The whole journey was filled with shouts and sounds, and it was very lively.

Mrs. Kuang was delighted by their shouts and praised: "These two children are really energetic."

But Ji Zhenniang suddenly cried: "Uuuuuu, I miss Brother Rui. He hasn't seen me these days, so he must be crying. No, I have to go back to see Brother Rui now!"

Maybe my husband is also at home, and when he hears the news that she is coming home, he will come out with his children to pick her up like King Qin Yan did.

Ji Zhenniang's relationship with Xie Cheng has been getting better and better in the past two years. Thinking of Xie Cheng, her face turned red with embarrassment, and she suddenly laughed out loud when she thought of some interesting things between the couple.

Kuang couldn't stand it anymore: "You're crazy. You cry and laugh sometimes. You're almost 30 years old, and you still act like a child."

Ji Zhenniang exploded: "Why am I almost thirty? I am only in my early twenties, so I am still young!"

Mrs. Kuang looked at her and said, "She's over twenty, and she won't be thirty in a few years."

"You, wuwuwu..." Ji Zhenniang cried angrily.

Kuang said again: "How can you control the shrew in the guard house without saying anything? You should learn from Sanlang's wife."

Ji Zhenniang knew what she was good at, but said: "I'm already learning. Besides, there are the Xie family and the Ji family's nuns working, there are military regulations to control them, and my husband is helping me. Nothing will happen to me. Why bother to be like Gu Xiaoyu?" Is it so hard? As wives, we should not dare to do anything but enjoy it."

"Tsk, let me tell you, you are still arguing. I don't care about you. In short, you have to learn more, so as not to kill yourself when no one helps you." After finishing speaking, Kuang ran to see the two twins: "Hey, it turns out he was sleepy. Why did he stop barking as soon as he returned to the guardhouse?"

The two children went back and forth excitedly and tired themselves out. The second child was already sleeping soundly in Gu Jinli's arms, drooling and looking very cute.

The boss was still awake, but his eyes were narrowed and he was obviously sleepy.

But after hearing Kuang's voice, he opened his eyes to look at her again.

After looking at it for a while, he opened his small mouth and gave Kuang a warm smile. He also hummed at her. Kuang was so impressed that he immediately hugged her and kissed her: "Big Wolf knows how to recognize cows." Grandma? So smart."

He looked at Gu Jinli again and said, "You can rest assured this time. The big wolf is healthier and smarter than anyone else. Stop thinking about it."

Gu Jinli smiled and nodded: "Well, I thought too much, and I won't do it anymore."

After hearing this, Mrs. Kuang smiled, but she could understand Sanlang's wife... When the big wolf was born, she was thin, small, and dull, and everyone who saw her would be worried.

"It's done. Don't disturb the big wolf's sleep now. Go back with your parents." Kuang returned the big wolf to Qin Sanlang and said, "You can go back with your children. Don't worry about us. We're not the first ones back." Yes, we know where to stay, so we can go there ourselves."

"Okay." Gu Jinli knew that Kuang was a cheerful person, so he agreed without saying anything, but Erqing still went to help.

The couple went home with their child in their arms. They originally thought that the big wolf would fall asleep, but unexpectedly he became more energetic as they walked. When they were about to enter the house, he suddenly refused to let him go. He looked at the roof on the right and shouted: "Ahhh, ahhh."

Gu Jinli was stunned and looked at the roof on the right. When he saw nothing, he said, "There is nothing over there. What is the big wolf called?"

She even screamed excitedly.

Qin Sanlang smiled and said, "I guess I want to see the eagle."

Gu Jinli: "Eagle?"

"Yes." Qin Sanlang nodded: "Before I went to pick you up today, an eagle came and landed here. It barked a few times. The big wolf saw it and liked it very much. It kept barking."

Gu Jinli understood. He was afraid that the Eagle Food Gang had sent a message. Thinking that Luo Ying hadn't come back yet and that only Cousin Yu and her son were on the mountain peak, he was a little worried and asked quickly: "Are you okay?"

Qin Sanlang said: "It's okay, Xiaoyu, don't worry."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli felt relieved and said to the big wolf in his arms: "Big Wolf, the eagle has gone home, let's go home too."

"Ah!" The big wolf didn't see the eagle. He was a little anxious and didn't want to enter the house. He kept looking up at the roof on the right, but couldn't see the eagle. He was sad, pursed his lips, and cried softly.

Gu Jinli felt distressed. He held his little head and coaxed softly: "Big Wolf, be good and don't cry. The eagle has gone home to eat. When it is full, it will fly to see you. Let's not cry... The eagle is Birds of prey only like brave people and don’t like crying babies, so don’t cry.”

Da Lang still didn't understand this, but his mother's gentle voice kept company with him, which made him feel less sad. He lay in Gu Jinli's arms and continued to stare at the roof on the right.

I thought he would have to watch it for a long time, but he fell asleep after a while.

Gu Jinli smiled: "I finally fell asleep. Come on, let's go home and sleep."

Qin Sanlang had already settled the second wolf, and came to pick up the big wolf and put the little one in another small bed. It was hot, so there was no need to cover him with a quilt, so he just let them sleep like this. He turned around and hugged Gu Jinli, feeling satisfied. He shouted: "Little fish."

Gu Jinli smiled: "After hugging one after another, you are not afraid of being too busy."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "They are all my babies. Even if you are too busy, you still have to hold them."

But he obviously wanted more than just a hug. The next moment, he leaned over and kissed her, absorbing the taste that made him happy.

Gu Jinli smiled and liked the feeling of him kissing her. She responded to him, which made him excited. He picked her up and walked to the back room.

"Well, wait~" Gu Jinli quickly pushed him away: "You have to rush back to Du Chonggou, so you have to take the time to sleep and don't do anything..."

I suddenly got stuck and didn't know how to continue.

Qin Sanlang smiled, deliberately approached her and asked, "Don't do anything to waste your energy?"

With a bang, Gu Jinli blushed.

Qin Sanlang's smile grew wider: "Xiaoyu is still so shy, it's so cute."

So cute, you must eat it.

Bang, there was a soft sound, Qin Sanlang had already pressed her on the bed, took off her skirt in a few times, kissed her, and begged: "Give me Xiaoyu, I miss you so much... If it doesn't work, these ten The next day, I will live like a year~"

After I go back this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back until the Mid-Autumn Festival. If the bandits raid, I probably won't be able to come back even during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli felt distressed and responded to him, which made him very excited. However, the child was still sleeping in the outer room and he did not dare to make too much noise, but he was still very happy: "Xiaoyu, I like you."

I don’t know why, but I just like her very much. Even if I get married and have children, I will still think about her unconsciously every day, and I wish I could take her with me and be with me all the time.

But he couldn't bear to let her go through the hardships in the camp. Anyway, he was so entangled... This kind of entanglement was just like when he was not married before, he was afraid that their marriage would not work out, and he couldn't always feel at ease.

Although Gu Jinli was very tired from the torment, he was happy. He hugged him tightly and responded: "What a coincidence, I like you too."

Because of this sentence, she was tortured again. She was so angry that she glared at him and said, "Aren't you afraid of your sudden death?"

Qin Sanlang kissed her back with a lingering voice: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu. When I came back at noon, I slept for an hour. This little physical work can't do anything to me."

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