A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2259 Tan’s Mother and Daughter

After hearing this, Mr. Lu's wife was so angry that she scolded: "Ms. Fan, who are you calling stupid? Don't you know the reason why we don't all plant hemostatic roots? It's okay if you forget, I will recall it for you... Gan Fan violated the regulations of the Guard and was fined one tael of silver!"

Madam has long said that Chang Liang Wei cannot make all the money, and must leave a way for other brother guards, so that everyone can unite and have someone to help during the war.

Fan knew the reason. She was just used to talking nonsense, so she said the wrong thing for a while.

After hearing that she was going to be fined one tael of silver, she quickly begged for mercy: "Ms. Lu, I was wrong. Please, just pretend you didn't hear me and let me go...at worst, I will go to your farmland to help fertilize two ponds of fertilizer. What? Sample?"

Mrs. Lu's expression remained unchanged: "Don't talk to me about these useless things. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. You can't even think of paying less for these two taels of silver!"

They are now well fed and clothed, and their children can study and learn good manners. It is all thanks to the madam. Fan dared to call the madam stupid, and even punishing her with a tael of silver would be light.

"Hey, I really didn't mean it. It's all such nonsense. I'll slap myself for it!" Fan gave herself a few slaps in the mouth, hoping to get away with it.

Mr. Lu's wife was indifferent. She took out the punishment book she carried with her and tore off a piece of yellow paper and gave it to her: "Take it and pay the money within three days with the punishment paper."

Gu Jinli got a batch of punishment books, which were numbered, and there had to be an explanation for each tear, so Fan's money was fined.

This is not because Gu Jinli is cruel, but because he is in a position of great importance and must take good care of his relatives, especially those who are aggressive and unreasonable. He must be treated harshly and let them know the pain.

Only in this way can the aggressive relatives and relatives have long memories.

"Ms. Fan, look at the good things you have done. Even the fine for not frying the medicinal materials last time was fined. Our family was fined five taels of silver. You squandered half of the money we just earned. My dowry was all gone." I've been ruined by you, please compensate me!" Gantanggua burst into tears because she felt sorry for Yinzi.

Madam Lu frowned when she heard this and scolded Gantanggua: "Shut up, why are you crying? If you dare to howl again, you will be punished by going to the livestock shed to pick up manure."

After hearing this, Gantanggua quickly apologized: "Ms. Lu, calm down, I know I was wrong."

There are hundreds of horses, cattle, sheep and mules in the guardhouse, which can be eaten and pulled, and there is a lot of dung. Her girl's family cannot pick up dung. If Master Xiao Er sees it, wouldn't he be disgusted by it?

Madam Lu snorted coldly: "If you know you're wrong, you should correct it. And don't make trouble with your mother every day. Although she is your stepmother and deducted some food and clothing from you, she didn't really treat you harshly. If she doesn't have any dignity, she will I’ll ask you to serve in front of Aunt Tao, and you’ll suffer the consequences when the time comes!”

Gantanggua trembled after hearing this, and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, I understand, and I will definitely not yell at my mother again."

Aunt Tao was so cruel that she didn't want to serve her.

Fan was so beautiful, she raised her chin and looked at Gantanggua: "Haha, stinky girl, let's see if you dare to fight with me in the future!"

Gan Fugua was afraid that they would start fighting again, so he hurriedly said: "Mom, stop talking. Aunt Tao just glanced this way. If you don't keep quiet, your family's money will be confiscated."

Fan quickly looked in the direction of Aunt Tao, and happened to see Aunt Tao looking over. She was so frightened that she crouched down and said, "Shut up now, I don't dare to say anything anymore."

Not long after, Yao Baihu brought people in and said to Qin Sanlang: "Sir, people from Shihewei, Dashiwei, Qiansongwei, and Yonglinwei are here to sell medicinal materials. General Wu asked Mo to ask if there are any people available. Were you going outside to collect medicinal materials?"

"If we have the manpower, come here right away." Qin Sanlang said to Manager Min: "Uncle Min, the other people from the health center have arrived. Let's take people outside to collect the medicinal materials."

"Hey." Manager Min responded and called the men: "A Shan, take everyone with me to collect the medicinal materials from the guard. Shopkeeper Cheng, you stay with Dr. Luo and the two pharmacists and continue to collect Liang Wei's medicinal materials. "

"Yes!" The person from Yuanzi Medicine Store responded, picked up his things, sat in a carriage, and followed Qin Sanlang to the outside of the guardhouse.

Outside the guard house, it was really bustling. At a glance, they were full of convoys bringing medicinal materials to sell. The convoy was so long that you couldn't even see the end of it.

Xia Zhang came over and said, "Sir, we have issued bamboo tags to the guards who came here to sell medicinal materials according to the number."

Qin Sanlang nodded and said, "Let's get started."

"Yes." Xia Zhang immediately went to strike the gong.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The gong sounded, and Xia Zhang shouted loudly: "Yuanzi Medicine Store is collecting the medicinal materials. The Weisuo who got the No. 1 Bamboo Brand came forward to sell the medicinal materials!"

Coincidentally, the person who arrived the earliest and got the No. 1 bamboo card was none other than Ji Youjie from Shihewei.

Ji Youjie was an acquaintance with them. He stepped forward with a smile and saluted: "I have met Qin Qianhu. Ji Youjie, the last general, came to sell medicinal materials on behalf of Shihewei. This is the quantity and type of medicinal materials that we Shihewei want to sell." , please take a look."

After what happened in Wanhe Prefecture, Ji Youjie has been promoted from a small flag leader to a hundred households, and now he is an adult of a hundred households. However, he is still very humble in front of Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang did not accept the booklet, but only said: "As long as there is no problem with the medicinal materials, Yuanzi Pharmacy will accept them. They will keep the accounts themselves. Just wait and press your fingerprints to get the money."

"Yes." Ji Youjie immediately asked the soldiers to move down Shihewei's medicinal materials one by one.

The people at Yuanzi Medicine Store are very agile. Under the leadership of Ashan, they test medicines, test medicines, evaluate the appearance, weigh, collect medicines, and give money, all done in one go.

And every time a medicinal material was collected and money was given, everyone present would be shocked.

Half an hour later, when all Shi Hewei's medicinal materials were sold out and all the money was received, many of the family members who came to sell the medicinal materials couldn't stand it anymore: "What, a full 6,674 taels of silver? Oh my God, there will be more than ten taels of silver divided among the heads of each family!"

With ten taels of silver, they can marry two wives. This is what they earned this year, and they can continue to make money selling medicinal materials next year and the year after that. They have been selling these medicinal materials for ten or eight years. It is difficult for them not to make a fortune.

The relatives and relatives hurriedly calculated how much money the medicinal materials in their health clinic could be sold for. How much money can you get if you allocate it to your own family?

After he made a rough calculation, he exclaimed: "I've made it, I've really made a lot of money!"

Their health clinic also has a lot of medicinal materials, and they can earn at least eight taels of silver.

After the money was calculated, the relatives who came to sell the medicinal materials couldn't wait any longer. They shouted at the top of their lungs: "Those in front, hurry up, don't delay the sale of medicinal materials in our clinic! If the medicinal materials are caught by the rain, the frost will If it’s beaten and damaged, we’ll suffer a big loss!”

The quality of medicinal materials must be considered when collecting medicinal materials. Only medicinal materials of high quality can be sold at high prices.

Yonglin Guard was just behind Shihe Guard, so the relatives of Yonglin Guard shouted the loudest.

After Mrs. Tan heard this, she was very angry. She raised the car curtain and shouted to them: "What are you shouting about? Medicinal materials are related to human life. How can you be careless in collecting medicinal materials? Shut up and be honest... cough, cough, cough!"

Before he finished speaking, he covered his heart and started coughing.

"Mom, don't be angry. If you have any dissatisfaction, my daughter can tell them." Tan Xiaoxiang hurriedly reassured Mrs. Tan. After Mrs. Tan got better, she handed Mrs. Tan some water: "Mom, drink some water. It's okay." Good luck."

Mrs. Tan nodded, but she was still worried. After drinking the water, she said: "We are the number two bamboo brand. It's our turn. Help me down. I have to watch with my own eyes to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Having finally made a living can make everyone's life easier, but we can't ruin things just by doing it.

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