Gu Jinli saw that he had a solemn look on his face, which was a bit scary, and that he was going to fight him forever if she didn't agree. He could only say: "I know, I will try my best not to feed them, and leave the work to the wet nurses." , okay?"

She only feeds her once a day, and the rest of the time is fed by the wet nurse. Sometimes she is too busy and feeds her only once every few days. He really doesn't need to worry too much.

"Xiaoyu is so good." Qin Sanlang was happy, and the couple each picked up a child and walked out.

Aunt Yu was already waiting in the yard with the nannies.

Qin Sanlang gave the second wolf to Aunt Yu and told her: "Don't let Xiaoyu breastfeed them anymore, it will hurt her. Let Xiaoyu rest more, don't let her be busy with this and that all the time. Take care of."

It was hard enough for Xiaoyu to follow him to the northwest. He just wanted her to enjoy her life, not to tire her... His Xiaoyu was only an eighteen-year-old girl, so she should be carefree.

"Yes, I know." Aunt Yu quickly agreed. She was very happy that the relationship between the young Marquis and his wife was so good.

When a couple's relationship is good, their life will be good. For a couple who quarrels every day, their life will only get worse.

"Daddy is gone, you have to be good, otherwise you will be beaten, do you hear me?" Qin Sanlang went to say goodbye to his two sons, looked at Gu Jinli again, then turned and left.

"Ahhh!" Erlang shouted from behind, waving his little hands towards Qin Sanlang's back, as if he wanted to follow him.

He was thrashing so hard that Nanny Hong hurried over and hugged him.

But Erlang just wants to chase his father, and will cry if he doesn't get chased.

However, there is no point in crying. It was dark and howling, but your father still rode away and had already disappeared.

However, Qin Sanlang loved children. Although he left the guardhouse, he was still thinking about the two children. On the morning of the third day, Daqing brought a bird cage over and said to Gu Jinli: "Madam, your Excellency sent it here. They are said to be for young men to play with, and I have raised them for a day and a night. I have used insect attractants and tied a small pack of insect repellent medicine on them so that poisonous insects will not get on them."

Then he handed Gu Jinli a letter: "This is from your lord, Madam."

Gu Jinli smiled after seeing it: "Hang the magpie to the roof on the right, and you can go up and take it down later."

The letter said that the big wolf was thinking about the eagle on the roof on the right side, but the eagle is a bird of prey and is not easy for children to play with. He was afraid that something would happen, so he got two magpies.

However, in order to coax the big wolf, the bird cage had to be placed on the roof on the right side to make him think that the eagle was coming back.

Alas, he is really an old father who is worried about his son.

"Yes." Daqing went to do it.

Gu Jinli asked the wet nurses to take out his two sons.

She took the big wolf from Nanny Lin's arms and pointed to the roof on the right side to show him: "Look, big wolf, what's there?"

However, the magpie is too small and far away, so the big wolf cannot see clearly.

Well, Gu Jinli could only ask Daqing to take down the birdcage.

"Ahhh!" After the big wolf saw the magpie inside, he jumped and shouted happily. When he saw that the magpie was trapped, he reached out to pull the cage open. When it couldn't be pulled open, he started to cry.

This is to want the magpie to come out and fly like an eagle.


"Son, let it out, but it will fly away, and then you won't have a magpie anymore."

But the big wolf was still crying, crying very sadly, twitching and twitching just to get the bird to come out and fly.

Gu Jinli said: "Catch the one with the black beak and white feathers and let it fly."

The second wolf is lively, so he probably prefers the one with the yellow beak and colorful wings.

"Yes." Daqing received the order and caught the white-feathered magpie. After showing it in front of the big wolf, he waved his arm and released the magpie.

The magpie fluttered its wings and flew to the roof in a flash, circling around the roof and chirping happily.

The big wolf was so excited that he chased the magpie with his eyes, fluttered his hands and feet, and shouted: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Gu Jinli laughed to death: "I'm so happy that I almost screamed like your brother."

But the old mother was very pleased that my son finally became lively.

However, I was so happy that my joy turned into sadness. The white-feathered magpie ran away.

Big Wolf: "...Wow, wow, wow."

I burst into tears, crying very sadly.

Gu Jinli hugged him and coaxed him: "Mom told you, if you let the magpie out, it will run away. There's no point in crying. Let's play with my brother first."

"Chirp, chirp!" the yellow-billed colorful-winged magpie in the cage called, eating.

After the big wolf saw it, he finally stopped crying, but he still held on to the cage, for fear that this one would run away too.

Gu Jinli gently stroked his hand, asking him to relax, and then opened his hand: "Big Wolf is still young, and his wrists are weak. He can't grab something too heavy, or it will hurt his hand. Come on, let's go to Sister Guizhi." , and Xiao Xinghua and the others saw her off."

Today is the day when Sister Guizhi and the others set off to go back. After being delayed, they can finally leave.

Aunt Guizhi saw the two babies coming to see them off. She was so happy that she hugged them and kissed them for a long time.

Liu Danxia brought the children who were leaving to say goodbye to Gu Jinli: "Madam, thank you for taking care of me. Don't worry, we will learn our skills and live a good life after arriving in Xing'an Mansion."

"Okay, everyone, get up. I believe you can do it." Gu Jinli looked at the group of children, feeling very pleased and said, "Don't worry, we will help you get married in the future. How can we let you get to know each other?" Live like a human being.”

"Madam..." Liu Danxia cried. She was older and therefore very sensible. She still remembered what happened to Wen Qiong and knew how lucky they were to have such an ending.

Gu Jinli said: "Don't cry, you have to be stronger in the future... If you really can't survive, you can send us a letter and we will help you."

"Yes, thank you madam." Liu Danxia received Gu Jinli's promise and wiped away her tears and gave her a smile.

But Xiao Xinghua cried loudly, and finally gritted her teeth and stamped her feet, and summoned up the courage to ask Gu Jinli: "Madam, why don't Dou Chengzi and the others leave? Madam, don't you like us? I, I know that I have a bad temper and am also squeamish, no It’s lovable, but I can change it, can I stay?”

"No." Gu Jinli said: "The reason has already been told to you. You are a little girl and you are good-looking. This is a guard station. If there is a war, the thieves will be the first to cause harm. We have soldiers in the guard station. General, it is not easy to protect so many people. If something goes wrong and you are caught, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Little Xinghua trembled when she heard this. She had grown up in the past two years and knew a lot of things. After hearing about the Rong Thief Female Slave Camp, she was so frightened that she couldn't sleep well for a month.

It is really the best arrangement to send them away so that they can stay away from the scourge of war and not be harmed by soldiers and thieves, and Mrs. Gao will take care of them.

Gu Jinli added: "As for why Dou Chengzi and the others were left behind, it's because the guardhouse raises many horses, cattle, and mules. They will get sick, and a group of people must be raised to treat the animals."

Dou Chengzi's job is to take care of the animals, trim their hooves and treat their diseases.

Xiao Xinghua is much more sensible than before. She knows not to make trouble unreasonably, so she wipes away her tears and says, "Don't worry, Madam, I will live a good life."

Then he suddenly asked: "Madam, can I hug you? I think you look like my mother."

Although Qin Qianhu is very fierce, if she has such a father and mother, she will definitely be very happy. When things happen, her father will be cold and fierce, and when things don't work, she will have a rich and generous mother to provide for her. She feels happy just thinking about it.

"..." The corner of Gu Jinli's mouth twitched: "I'm only eighteen."

She's only half your age, so I'm not old enough to be your mother.

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