A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2289 Everything is known

But think about it, it is indeed possible... Among the many disciples, Xu He was the best to Xu Lianye. He took Xu Lianye with him in everything he did. Before he was castrated and sent to the capital, for the sake of Xu Lianye's future, he specifically kept him and only took him with him. Take the other two younger apprentices.

The relationship between master and disciple is the most important thing in the world today. It is indeed possible that Xu Lianye poisoned Xu Liu in order to repay his kindness. Cui Duo believed it.

But the truth is that Xu He is not kind to his disciples, and he values ​​Xu Lianye the most, just because Xu Lianye is the best talker and can tolerate Xu He the most.

Xu Lianye would do this, firstly because he didn't have much time left, and secondly because he wanted to give his best friend and son a path to wealth, so he agreed to poison Xu Liu.

"Master Jun, you heard it, it's this man who poisoned the young master. It's none of our business. Please let us go, Master Jun!" The villagers were overjoyed and shouted one after another.

However, how could General Shen let them go and ordered the soldiers: "Tie them up, gag their mouths, lock them up first, and wait until the matter is settled."

"Yes." The soldiers ignored the villagers' cries and began to tie them up.

Mr. Qian Shan said: "Xu Lianye, hurry up and save the Sixth Young Master. If the Sixth Young Master dies, all your senior brothers will die!"

Cui Duo immediately carried Xu Lianye to Xu Liu's carriage and forced him with a dagger: "If you don't want to kill your fellow disciples, go in and save the Sixth Young Master. He must be saved!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Xu Lianye was pinched until he almost died. After his neck was released, he coughed violently and said angrily: "I was the one who inflicted the poison. I bear the responsibility alone. Don't touch anyone else."

Bang, Cui Duo punched him and sneered: "You are a despicable dog slave, what are you going to bear? Hurry up and save the Sixth Young Master!"

He also ordered his men: "Go and bring his two medicine boys. If you dare not save them, or if you can't save them alive, you will chop them up on the spot and feed them to him!"

After hearing this, Xu Lianye trembled in fright... Cui Duo was indeed ruthless. He also believed that Cui Duo could do such a thing, so he finally compromised and went to save Xu Liu.

Xu Liu was still twitching, and his body made the carriage bang.

Xu Lianye said: "Press him down and pry open his teeth. Don't let him bite off his tongue!"

The guard quickly complied.

Xu Lianye took the opportunity to save the medicine boy: "I can't do it alone, let them come and help."

"Go quickly!" Cui Duo rushed the two of them into the carriage, and several people treated Xu Liu in the small carriage. After a lot of work, Xu Liu was finally able to stop twitching.

Ke Xu Lianye said: "What he was poisoned by was not simply the ghost potato poison. Now the medicine here is not complete. I can only temporarily relieve his pain. If I want to save him, I have to go to Changliang Wei and get a complete set of medicinal materials to prepare the solution." medicine."

Cui Duo was furious when he heard this: "You are a doctor, you were the one who administered the poison, don't you have the antidote in your hand?!"

"Since I want him to die, how can I bring the antidote?" Xu Lianye sneered and said, "The one who said Guimingshu is food was Mrs. Qin from Changliang Wei. She knows the toxins of Guimingshu best. , there is also a doctor from Yuanzi Medicine in Changliang Wei, and the medicinal materials are the most complete... There are still two hours, if you want to save Xu Liu, you should rush to Changliang Wei immediately, there is nothing I can do if it is late."

It's completely like a broken can.

Cui Duo was almost furious, but he had no choice but to do as he was told in order to save people.

Cui Duo said: "General Shen, you stay and watch the people in Shibai Village. I will lead people to Changliang Wei to rescue people. We must not let the people in their village leave and say things they shouldn't!"

These people have heard what Xu Lianye said, and if they run out and talk nonsense, they will tell the truth about the new grain.

General Shen said anxiously: "The Sixth Young Master is like this, how can I stay? Hurry up, I will send the Sixth Young Master to Changliang Guard with you, and let Zheng Qianhu under my command stay and watch them."

They're just a bunch of lowly people, how can they make such big waves?

Cui Duo was anxious to save Xu Liu and had no time to talk to General Shen, so he immediately agreed: "Let's set off quickly and make sure to rescue Mr. Six!"

General Shen nodded and told Zheng Qianhu: "Keep an eye on them. No matter what happens, we cannot let them go until I come back. If anyone comes to ask, just say that they have violated military law and are temporarily detained."

"Yes, I will understand!" Zheng Qianhu responded quickly.

General Shen and the others immediately left the village with Xu Liu and rushed to Changliang Wei.

However, since Mr. Qianshan has done this, he will not let them succeed.

In the cellar not far away, Bai Sixiong said to his nephew: "They are going to close the village. Let's leave through another cellar quickly."

They dragged the tearful young man away from the two connected cellars, then walked around to a ruins, escaped from the ruins to the end of the village, entered the small forest, and escaped from the mountains to Shibai Village.

After leaving the village safely, the young man cried: "Uncle, they have arrested all the people in the village. I heard that they don't intend to let the people in the village live. What should we do? What should we do? They are from the Marquis' family. If something happens to Mr. Hou in our village, will we all die?"

In the morning, his uncle came to him and asked him to go up the mountain with him to see if there was any prey in the trap. If there is prey, there will be meat for the New Year at home.

He happily followed his uncle out, and after getting the prey, he returned home happily. How could he know that something like this happened in the village?

Why did such a disaster happen? !


Bai Sixiong slapped the young man and said angrily: "Shi Santai, please calm down. Although the young master from the Hou Mansion got into trouble in our village, it was his own servants who poisoned him. We are innocent." , the villagers must be saved."

"How to save him?" Shi Santai cried, covering his beaten face: "He is from the Marquis Mansion, and he is a noble person that we cannot afford to offend."

Bai Sixiong said: "Although they are from the Hou Mansion, this world belongs to the Emperor, and the Marquis must listen to the Emperor. Let's go to the Yamen and ask the County Magistrate to save them. The County Magistrate is an official sent by the Emperor. Listen to the emperor and find him useful."

"Really useful?" Shi Santai was dubious.

Bai Sixiong shouted: "I am your uncle, just listen to me, go to the county seat quickly!"

Then he said: "Don't be afraid, I will teach you what to do on the way, and I will definitely save the people in the village."

"Oh, oh." Shi Santai was only twelve years old. When he suddenly encountered such a fatal thing, he did whatever his elders told him and followed Bai Sixiong to the county seat.

After arriving at the county seat, he shouted as soon as he entered the city: "Mr. County Magistrate, help me, everyone in our village has been arrested!"

With such a commotion, people on the road immediately gathered around and asked: "What? Someone in your village was arrested? By whom? Could it be that the thieves came?!"

Shi Santai remembered his uncle's words, and when someone came to ask, he cried incoherently: "It's not the soldiers and thieves who are calling, it's someone else... The people in our village were wronged, and it was the servants of the young master's family who did it to him." The poison was said to be poisoned by the ghost potato poison, but they also said that the ghost potato is called cassava, which is a new food and can be eaten..."

The big guy was confused when he heard this, so he interrupted him and asked, "What are you kid talking about? Why is it that you are poisoned and fed food at the same time?"

Shi Santai was anxious when asked, squatted on the ground, and cried: "Anyway, Chang Liang Wei discovered a new food called Guimingshu, also called cassava. The young master wanted it, so he led his troops to Chang Liang Wei to ask for it." The new grain passed by our village and was poisoned by one of my servants while eating in the village. He was afraid that the people in our village would talk nonsense, so he tied up the whole village!"

Hey, I made it clear this time, and everyone understood it. Because they understood it, the crowd exploded.

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