He added: "If nothing unexpected happens, General Jiang will come again. Don't worry."

The new grain issue is too big. General Jiang is in charge of the first line of defense. When the adults come to see the cassava, he will definitely come again.

Qin Sanlang felt relieved and called to Xie Cheng and the others: "Come into the guardhouse to warm yourself up, you are all covered with frost."

Xie Cheng and the others hurried over in the middle of the night. After a night of frost, their bodies were shivering with cold. They nodded and followed Qin Sanlang into Changliang Guard.

When the adhan eunuch from the capital heard that Changliangwei had new food, he really couldn't wait. After finishing the winter solstice worship, today at 12 o'clock, the gate of the Daokougou Camp opened and went to Changliangwei. Rush.

The group of people galloped all the way without resting at noon, and arrived at Changliangwei at midnight.

When Qin Sanlang heard the scout's report, he hurriedly led people to greet him: "I have met Mr. Xin, I have met all of you."

The food issue was serious, and Supervisor Xin also came, along with Uncle Cao.

Uncle Cao pointed at Qin Sanlang and said: "Du Neijian, this is Qin Qianhu."

Du Neijian is very young, only in his twenties, but he is the apprentice of Emperor Jingyuan's confidant Qin Dajiejian. He takes charge of this job because he has other important tasks to do.

However, the task has been completed. It is to send two secret orders. They have been handed over to Qi Yi and they are just waiting for the opportunity to be read out.

"Are you Qin Qianhu? As expected, you are as brave as Chi You. No wonder you can cut off the heads of the generals of the royal family." Du Neijian praised Qin Sanlang and said, "Where is cassava? Take me to see it quickly. "

"There is cassava in the tent next to it. Sir, please invite me." Qin Sanlang took them to a new tent outside the guard house: "These are cassava, which were just sent over this morning by Yangshan Guard and Dabu Guard. .”

"This is cassava? How many kilograms does it weigh? How many acres of land? Can you choose the land? How long can it be stored? It won't rot soon, right?" Du Neijian was able to become Qin's apprentice and was entrusted with important tasks by Emperor Jingyuan. He is not an ignorant person, but he is very knowledgeable and knows a lot of things.

Qin Sanlang said: "One camp stores the output of ten acres of land, and the yield per mu is about three thousand kilograms. It does not need to be picked, and it is easy to feed. It can be planted in mountainous and sandy areas. Raw cassava cannot be stored for long. It can be made into cassava flour and dried in the sun. Afterwards, it can be stored like wheat noodles for more than half a year.”

In fact, it will be fine if you save it for a year.

Du Nei was shocked when he heard what he said, and he was very happy: "If it is true as you said, there will be no more hunger in Chu!"

Not only that, Da Chu can survive for thousands of generations... Food is the most important thing for the people. As long as people are fed, there will be no rebels. And war also requires food and grass. As long as they have enough food and grass, they can kill the Rong people. !

Although Du Neijian was an eunuch, he was taught by Qin himself, so he had no mental problems. After reading Lu Bai's story about fighting against the enemy, he felt a little relieved.


Inspector Du Nei looked at the cassava and frowned, "It looks a bit ugly. I heard it used to be called ghost potato. It is poisonous and can be fatal?"

Qin Sanlang said: "It is indeed poisonous, but after treatment, the toxins will be removed and can be eaten by humans and animals."

I also explained in detail how to remove toxins from cassava.

But Du Nei still frowned while listening and looked at Qin Sanlang: "I heard that the animals in your guardhouse have been eating cassava for two years. Have they ever been poisoned?"

Qin Sanlang: "There have been poisonings, but no horses have died from it."

"But a war horse died of cassava poisoning in the Daokouigou camp." Du Neijian had not spent the past two days in vain. When he was in the Daokouigou camp, he had already found out about cassava.

Finally, he looked at Mr. Xin and asked: "Mr. Xin, the things you enter must be safe. The lower official suggested that in the coming days, all humans and animals in Changliang Wei will eat cassava. I will eat it together and use cassava as the staple food. What do you think? ?”

Du Naijian was sent by Emperor Jingyuan. With Emperor Jingyuan's support, Master Xin naturally would not embarrass him and nodded in agreement: "This method is very good...I will also eat it together."

Supervisor Du Nei said: "Your Excellency is the supervisor of the army. He has the important task of supervising the entire Northwest Army. You must not be involved in danger. Just lower the rank and do it for you."

Master Xin is naturally happy if he knows how to behave like this.

"From now on, all people and animals in Changliangwei will eat cassava until the cassava issue is completely settled!" Mr. Xin personally gave the order.

The people of Changliangwei were not afraid after hearing this. They often ate cassava and loved it so much that they were happy to cooperate.

At first, Du Naijian was afraid that he would be poisoned and die from eating cassava, but when the plates of cassava delicacies were served, he moved his index fingers and ate half the table of cassava delicacies by himself.

The rest was given to the two young eunuchs who served him.

The little eunuchs were also very scared, but looking at the beautiful crystal bowl cakes and golden and fragrant fried tapioca balls, they couldn't help but ate the rest.

After eating, I also drank a bowl of warm cassava slice soup.

"How is it?" Master Xin rushed over to see the situation after finishing his meal. When he saw that Supervisor Du was still alive, he asked.

Du Naijian smiled and said: "Fresh and sweet, it is delicious in the world."

Master Xin smiled: "That's good."

However, Du Neijian was very sober and said: "I just had a meal and I can't count. I have to wait and see whether I will be poisoned."

And I watch it year after year.

He valued cassava, and he only dared to come to Changliangwei after learning that Changliangwei's livestock had been fine after eating cassava for two years. However, if Changliangwei had killed someone because of cassava, he would not dare to recommend this food.

"Let's go and see how the soaked cassava is doing?" Inspector Du Nei followed Mr. Xin to see the soaked and detoxified cassava.

In the next ten days, Du Naijian worked hard by himself, digging cassava in the mountains, peeling cassava with his own hands when he came back, detoxifying the cassava with water, and learning to prepare cassava antidote with Uncle Mutong.

He even let a few servants take risks and deliberately eat raw cassava with the skin on, and after watching them get poisoned, he used cassava antidote to detoxify them.

After the antidote really saved the servants, Superintendent Du was relieved: "This antidote is good, and it does not use expensive medicinal materials. It is cheap, and poor people can afford to prepare the antidote."

After ten days of getting along with each other, Uncle Mu Tong began to admire Du Neijian a little, and praised him: "Master Neijian has the talent for governance."

Du Nei listened and smiled: "Doctor Mutong, this is not a nice thing to say. Please note that I am an eunuch."

During the Great Zhou Dynasty, the eunuchs were plagued by cholera, and the subsequent Daliang and former dynasties, including Dachu, were all afraid of eunuchs. Although they were given ranks, they would not be allowed to participate in government affairs, and those who discussed politics in private would also be punished.

After hearing this, Uncle Mutong said nothing more and continued to teach Du Neijian how to prepare medicine.

Another day later, Qi Yi finally rushed from Fucheng to Changliangwei, and brought five village chiefs with him, explaining their use: "These five villages are willing to try cassava, and they have signed life and death certificates."

For cassava to become food, it still needs a long process, and villagers trying to eat it is a necessary process.

Without this process, even if he praised cassava to the sky, the ministers in the court would stop him from promoting cassava as a food.

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