A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2275 Asking for Firewood

The old wife said: "No, it snowed suddenly. Firewood has become more expensive. In order not to waste the charcoal fire in the brick kiln, I asked you to roast soybeans. These roasted soybeans are durable and will be fine after half a year. If there is a war, Or if something unexpected happens, just grab a handful of roasted soybeans and make a meal."

With this dry food, they can hide for a month without any problem.

After Wang Dayou's wife heard this, she felt relieved: "I thought there was going to be a war. I was very frightened this early in the morning."

She was indeed scared to death. Just now she was thinking, if there was really going to be a war, could she take her children and escape to Mu County?

Anyway, after selling the medicinal materials, they have money in their hands, and they don't have to worry about poverty when they go to Mu County to live for a while.

Ha, this is the confidence to be rich!

Wang Dayou's wife puffed up her chest, but when she thought of the medicinal materials, she screamed again: "Oh, it's broken. We still have medicinal materials and food in the ground at our health center. It's snowing heavily. If you don't rush to collect it, wait." When the snow melts, I’m afraid it will all rot in the ground!”

The old wife said: "Don't worry, Madam has already thought of what you are worried about, but things have to be prioritized. The food and medicinal materials can wait, but the charcoal fire will be extinguished after today, so we must use it quickly. We can't A waste of coals.”

Then he shouted: "It's snowing, firewood is precious, every household should use it sparingly, and don't destroy the trees on the mountain!"

"When cooking, try to cook more at one time. The same goes for water. Boil more at one time. Then put the water in a jar, put the food in a basin, and put them together on the fire bed to warm them. Don't always light a fire to boil water. Cooking is a waste of firewood!”

Old Bao's wife calls out every quarter of an hour to tell everyone about the importance of firewood.

The relatives' heads were buzzing from her shouting, but they also remembered that firewood should not be wasted in winter.

Tan Qianhu and Yuanzi Medicine were also caught off guard by the sudden heavy snow.

Tan Qianhu was worried about the Yonglin Guards and planned to go back in the snow. He said to Qin Sanlang: "The snow fell too suddenly and the weather was extremely cold. The Yonglin Guards have just been cleared. We, the couple, must rush back. Otherwise, I’m afraid something will happen.”

Qin Sanlang said: "Sure, but you have to change a carriage. The carriage brought by the Tan family is too thin and cannot withstand this extreme cold. Our Chang Liang Wei has a thick carriage to keep out the cold. You can change the carriage and go, wait for the engagement banquet." When the time comes, let my uncle’s family drive him back.”

He took out another token and handed it to Tan Qianhu: "It was given by General Wu. Take it and go directly to the sentries of each guard station. You can stop at any time to replenish supplies."

On the first line of defense, there are countless sentries. Each guard station is in charge of its own sentry and is usually not allowed to communicate with each other. But Tan Qianhu's family has to go back in the snow. They are afraid of danger on the road, so it is better to go to the sentry. There is In case, there are also soldiers on guard to help.

Tan Qianhu did not expect that Qin Sanlang even had the token of General Wu. After being surprised, he accepted the token: "Sanlang, thank you very much. I will return it to you when I go to Duchonggou."

Qin Sanlang said: "We are all on the same line of defense and are relatives, so there is no need to thank you too much."

Xiao Chengju was worried that the Tan family would be in danger on the road, so he said: "Uncle Tan, I will send you back, otherwise I won't worry."

"Are you still afraid that I won't be able to protect my wife and daughter?" Tan Qianhu said: "Don't do all these nasty things, just go to Duchonggou to report. If there is a heavy snowfall and you delay reporting, then you are not worthy of the military general." Lift you up!”

Xiao Chengju was startled and said hurriedly: "Yes, this junior knows his mistake."

Then he said smartly: "Junior, I will prepare a carriage for you."

He said and hurried away.

Not long after, he came over with a thick carriage.

Tan Qianhu discovered that there were two more iron pieces on the shaft of this carriage, and the wheels were different from their carriage, with more protruding teeth: "This is it?"

Qin Sanlang said: "This is a wheel specially used in heavy snowy weather. The teeth are protruding and eat deep soil, so it is not easy to slip and roll over. The iron pieces on the shaft are used to scrape the snow, so that the carriage can run longer without any trouble. Within a short time of running, snow would accumulate and turn into ice, making it impossible for the car to run."

"Okay, okay, with this new wheel, it will be much easier for us to transport supplies in winter." Tan Qianhu was very happy and lamented that Qin Sanlang was really a formidable young man who could fight, make money, and do all kinds of things.

If Qin Sanlang didn't get married, he would definitely marry his daughter to him!

It's a pity that Qin Sanlang got married early, and his daughter-in-law was a prosperous husband. She helped Qin Sanlang a lot and gave him a pair of sons, who were better than his daughters no matter what.

Fortunately, his daughter is engaged to Chengju, and his family has become relatives with the Qin family. They get along well, and they will be able to benefit from the Qin family and the Gu family in the future.

"Sanlang, you have a lot to do at the guard station, so there's no need to send him off. We'll go back right now." Tan Qianhu said, putting on the thick leather cloak Xiao Chengju handed him, getting on his horse, and waiting for Mrs. Tan and his daughter to say goodbye to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli had just finished checking Mrs. Tan and said: "The trachea has been completely healed, but Aunt Tan is frail, so she still needs to keep warm. When sleeping on the fire kang, drink more water to avoid dryness in the body."

"Hey, I remember it, Sanlang's wife, thank you very much." Mrs. Tan was very grateful and held Gu Jinli's hand with great reluctance. It could be seen that her man was already on the horse, so she could only withdraw her hand and said: "We are going back first. , next time I’m free, I’ll come see you and your two chubby little ones.”

Speaking of the big wolf and the second wolf, Mrs. Tan had a happy smile on her face. The two big fat boys were so lovable. Whether they cried or laughed, they made people happy. It was a pity that it was cold and they stayed at home. I can't come out to see her off.

He also said: "If you, Changliang Guard, are short of firewood, go to our Yonglin Guard to chop it down. We have many trees there."

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "No, we have Changliang Mountain, and there are many trees on it. We'd better let other guards without forests cut it down."

Mrs. Tan then remembered that there was a big mountain in Changliangwei with no shortage of firewood. Her face turned red and she said, "I wanted to help you, but I can't help you yet."

Gu Jinli smiled: "Auntie, it's not easy for me to help us? Just ask Sister Xiang to marry us as soon as possible."

It was originally a joke for socializing, but unexpectedly Mrs. Tan nodded and said seriously: "Sister Xiang is two years older than you. You are the mother of two children. She really should get married, otherwise I will sleep all night." Not."

"Mom, look what you said..." Tan Xiaoxiang blushed and said, "It's still snowing. Let's go back early so that Mrs. Qin can go back early."

Mrs. Qin came to see their family off in the snow.

After hearing this, Mrs. Tan hurriedly said: "Sanlang's wife, we are leaving. You should go back quickly. Don't freeze."

"Hey." Gu Jinli responded and got out of the carriage.

Qin Sanlang saw it, came over and tied a cloak with a hat on her body, and took her to the carriage at home: "I'll just go and see her off. Xiaoyu will go back first. It's too cold outside."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, go ahead and come back soon."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang smiled and went to send Tan Qianhu and his family out of the guardhouse.

As soon as Gu Jinli arrived at the house, Mrs. Kuang came over and said hurriedly: "Sanlang's wife, I have to leave quickly, but I can't stay any longer."

Gu Jinli: "Don't worry, Aunt Niu. Erjin is at Yangshan Guard. He will keep an eye on the guard and nothing will happen."

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