A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2283 Suffering a Big Loss

Everyone is very grateful and has no complaints. The reason is simply because until now, Daokougou Camp has not sent any medicinal materials to David.

Because of this, people from various health centers cursed Daokou Gou: "What's going on with Mr. Xu? Is this depriving us of the medicinal materials we deserve?"

"Every health station has fallen ill due to the extreme cold. The Daokouigou camp should have sent life-saving medicines to each health station, but Mr. Xu did not. What is this? Don't treat our first line of defense people as Daokouigou. Soldiers and horses from the camp?!”

Qianhu, who had a bad temper, even rode his horse to Daokougou to ask Xu You why he hadn't given any life-saving medicine after several days.

Fortunately, I was stopped by my colleagues.

"A small Qianhu dares to break into the camp and question the Marquis, are you crazy?!"

"Bah, seeing his subordinates fall ill and deliberately delaying the use of medicine to save his life, he is crazy!"

"Shut up, be careful of the trouble coming from your mouth!" said the colleague who stopped him: "The Daokougou camp is not your own guardhouse, and the Chinese army's tent is not your kitchen. Don't even ask questions. If you don’t reach the Chinese army’s tent, you will be shot to death by random arrows!”

The Chinese army's large tent is guarded by elite soldiers and strong generals. Not to mention one thousand households, even all the thousands of households on the first line of defense cannot be attacked together.

"Okay, don't be angry, stay on duty and guard your defense line until General Jiang comes back!"

The guards on the first line of defense were full of complaints, and everyone was puzzled... They were the soldiers guarding the first line of defense, and supplies should be given to them first. Why did they fall behind this time?

Gu Jinli also suffered heavy losses this time. Because too many people came to ask for medicine, in the first three days, the medicinal materials from Yuanzi Medicine Store had not been shipped yet, so they had to use the medicinal materials she had saved first.

As a result, she lost all the medicinal materials she had hoarded!

But Manager Min Da said: "The medicinal materials from the Northwest, Central Plains, and Zhongzhou are being sent here. When the time comes, we will supply you with exactly one tael. I will not let you lose money...right Erlang."

Erlang responded with dignity: "Ouch!"

Haha, Manager Min smiled, and he smiled quite happily: "You are so energetic. It's such a cold day, and you are the only one who is so energetic."

In the cold weather, I don’t want to keep my cat Dong at home, and I always want to run out. If I don’t hold him out, I will cry so hard that half of the guardhouse can hear me.

It's a good thing that I have good health, otherwise crying like this would cause wind to enter my stomach, which would make me sick.


Manager Min Da was stunned, touched Erlang's butt, and said with a smile: "It turned out to be a fart, I thought it was a ladou... It's good to fart. I always call the wind-eater, and fart to expel the wind."

After saying that, he warmed his hands and rubbed Erlang's belly to help him avoid wind.

Erlang felt very comfortable being rubbed, and thought that Manager Min was playing with him, so he shouted happily: "Ouch!"

Gu Jinli was helpless and almost stabbed him with a silver needle: "You brat, stop screaming. If you keep screaming like this, you will really get sick if you eat too much wind. Right Big Wolf?"

Then he smiled at the big wolf in the car and said, "We, the big wolf, are still good. We smile when we are happy and never scream to eat the wind."

"Huh?" Da Lang responded to Gu Jinli, his little face was still a little confused, as if he was asking his mother, what are you talking about?

Wow, my big wolf is so cute!

Gu Jinli's heart almost melted when she saw it, but the accounts that needed to be settled still had to be settled. She pushed a stack of booklets in front of Manager Min and said: "These are the medicinal materials that Yuanzi Medicine Store needs to supply me... These two booklets It’s the medicinal material I want to replace.”

The last two booklets almost contain medicinal herbs for treating stab wounds in the inner abdomen, and a lot of them contain alcohol.

After looking at it, Manager Min Da said: "You are really good at changing. For so much alcohol, Yuanzi Medicine Store will suffer a big loss this time."

Gu Jinli said: "There is no other way. Food is expensive here, so we can't make wine at will. I can't even make alcohol, so I can only ask Yuanzi Pharmacy for help."

The weather is freezing and the sky is blazing. In such a season, the September Witch God Festival of the warriors and thieves has long passed, and there may be a war. Alcohol is a life-saving thing.

Old Doctor Wu was able to make the magic anti-worm medicine all because of Gu Jinli. The entire Yuanzi Medicine Store remembered her kindness, and Manager Min didn't bother with her anymore.

Anyway, I have already lost hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, and losing another 12,000 taels of silver is nothing.

Manager Min Da said: "Okay, I'll change it for you, and I'll change it for more."

"Really?" Gu Jinli was extremely happy, waiting to collect the alcohol!

Manager Min Da was also very happy... With the merit of releasing the medicine to save the people, Emperor Jingyuan must pardon the Min Dong family's sins no matter what, so that he can live freely like ordinary people and no longer have to live in danger at any time. Under the shadow of the rebellious prince heir who might be killed.

He was happy, but Xu You and the people at Shilu Medicine were going crazy!

Xu You, in particular, wanted to kill Manager Min immediately and cursed the Min Dong family: "Is Min Shu crazy? That is his enemy. He should be against him, but he actually let the people from Yuanzi Medicine use his In the name of giving medicine to save the people!"

He originally thought he was someone he could win over, but he ended up helping Emperor Jing Yuan silently.

"Despicable! These lowly people really don't deserve sympathy!" Xu You cursed the Min Dong family.

The person from Shilu Medicine said: "Master Hou, now is not the time to curse, you have to find a way to remedy the situation."

Xu You suppressed his anger and said: "How to remedy it? Also use medicine to save the people?"

Humanity from Shilu Medicine said: "Now there is only this way."

Xu You: "Ke Yuanzi Medicine Store has set a precedent. It is still using the name of the emperor's order to release medicine to save the people. Shilu Medicine Store..."

Shilu Medicine Store will just pick up the leftovers from other people's meals. I'm afraid it won't get the good reputation and will only get some mocking saliva!

There is another reason that makes Xu You angry, and that is: "What name will Shilu Medicine Store use to release medicine to save the people? In my name? In the name of a wealthy family? Or in the name of Emperor Jingyuan?"

Humanity from Shilu Medicine said: "As of now, it is impossible to use the name of Mr. Hou or Shilu Medicine."

To use it is to officially break up with Emperor Jingyuan and officially tell the world that they are going to rebel!

Of course Xu You knew: "In the name of the emperor's life, wouldn't it be a huge loss for us?!"

The old man asked the Shilu Medicine Store to help. The old man had a sworn feud with the Dachu royal family, so naturally he was unwilling to do this in the name of the emperor's order.


The people from Shilu Medicine Store were not stupid, they said: "Now we can only use the name of the emperor to release medicine to save the people. Using any other name is courting death."

Seeing that Xu You was about to get angry, he said again: "Master Hou, please don't be angry. Although we are using the emperor's order to release medicine to save the people, the person who released the medicine is the Sixth Young Master, from Shilu Medicine Store. Those who get the medicine Naturally, we will understand that we are the ones who really put out the medicine to save them. After all, the capital is too far away, and even with the emperor's orders, it is impossible to reach the northwest so quickly."

Xu You didn't want to agree, but someone from Ke Shilu Medicine Store urged: "Master Hou, make arrangements as soon as possible. Yuanzi Medicine Store has already beaten us too far, and we will suffer more losses if it is later."

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