A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2238 Xu He’s Punishment

Xu Liang was very worried when he heard the movements in the big tent. What he wanted to say was stopped by Mr. Qianshan.

"Let's go." Mr. Qianshan took them away and continued to clean up Cui Xiniang's mess.

The gift of beauty to Xu You was very successful. Xu You liked Songxue very much and didn't sleep until dawn. She even let Songxue live in the big tent so that he could see her at any time.

But he was still very angry about Cui Xiniang.

"I gave her such a big face, but she ruined the banquet, which caused the Xu family to lose face, and offended all the wives of Qianhu. I am a concubine, and I can't be promoted!" Xu You cursed and looked into his arms. Song Xue, she felt at ease: "Xue'er looks so beautiful..."

The Cui family is still capable of finding a first-class beauty like Song Xue.

Songxue held back her nausea, smiled sweetly, blushed, and said shyly: "Master Hou, please don't praise Xue'er anymore. Xue'er is just a little dancing girl, floating like duckweed. She is lucky to be able to serve Master Hou. If the Marquis praises you again, Xue'er will be afraid that her blessing will be too great and her fate will be poor, so she won't be able to bear it."

Xu Youzheng liked her, but after hearing such words, he immediately kissed and hugged her to comfort her: "Xue'er, don't be sad, it's nonsense to talk about having a bad life. Even if Xue'er's life is bad again, she will be blessed if she meets this prince." It’s going to get thicker.”

After hearing this, Songxue raised her little face and asked, "Is it true?"

Xu You liked her innocent look even more: "Of course it is true. If Xueer is worried, I will give you some blessing!"

With that said, he hurriedly pulled Songxue into the bridal chamber.

Songxue was disgusted. The man she wanted was a young and handsome hero, not an old man in his forties who was about to become a grandfather.

But there is no other way. At present, she can only rely on Xu You to live her life. She serves Xu You hard and pretends to be innocent, which makes Xu You very satisfied.

The two of them fell in love all night and day, and it was not until the afternoon that Mr. Qianshan came over to interrupt the two of them.

Mr. Qianshan said: "Master Hou, my aunt is awake, Master Hou, do you want to go and see her?"

Xu You didn't want to go, but thinking about the Cui family's vast wealth and unfathomable power, he hesitated.

Songxue was smart and immediately begged: "Master Hou, Sister Cui treats me well. She is injured. Xue'er wants to see her, is that okay?"

For the support of the Cui family, Xu You originally wanted to go, but after being begged by Song Xue again, he gained face and nodded in agreement: "Okay, I will take Xue'er to see her."

"Thank you, Lord Marquis. The Lord is so kind to Xue'er." Songxue smiled happily, her smile was bright, which made Xu You extremely happy. She picked up Songxue directly, walked out of the tent, got on the carriage together, and went to Xu's house. Look at Cui Xiniang.

Mr. Qianshan didn't even look at it... If he still behaves like a young boy at an old age, Mr. Qianshan really wants to poison him to death!

But Xu You still has great uses, so he must continue to keep and coax him.

In Xu's house, Cui Xiniang had just woken up from poisoning and was feeling uncomfortable. She was so sad when she thought about the failure of the banquet that she lay on the bed and shed tears.

However, something happened that made her cry even more.

"Madam, don't cry. The Marquis is here to see you." Zhiqin came in and announced.

Cui Xiniang was overjoyed after hearing this. Xu Lang still loved her. Even though she ruined the banquet and still hugged Xu He, Xu Lang still couldn't bear to leave her. He came over to see her when he heard she woke up.

"Quickly, bring me rouge and gouache to put on my makeup." Cui Xiniang quickly wiped away her tears and ordered.

Zhiqin frowned when she heard this and said: "Madam, they say Xi Shi is a sick girl. When this woman is sick, she is the most affectionate to men. If the Marquis sees you looking sick, he will definitely feel sorry for you, so don't put on makeup." "

"You're right." Cui Xiniang agreed. She originally wanted to pick up Xu You, but she didn't go and just lay on the bed, pretending to be sick.

However, the next moment, Cui Xiniang almost jumped out of bed.

"Songxue!" Cui Xiniang saw Songxue nestling in Xu You's arms. The two of them walked in as if they were stuck together. Xu You's hand was still tightly holding Songxue's waist. Cui Xiniang was so angry that she cried and looked at Xu You. , asked: "Xu Lang, why is she here?!"

Xu You felt very happy when he saw Cui Xiniang caring about him so much. He looked at Songxue with gentle eyes and said, "Xue'er has already served me. In a few days, I will serve wine and formally accept her as my concubine."


Cui Xiniang was shocked. She couldn't believe that Xu You would take another concubine after having her!

In the past, even if he went to sleep with a young girl, it was just for sleeping. At most, he would take over the house and become a maidservant. He had never officially taken a concubine.

"No, I don't agree!" Cui Xiniang was furious and aggrieved. She looked at Xu You and said, "Xu Lang, you promised me that you will not accept new people in the future."

Xu You was dissatisfied when he heard this. This was a promise made in the year of the monkey. Cui Xiniang still remembered it and deliberately ruined his mood, right?

"You have caused so many troubles. I haven't blamed you yet, but you have blamed me. Then I would like to ask, what is going on between you and Xu He?!" Xu You didn't give Cui Xiniang any advice. Losing face, he asked angrily.

Cui Xiniang said hurriedly: "Xu He is just a slave. How can I, the noble daughter of the Cui family, like him, a dog slave? Xu Lang, please don't accuse me unjustly!"

Although she often flirts with Xu He, she just wants him to risk his life for her. She has always looked down on Xu He in her heart and treats him as a dog slave who wants to eat swan meat.

If that old man could find her and give her all this wealth when she was young, she would not even look down on Xu You.

Xu You saw that she was extremely angry, and even looked disgusted when talking about Xu He. It was obvious that she had no interest in Xu He, so she felt a little more comfortable, but: "He did hug you in public, which embarrassed me! "


"I want to take Xue'er as my concubine. You sisters will get along well with each other from now on."

Songxue was very aware of the opportunity and stepped forward to salute Cui Xiniang: "Songxue would like to say hello to my sister. Songxue is young and doesn't understand many things. I will ask my sister to take care of her from now on."

Cui Xiniang was about to explode when she heard that she was a sister. She was so young.

Xu You was still smiling beside him: "Xue'er is indeed sensible and well-behaved. I am relieved."

"Xu Lang!" Cui Xiniang couldn't help it anymore and pointed at Songxue to yell, but Mr. Qianshan stopped her in time: "My aunt just woke up, don't get too excited."

Then he said: "Someone brought Xu He. He has superb medical skills. Let him take my aunt's pulse and see how the centipede poison has been removed?"

One sentence frightened Cui Xiniang to death, and even Xu You looked at Mr. Qianshan in surprise... I wonder if they didn't want to see Xu He, and they called him to diagnose Cui Xiniang. What is the secret of Wu Qianshan's gourd? What medicine are you taking?

"Doctor Xu, come in." Mr. Qianshan ignored their shock and called Xu He in.

Xu He was very excited when he saw that Cui Xiniang was awake, but he didn't want to harm her, so he quickly lowered his head and said, "Please lie down, aunt, and I will take your pulse."

Cui Xiniang's body became stiff.

Seeing this, Zhiqin came over to help her lie down, took out a handkerchief, covered Cui Xiniang's wrist, and said, "Doctor Xu, please."

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