Really?" The Lan family couldn't believe it and cried with joy.

Xu Liang said impatiently: "I don't have time to play tricks on you now. Hurry up and dig for gold if you want it!"

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go now. Thank you very much, sir." The eldest brother of the Lan family responded and took the rest of the Lan family to find the place where the gold was buried and dug it out according to the drawings left by Master Lan. .

A total of three places were buried, and it took more than an hour to dig out. Six jars of gold were dug out. Xu Liang was jealous when he saw it. He didn't expect such treasures to be hidden in Qihe Village.

The Lan family was very happy and thanked Xu Liang and Mrs. Situ again and again, but they could not leave.

Xu Liang said to Mrs. Situ: "Madam, they are the culprits of what happened today. We must wait until Mr. Qianshan arrives before we can decide whether to stay or go."

Mrs. Situ was dissatisfied, but she still had her husband and family to worry about, so she finally nodded in agreement.

After Mr. Qianshan learned the news, he rushed over without stopping. As soon as he entered Zhuangzi, he asked: "Where is Mrs. Xu Cui?"

Xu Liang replied: "I fainted and am recovering in the main courtyard."

"Hmph, it's really the right time to faint. Do you only know this trick?!" Mr. Qianshan was so angry that he wanted to kill someone, and he sighed, sometimes you really have to believe in luck.

Cui Xiniang was supported by her master and smashed her huge family property, but she got into trouble everywhere.

Gu Jinli, on the other hand, lived in a farmhouse, suffered hardships and escaped famine, but he succeeded in whatever he did. What he said at the banquet today was even more wonderful.

After comparing them in his mind, Mr. Qianshan almost made himself angry to death.

But he still had to clean up this mess, so he suppressed his anger and went to see Mrs. Situ first: "Thank you, Mrs. Situ, for your help. I am grateful."

He added: "I just have to trouble Mrs. Situ to go back to the camp with us and explain clearly what happened today. After all, it is a matter of women's honor, so it is not good for anything to be unclear."

This is to ask Mrs. Situ to testify to Cui Xiniang, proving that Cui Xiniang and Xu He had nothing to do with each other. They only hugged each other because of the critical situation at that time.

Mrs. Situ agreed, but said: "The Lan family is innocent, sir, please save their lives."

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